


HIV and Human Rights

HIV and Human Rights

global fund advocacy network (GFAN) - "Our friends at Action Against AIDS conducted three interviews to discuss the connections between human rights ... weitermore

Why do people turn down the offer of PrEP? - "Less than half of individuals diagnosed with STIs or other markers of HIV risk accepted an active offer of PrEP, according to ... weitermore


Domestic Resource Mobilization as a Pathway to Sustainable HIV and Health Financing in Africa

Domestic Resource Mobilization as a Pathway to Sustainable HIV and Health Financing in Africa

global fund advocacy network (GFAN) - "GFAN Africa, WACI Health and partners held a meeting on 4 December 2019 on the sidelines of ICASA 2019 in ... weitermore

Health kiosks expanding HIV services in Zimbabwe

Health kiosks expanding HIV services in Zimbabwe

UNAIDS - "If you drive through Zimbabwe on a typical Saturday or Sunday, you will see many places of religious worship. Some are static structures, ... weitermore

World AIDS Day 2019 message from UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima

World AIDS Day 2019 message from UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima

UNAIDS - "1 December 2019: I believe in communities. Communities make change happen. Communities are the best hope for ending AIDS because ... weitermore

World AIDS Day 2019 Virtual Issue - Communities make the difference

World AIDS Day 2019 Virtual Issue - Communities make the difference

International AIDS Society - "Since the beginning of the epidemic, the HIV response has been largely driven by communities, calling for access to ... weitermore

HIV self-testing services for female sex workers, Malawi and Zimbabwe

HIV self-testing services for female sex workers, Malawi and Zimbabwe

WHO Bulletin - "In sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion of HIV infection in the general female population that is attributable to sex work is estimated ... weitermore

What do potential HIV self-testers think about the new technology in Africa?

What do potential HIV self-testers think about the new technology in Africa? - "Evidence review reveals what HIV self-testers, potential testers, policy-makers and healthcare providers in Eastern and Southern ... weitermore

Translating community research into global policy reform for national action

Translating community research into global policy reform for national action

World Health Organisation / Salamander Trust - "Translating community research into global policy reform for national action. A checklist for ... weitermore

Removing human rights-related barriers

Removing human rights-related barriers

The Global Fund - "Human rights are important to the Global Fund. The organization recognizes that maximum impact in the fight against the three ... weitermore

‘I’m known as an activist.’ New UNAIDS leader takes charge

‘I’m known as an activist.’ New UNAIDS leader takes charge

Sience - "Earlier this month, Winnie Byanyima, a high-profile diplomat and Ugandan politician who ran the nonprofit Oxfam for the past 7 years, took ... weitermore

Innovative WHO HIV testing recommendations aim to expand treatment coverage

Innovative WHO HIV testing recommendations aim to expand treatment coverage

World Health Organisation - "The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued new recommendations to help countries reach the 8.1 million people living ... weitermore

New Zealand launches world's first HIV positive sperm bank

New Zealand launches world's first HIV positive sperm bank

The Guardian - "Effort aims to reduce the stigma experienced by those living with the virus. The world’s first HIV positive sperm bank has been ... weitermore

Power to the people

Power to the people

UNAIDS - "A new report by UNAIDS, Power to the people, released ahead of World AIDS Day, shows that where people and communities living with and ... weitermore

The Emotional Challenges of Living with HIV

The Emotional Challenges of Living with HIV

Viiv Healthcare - "Science in HIV treatment has travelled long and far, but what about the emotional and stigma related challenges of living with ... weitermore

Pace of decline in new adult HIV infections remains short of ambition

Pace of decline in new adult HIV infections remains short of ambition

UNAIDS - "The co-conveners of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition, UNAIDS and the United Nations Population Fund, have launched a new report on ... weitermore

UNAIDS Executive Director holds first face-to-face meeting with key donors

UNAIDS Executive Director holds first face-to-face meeting with key donors

UNAIDS - "Ahead of the opening of the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Winnie Byanyima, and Peter Eriksson, the Minister ... weitermore

Promises Alone Cannot Save Our Lives

Promises Alone Cannot Save Our Lives

The Global Fund- "At the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference in Lyon, France, in October, a group of young people representing youth ... weitermore

«Auf gehts» – das Kondom als Botschaftsträger der neuen Kampagne LOVE LIFE

«Auf gehts» – das Kondom als Botschaftsträger der neuen Kampagne LOVE LIFE

Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG), Bern, 4.11.2019 - "Am 4. November 2019 ist die neue Kampagne LOVE LIFE des Bundesamts für Gesundheit, der Aids-Hilfe ... weitermore

«Der Schweizerische Menschenrechtspreis 2019 ehrt mich sehr»

«Der Schweizerische Menschenrechtspreis 2019 ehrt mich sehr»

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - Die internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte Sektion Schweiz verleiht Prof. Ruedi Lüthy den Schweizerischen ... weitermore

How is it possible that, in 2018, an estimated 1.7 million people acquired HIV?

How is it possible that, in 2018, an estimated 1.7 million people acquired HIV?

Frontline AIDS - "Almost forty years in to the epidemic, it’s not as if we don’t know enough about HIV, how it’s transmitted and the devastating ... weitermore

Put communities at the center of universal health coverage

Put communities at the center of universal health coverage

STAT - "The Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage, adopted recently at the United Nations General Assembly, could set the stage for a ... weitermore

Das Stigma überwinden – anlässlich des Europäischen Aids-Kongresses EACS startet Life4me+ die Initiative #NoHIVstigma mit zahlreichen Aktionen

Das Stigma überwinden – anlässlich des Europäischen Aids-Kongresses EACS startet Life4me+ die Initiative #NoHIVstigma mit zahlreichen Aktionen

Life4me+ - Noch immer müssen Menschen mit HIV fürchten, aufgrund ihrer Infektion ausgegrenzt oder stigmatisiert zu werden“, weiss Alex Schneider, ... weitermore

Sixth Replenishment Conference Pledges

Sixth Replenishment Conference Pledges

The Global Fund - "The list of pledges made at Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference on 10 October 2019 is now available for download. It ... weitermore

Global Fund Donors Pledge US$14 Billion in Fight to End Epidemics

Global Fund Donors Pledge US$14 Billion in Fight to End Epidemics

The Global Fund - "LYON, France – In an unprecedented show of global solidarity, donors at the Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged ... weitermore

Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment – Less Than Half-Way To Mark

Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment – Less Than Half-Way To Mark

Health Policy Watch - "The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDs, Tuberculosis, and Malaria’s Sixth Replenishment Conference opens Wednesday in Lyon, France ... weitermore

California Makes PrEP and PEP Available Without Prescription

California Makes PrEP and PEP Available Without Prescription

Advocate - "Pharmacists in California will be able to dispense HIV prevention drugs without a prescription beginning next year under a bill signed ... weitermore

Weiterer Rückgang von HIV: 425 neu gemeldete Fälle im Jahr 2018

Weiterer Rückgang von HIV: 425 neu gemeldete Fälle im Jahr 2018

Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) - "Bern, 07.10.2019 - Die Zahl der HIV-Diagnosen erreicht dank Screening und frühzeitiger Behandlung einen ... weitermore

AIDS2020 - Registration is now open!

AIDS2020 - Registration is now open!

International AIDS Society: "Registration is now open for the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020). For the first time ever, the world’s ... weitermore

HIV2020: Learning from people on the frontline of the HIV response

HIV2020: Learning from people on the frontline of the HIV response

Frontline AIDS - "Communities and groups most affected by HIV are vital to shaping the next phase of the epidemic response. Frontline AIDS stands in ... weitermore

HIV prevention and the Global Fund – a pivotal moment in the response

HIV prevention and the Global Fund – a pivotal moment in the response

Frontline AIDS - "How is it possible that, in 2018, an estimated 1.7 million people acquired HIV? Almost forty years in to the epidemic, it’s not as ... weitermore

Lessons Learned: Implementation of the Young Key Populations Programmes in the Global Fund Grant

Lessons Learned: Implementation of the Young Key Populations Programmes in the Global Fund Grant

Global Fund Advocacy Network (GFAN) - "LOLIPOP is a programme designed to increase testing, treatment, and adherence, and decrease new infection ... weitermore

Resurgence: Could AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria make comebacks?

Resurgence: Could AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria make comebacks?

Global Fund Advocacy Network (GFAN) - "The world has made remarkable progress over the past two decades to address AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, ... weitermore

The Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference: a challenge for France, a challenge for global health

The Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference: a challenge for France, a challenge for global health

The Lancet - "By hosting the Sixth Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Lyon, France, on Oct 9–10, ... weitermore

The problem with patents

The problem with patents

Frontline AIDS - "Commitments to HIV and universal health coverage are being undermined in middle-income countries. A joint blog by Othoman Mellouk, ... weitermore

Does the UN’s Universal Health Coverage declaration fail the most vulnerable people?

Does the UN’s Universal Health Coverage declaration fail the most vulnerable people?

Frontline AIDS - "Following this week’s High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in New York, Seb Rowlands tells us why the political ... weitermore

Global Fund chief: 'I'm not going to count my chickens'

Global Fund chief: 'I'm not going to count my chickens'

Devex - "NEW YORK — In two weeks, the global health community will find out if it is still possible to achieve ambitious funding goals at a moment of ... weitermore

«Ich musste lernen mir für HIV zu vergeben»

«Ich musste lernen mir für HIV zu vergeben»

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - Vor fünf Jahren erhielt Christoph Philipp Klettermayer in Indien die Diagnose HIV-positiv. Er kann sich noch an jedes Detail ... weitermore

‘Test and treat’ programmes are failing to reach people at highest risk of HIV transmission

‘Test and treat’ programmes are failing to reach people at highest risk of HIV transmission - "Programmes to scale-up HIV testing and treatment in countries in sub-Saharan Africa may have had less impact on new HIV infections ... weitermore

SolidarMed gewinnt Pfizer-Preis

SolidarMed gewinnt Pfizer-Preis

SolidarMed - Der renommierte Pfizer-Forschungspreis für Infektiologie geht dieses Jahr an das Schweizer Hilfswerk SolidarMed. Mit Dr. Josephine A. ... weitermore

Adolescent HIV treatment in South Africa's national HIV programme: a retrospective cohort study

Adolescent HIV treatment in South Africa's national HIV programme: a retrospective cohort study

The Lancet HIV - "The number of South African adolescents receiving HIV care and treatment in South Africa is growing. By use of routinely collected ... weitermore

Audit of Grants in Uganda

Audit of Grants in Uganda

The Global Fund - "Uganda has achieved significant progress in fighting malaria and HIV. The number of new HIV cases fell by 44% between 2012 and ... weitermore

Multilateral agencies launch a joint plan to boost global health goals

Multilateral agencies launch a joint plan to boost global health goals

UNAIDS, NEW YORK, 24 September 2019 - "Today at the United Nations General Assembly, 12 multilateral agencies launched a joint plan to better support ... weitermore

Global Fund Partnership has Saved 32 Million Lives

Global Fund Partnership has Saved 32 Million Lives

The Global Fund - "GENEVA – Programs supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have saved 32 million lives, according to a ... weitermore

Bundesrat gibt ein starkes Zeichen zugunsten der globalen Gesundheit

Bundesrat gibt ein starkes Zeichen zugunsten der globalen Gesundheit

Medicus Mundi Schweiz (MMS/Basel, 21. August 2019) - Finanzielles Bekenntnis zum Global Fund und UNAIDS: Der Bundesrat hat sich mit den heutigen ... weitermore

Switzerland Increases Contribution to Global Fund

Switzerland Increases Contribution to Global Fund

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund praised Switzerland’s strong commitment to help end AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and strengthen systems for ... weitermore

‘Alarming’ rates of second-line HIV treatment failure in sub-Saharan Africa

‘Alarming’ rates of second-line HIV treatment failure in sub-Saharan Africa - "Second-line treatment failure in sub-Saharan Africa is a public health crisis we need to control. The number of people failing ... weitermore

UNAIDS hat eine neue Chefin

UNAIDS hat eine neue Chefin - Als einizige Frau unter vier männlichen Mitbewerbern wurde gestern Winnie Byanyima zur neuen Direktorin von UNAIDS ernannt. Die ... weitermore

Global AIDS update 2019 — Communities at the centre

Global AIDS update 2019 — Communities at the centre

UNAIDS - "Defending rights, breaking barriers, reaching people with HIV services. The epidemic is changing: in 2018, more than half of all new HIV ... weitermore

Daring to dream - The women and girls on HIV's new front line

Daring to dream - The women and girls on HIV's new front line

The Telegraph - "Young women in Africa are up to 14 times more likely to contract HIV than boys of the same age. Paul Nuki reports from Uganda on the ... weitermore

Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free - 2019 Report

Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free - 2019 Report

UNAIDS - "The Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free report reveals a mixed story. The global targets set for 2018 have been missed by a wide margin in some ... weitermore

UNAIDS calls for greater urgency as global gains slow and countries show mixed results towards 2020 HIV targets

UNAIDS calls for greater urgency as global gains slow and countries show mixed results towards 2020 HIV targets

UNAIDS - "Impressive advances in some countries, troubling failures in others as available resources for HIV fall by nearly US$ 1 billion. The pace ... weitermore

Young people’s participation in community-based responses to HIV

Young people’s participation in community-based responses to HIV

UNAIDS - "From passive beneficiaries to active agents of change. The objective of this research was to better understand and document community-led ... weitermore

UK pledges £1.4B to Global Fund, boosting advocates' spirits

UK pledges £1.4B to Global Fund, boosting advocates' spirits

Devex - "The United Kingdom pledged £1.4 billion ($1.8 billion) to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria on Friday, with advocates ... weitermore

Offline: Who should lead UNAIDS?

Offline: Who should lead UNAIDS?

The Lancet - "Who is best qualified to lead an organisation—UNAIDS— that has not only suffered severe reputational loss, but also faces threats to ... weitermore

Global Fund Welcomes Japan’s Commitment to Save One Million Lives

Global Fund Welcomes Japan’s Commitment to Save One Million Lives

The Global Fund - "TOKYO - The Global Fund praised the great leadership by the Government of Japan for its renewed, strong commitment against AIDS, ... weitermore

Exclusive: UNAIDS executive shortlist

Exclusive: UNAIDS executive shortlist

Devex - "Five candidates are competing for the top job at the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS to replace Michel Sidibé, who led the ... weitermore

Selection Of New UNAIDS Executive Director Raises Larger Questions About Agency’s Purpose & Direction

Selection Of New UNAIDS Executive Director Raises Larger Questions About Agency’s Purpose & Direction

Health Policy Watch - "A sensitive, closed-door selection of the new Executive Director for UNAIDS has kicked up a noisy social media debate among a ... weitermore

Adherence is delaying HIV elimination targets. What’s needed to break the cycle

Adherence is delaying HIV elimination targets. What’s needed to break the cycle

THE CONVERSATION - "As 2020 draws closer, the deadline to end AIDS by 2030 looms large. The aim is to achieve the ambitious targets of “90-90-90”. ... weitermore

Responding to the HIV outbreak in Larkana

Responding to the HIV outbreak in Larkana

UNAIDS - "Ahmed (not his real name) is worried as he tells his story: his five-year old son Mukhtar has been newly diagnosed with HIV. Ahmed, a ... weitermore

Leadership as a process of influence

Leadership as a process of influence

UNAIDS - "Accelerating progress towards gender equality and the empowerment of women is fundamental to ending the AIDS epidemic. And it starts within ... weitermore

Botswana scraps gay sex laws in big victory for LGBTQ rights in Africa

Botswana scraps gay sex laws in big victory for LGBTQ rights in Africa

CNN - "Botswana's High Court has overturned a colonial-era law criminalizing consensual same-sex relations in a landmark victory for Africa's LGBTQ ... weitermore

Sexuelle Rechte: Jungen Menschen die Stimme geben

Sexuelle Rechte: Jungen Menschen die Stimme geben

MMS/ - Dokumentation zur MMS Fachtagung vom 8. Mai 2019 weitermore

Not one single country set to achieve gender equality by 2030

Not one single country set to achieve gender equality by 2030

The Guardian - "The first global index measuring efforts to end gender inequality finds countries are not doing enough to improve women’s lives. No ... weitermore

HIV project in South Africa reaches 90-90-90 target one year ahead of deadline

HIV project in South Africa reaches 90-90-90 target one year ahead of deadline

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - "MSF has released findings from a follow-up survey of our community-based HIV/TB project in Eshowe, KwaZulu Natal, ... weitermore

Most new HIV infections occur in lower prevalence countries not prioritised by PEPFAR

Most new HIV infections occur in lower prevalence countries not prioritised by PEPFAR - "The burden of the global HIV epidemic is disproportionately falling on lower-prevalence countries, according to an analysis published ... weitermore

"In a gender equal world, everybody wins"

"In a gender equal world, everybody wins"

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) - "New knowledge and solutions to achieve a more gender equal world are at the center of the Women ... weitermore

Being a woman: a crime in Nigeria?

Being a woman: a crime in Nigeria?

Aidsfonds - "Over two weeks in April, more than 100 women in Abuja were forcefully and illegally arrested by a joint task force set up by the Federal ... weitermore

Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress - Report of the Secretary-General

Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress - Report of the Secretary-General

reliefweb "(...) There are many challenges, including stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV and harmful gender norms. Laws and ... weitermore

Leben mit HIV

Leben mit HIV

Aktionsbündnis gegen Aids - "Leben mit HIV: Serge Douomong Yotta ist Aktivist aus Kamerun. In von HIV betroffenen Communites, einschließlich ... weitermore

System HIV

System HIV

Swiss AIDS News - "Das Schweizer «System HIV» – beleuchten die Swiss Aids News in ihrer ersten Nummer dieses Jahres. Nicht von A bis Z, aber von ... weitermore

Integrating the HIV response into universal health coverage

Integrating the HIV response into universal health coverage

Frontline AIDS - "New research reveals opportunities and major areas of concern as countries move towards UHC, while at the same time transitioning ... weitermore

Progress report on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections 2019

Progress report on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections 2019

WHO - "The new progress report being released today at the 72nd World Health Assembly reviews success and challenges in implementing the global ... weitermore

Global Fund Board Steps Up the Fight

Global Fund Board Steps Up the Fight

The Global Fund - "The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria approved an allocation approach to maximize the impact of ... weitermore

How the Global Fund helped countries spend its grants faster

How the Global Fund helped countries spend its grants faster

devex - "NAIROBI — In recent years, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has cracked down on countries that don’t spend grants ... weitermore

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

UNDP, 17 May 2019 - "Everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights. However, discriminatory laws, policies and practices against lesbian, ... weitermore

UNAIDS and UN Women working together in Malawi

UNAIDS and UN Women working together in Malawi

UNAIDS - "One of the 11 UNAIDS Cosponsors, UN Women is working closely with UNAIDS to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide. In Malawi, for ... weitermore

Alabama erlässt ein fast vollständiges Abtreibungsverbot – wieso das Gesetz nicht in Kraft treten dürfte, aber trotzdem für die gesamte USA von Bedeutung ist

Alabama erlässt ein fast vollständiges Abtreibungsverbot – wieso das Gesetz nicht in Kraft treten dürfte, aber trotzdem für die gesamte USA von Bedeutung ist

"Geht es nach dem Willen des Senats von Alabama, droht Ärzten bei Abtreibungen künftig lange Haft. Der Senat von Alabama hat ein Gesetz ... weitermore

European Commission Signs Funding Agreement with the Global Fund

European Commission Signs Funding Agreement with the Global Fund

The Global Fund - BRUSSELS – "The European Commission and the Global Fund today signed an agreement for the final €73 million of the EC’s pledge for ... weitermore

Giving young people the knowledge to stay healthy

Giving young people the knowledge to stay healthy

UNAIDS - "Comprehensive sexuality education plays a central role in preparing adolescents and young people for a safe, productive and fulfilling ... weitermore

UNAIDS presents a new plan to create a healthy, equitable and enabling environment for UNAIDS staff

UNAIDS presents a new plan to create a healthy, equitable and enabling environment for UNAIDS staff

UNAIDS - "UNAIDS presented a new Action Plan to its Board members during a special session of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), held on ... weitermore

Georgetown researchers find link between Global Fund support and better governance

Georgetown researchers find link between Global Fund support and better governance

Friends of the Global Fight - "In a new working paper, researchers from Georgetown’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law analyzed ... weitermore

With Budget Cuts Looming Again, Can PEPFAR Keep the Gas on its Acceleration Strategy?

With Budget Cuts Looming Again, Can PEPFAR Keep the Gas on its Acceleration Strategy?

Center for Global Development (CGD) - "PEPFAR has long enjoyed bipartisan support on the Hill. It has a strong reputation as an initiative that ... weitermore

Government Donor Profiles

Government Donor Profiles

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund has published new profiles of donor governments and their critical contributions to the Global Fund partnership in ... weitermore

Trump expands global gag rule that blocks US aid for abortion groups

Trump expands global gag rule that blocks US aid for abortion groups

The Guardian - "The Trump administration has expanded its ban on funding for groups that conduct abortions or advocate abortion rights, known as the ... weitermore

Helping the forgotten generation

Helping the forgotten generation

UNAIDS - "Towering over a throng of young people, Christine Kafando peppers the crowd with questions. “Do you feel pressure from other boys and ... weitermore

Filmporträt der Ruedi Lüthy Foundation

Filmporträt der Ruedi Lüthy Foundation

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - "In Simbabwe leiden eineinhalb Millionen Menschen an HIV. Die meisten von ihnen leben in bitterer Armut. Jedes Jahr sterben ... weitermore

Japan Makes Significant Contribution to Global Fund

Japan Makes Significant Contribution to Global Fund

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria applauds Japan’s latest contribution of US$339.3 million to the Global ... weitermore

Tuberculosis and HIV — Progress towards the 2020 target

Tuberculosis and HIV — Progress towards the 2020 target

UNAIDS - "Most countries are not on track and too many people living with HIV are still dying from TB which is preventable and curable. The most ... weitermore

In Rural India, High-tech Vans Find "Missing" TB Patients

In Rural India, High-tech Vans Find "Missing" TB Patients

The Global Fund - "Every year, approximately 10 million people fall ill with tuberculosis, but only 6 million are identified. The rest are “missing”– ... weitermore

Shattering the myths around ‘universal’ health coverage

Shattering the myths around ‘universal’ health coverage

FRONTLINE AIDS - "As many countries move towards universal health coverage, Frontline AIDS executive director Christine Stegling and Aidsfonds ... weitermore

Preparation of our Women Deliver 2019 Panel - Please participate in our survey!

Preparation of our Women Deliver 2019 Panel - Please participate in our survey!

SDC - Swiss TPH - MMS: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in collaboration with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ... weitermore

On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls

On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls

The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) - Geneva, 8 March 2019 - "Every day, 460 adolescent girls become infected with HIV and every week 350 ... weitermore

99 per cent of intravenous drug users lack access to health, ‘social services with dignity’ says UNAIDS chief

99 per cent of intravenous drug users lack access to health, ‘social services with dignity’ says UNAIDS chief

UN News - "Despite a decline in new HIV infections globally, a UN report launched on Wednesday highlights that nearly all people who inject drugs ... weitermore

South Africa confronts HIV prevention challenge for adolescent girls and young women with new Global Fund grant

South Africa confronts HIV prevention challenge for adolescent girls and young women with new Global Fund grant - "This will be the Global Fund’s largest investment by far in AGYW programming: South Africa, home to the largest national HIV ... weitermore

Tansania: Zwei Frauen mit einer Mission

Tansania: Zwei Frauen mit einer Mission

mission 21 - "Claudia Zeising arbeitete neun Jahre lang für Mission 21 in Tansania. Ende 2018 hat sie ihren Einsatz beendet. In ihrem Abschiedstext ... weitermore

U.S. Anit-Abortion Policy Hitting HIV Services

U.S. Anit-Abortion Policy Hitting HIV Services

Frontline AIDS - Brighton, March 8, 2019: "Strict anti-abortion funding rules implemented by U.S. President Donald Trump are causing chaos and ... weitermore

Leere Versprechen auf Heilung

Leere Versprechen auf Heilung

Süddeutsche Zeitung - "Ein HIV-Infizierter ist von dem Virus befreit worden - doch für Millionen Betroffene ändert der Fall des "Londoner Patienten" ... weitermore

‘Test and Treat’ reduces new HIV infections by a third in African communities

‘Test and Treat’ reduces new HIV infections by a third in African communities

Imperial College London - "New HIV infections in southern Africa could be reduced substantially by offering entire communities voluntary HIV testing, ... weitermore

HIV-Heilung, die zweite

HIV-Heilung, die zweite

Die Zeit - "Ein Ärzteteam in London hat einen Patienten dauerhaft vom Aids-Erreger befreit. Dies gelang bislang nur einmal. Über den Kampf, HIV im ... weitermore

«Eine wie mich haben sie nicht erwartet!»

«Eine wie mich haben sie nicht erwartet!»

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - "Angela Lagler steht offen dazu, HIV-positiv zu sein. Bei ihren öffentlichen Auftritten stösst sie häufig auf Verblüffung – nie ... weitermore

Die Jugend vertritt ihre Anliegen im Kampf gegen HIV und Aids selbst

Die Jugend vertritt ihre Anliegen im Kampf gegen HIV und Aids selbst

DEZA - "Jugendliche sind besonders gefährdet, sich mit HIV zu infizieren und an AIDS zu sterben. Um das zu ändern, engagieren sich junge Menschen ... weitermore

UNAIDS welcomes Shannon Hader as new Deputy Executive Director of Programme

UNAIDS welcomes Shannon Hader as new Deputy Executive Director of Programme

UNAIDS - "United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed Shannon Hader as the new Deputy Executive Director of Programme of the ... weitermore

Reaching the 90-90-90 target: lessons from HIV self-testing

Reaching the 90-90-90 target: lessons from HIV self-testing

The Lancet - "Reaching the UNAIDS goal of viral suppression among at least 73% of people who are living with HIV through lifesaving antiretroviral ... weitermore

On results reporting and evidentiary standards: spotlight on the Global Fund

On results reporting and evidentiary standards: spotlight on the Global Fund

The Lancet - "Since its inception in 2002, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) has disbursed more than US$39 ... weitermore

Are African countries ready for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment’s push toward greater domestic financing to end HIV, TB and malaria?

Are African countries ready for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment’s push toward greater domestic financing to end HIV, TB and malaria? - "This year (2019) is a replenishment year for the Global Fund. With every replenishment comes a greater push for more domestic ... weitermore

Step up or slip back? The case for investing $14 billion for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment

Step up or slip back? The case for investing $14 billion for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment - "Step Up the Fight” is the title of the Investment Case document published by the Global Fund for the Sixth Replenishment. That phrase ... weitermore

Focus on key populations in national HIV strategic plans in the WHO African Region Report

Focus on key populations in national HIV strategic plans in the WHO African Region Report

WHO - "National strategic plans (NSPs) play a vital role in fostering the understanding of and guiding the collective response to HIV epidemics. WHO ... weitermore

Translating community research into global policy reform

Translating community research into global policy reform

UNAIDS - "Translating community research into global policy reform for national action: a checklist for community engagement to implement the WHO ... weitermore

Six innovative models for PrEP services

Six innovative models for PrEP services - "For pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to have a substantial public health impact, access to PrEP needs to be improved so that more ... weitermore

For the greatest impact, end caps on PrEP access now

For the greatest impact, end caps on PrEP access now

The Lancet HIV - "NHS England announced in January that it will fund an increase in the number of participants in the Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) ... weitermore

How did Kenya build Africa’s largest PrEP programme?

How did Kenya build Africa’s largest PrEP programme? - "Around 25,000 people are taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Kenya, making it Africa’s largest PrEP programme, ahead of South ... weitermore

2019 Country Operational Plan Guidance for all PEPFAR Countries

2019 Country Operational Plan Guidance for all PEPFAR Countries

PEPFAR - "The newly-released final PEPFAR Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Country Operational Plan (COP) Guidance, which was informed by more than 540 comments ... weitermore

PEPFAR Releases New DREAMS Report 2018

PEPFAR Releases New DREAMS Report 2018

PEPFAR - "The report highlights that, in the past year, new HIV diagnoses among adolescent girls and young women continued to decline in 85 percent ... weitermore

She Conquers in South Africa

She Conquers in South Africa

UNAIDS - "When she was four years old, Selokela Molamodi’s teacher asked the class what they wanted to be when they grew up. While her classmates ... weitermore

The future of UNAIDS

The future of UNAIDS

Devex - "Berlin: The United Nations AIDS agency ended 2018 in crisis. It is unclear how it will recover. The troubles center on the contents of a ... weitermore

«Wir arbeiten sparsam und setzen die Spendengelder vorsichtig und effizient ein»

«Wir arbeiten sparsam und setzen die  Spendengelder vorsichtig und effizient ein»

Der Murtenbieter - Ruedi Lüthy im Interview: «Es sind insgesamt gesehen die besten 15 Jahre in meinem bisherigen beruflichen Leben.» weitermore

HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhoe und Chlamydiose in der Schweiz im Jahr 2017: eine epidemiologische Übersicht

HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhoe und Chlamydiose in der Schweiz im Jahr 2017: eine epidemiologische Übersicht

Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) - "Im Jahr 2017 ist ein deutlicher Rückgang der an das BAGgemeldeten HIV-Diagnosen zu verzeichnen. Vermehrte Testung ... weitermore

UNAIDS, UNICEF and WHO urge countries in western and central Africa to step up the pace in the response to HIV for children and adolescents

UNAIDS, UNICEF and WHO urge countries in western and central Africa to step up the pace in the response to HIV for children and adolescents

UNAIDS, DAKAR/GENEVA, 16 January 2019 - At a high-level meeting in Dakar, Senegal, UNAIDS, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World ... weitermore

Global Fund Announces US$14 Billion Target to Step Up the Fight Against AIDS, TB and Malaria Ahead of Lyon Conference in October 2019

Global Fund Announces US$14 Billion Target to Step Up the Fight Against AIDS, TB and Malaria Ahead of Lyon Conference in October 2019

The Global Fund, PARIS, 11 January 2019 - "The Global Fund today announced its fundraising target for the next three-year cycle, outlining how a ... weitermore

Fully Filling the Global Fund

Fully Filling the Global Fund

Project Syndicat - "In a world divided by conflict and greed, the Global Fund’s fight against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria is a matter of ... weitermore

Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis besucht Ruedi Lüthys HIV-Klinik in Simbabwe

Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis besucht Ruedi Lüthys HIV-Klinik in Simbabwe

Ruedy Lüthy Foundation - "Bern/Harare, 10. Januar 2019 – Anlässlich seines Staatsbesuchs im südlichen Afrika besuchte Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis am ... weitermore

Rehabilitate UNAIDS to reflect HIV/AIDS community values

Rehabilitate UNAIDS to reflect HIV/AIDS community values

The Lancet - "(...) Given the findings of the panel, a swifter exit of the leadership of UNAIDS would be welcome—the reluctance of UN ... weitermore

Health for All, Means All

Health for All, Means All

Medium - "Negative rhetoric against LGBTI people and crackdowns on civil society are shaping an environment of fear and repression in countries ... weitermore

DFID needs to keep pushing on AIDS, says HIV-positive MP

DFID needs to keep pushing on AIDS, says HIV-positive MP

Devex - "LONDON — The United Kingdom’s aid department must put more resources into fighting HIV/AIDS or risk seeing global progress backslide, ... weitermore

One College Kid Is Making Testing Fun

One College Kid Is Making Testing Fun - "Young activist is disrupting HIV testing with One Tent and hundreds of passionate college kids. weitermore


Criminalisation Of HIV/AIDS Transmission Undermining Efforts To Combat The Disease, Panellists Say

Criminalisation Of HIV/AIDS Transmission Undermining Efforts To Combat The Disease, Panellists Say

Health Policy Watch - "PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA — Criminalisation of HIV/AIDS transmission, a widespread phenomenon in Africa, is undermining efforts ... weitermore

"Kaputte Organisationskultur" - Uno-Manager gerät massiv unter Druck

 "Kaputte Organisationskultur" - Uno-Manager gerät massiv unter Druck

Spiegel ONLINE - "Mobbing, Belästigung, Machtmissbrauch: Externe Gutachter urteilen vernichtend über die Arbeitskultur in der Uno-Organisation ... weitermore

Statement: Independent Expert Panel report on abuse of power at UNAIDS

Statement: Independent Expert Panel report on abuse of power at UNAIDS - "The following statement is from Christine Stegling, Executive Director of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, in response to ... weitermore

UNAIDS puts forward a transformative agenda to create a model working environment at UNAIDS

UNAIDS puts forward a transformative agenda to create a model working environment at UNAIDS

UNAIDS Press release - "UNAIDS outlines five key components for action that build on recommendations made by an Independent Expert Panel. UNAIDS is ... weitermore

The science is clear, HIV criminalization is abusive, discriminatory and counterproductive

The science is clear, HIV criminalization is abusive, discriminatory and counterproductive

International AIDS Society - "Every year, in dozens of countries in every region of the world, people living with HIV are prosecuted for HIV ... weitermore

The importance of serostatus awareness in arresting the spread of HIV

The importance of serostatus awareness in arresting the spread of HIV

IAS - "In the Classical Era in Greece, pilgrims from throughout the Mediterranean region wended their way to the oracle at Delphi in order to learn ... weitermore

Quality of life for people living with HIV

Quality of life for people living with HIV - "This briefing describes what quality of life for people living with HIV is, why it matters and what interventions look like. ... weitermore

Fight viruses, not people!

Fight viruses, not people!

www.gfan - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is today one of our most important instruments for ending AIDS, TB and Malaria by ... weitermore

A heart that’s willing to lead

A heart that’s willing to lead

International AIDS Society - "I never thought I would ever live a life where I was an openly HIV-positive activist. However, if we are serious about ... weitermore

Technical Review Panel Report on Investments in Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health

Technical Review Panel Report on Investments in Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund invests significantly in programs to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. To maximize the impact of ... weitermore

World AIDS Day 2018

World AIDS Day 2018

UNAIDS - "On World AIDS Day 2018, HIV testing is being brought into the spotlight. And for good reason. weitermore

On World AIDS Day: Big Breakthroughs On HIV Self-Testing

Health Policy Watch - "A report launched jointly today by Population Services International (PSI), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and ... weitermore

New UNAIDS report shows 75% of all people living with HIV know they are living with HIV

New UNAIDS report shows 75% of all people living with HIV know they are living with HIV

UNAIDS - "Report also calls for increased efforts needed to reach the 9.4 million people living with HIV who are not aware they have the virus and ... weitermore

Global Fund Applauds UNAIDS Report on HIV Testing

Global Fund Applauds UNAIDS Report on HIV Testing

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomed a new report by UNAIDS that shows great gains in HIV testing, and ... weitermore

World AIDS Day 2018 theme encourages everyone to know their HIV status

World AIDS Day 2018 theme encourages everyone to know their HIV status

UNAIDS: World AIDS Day 2018 - "This year’s theme for World AIDS Day, which will be marking its 30th anniversary on 1 December, will be “Know your ... weitermore



Aids-Hilfe Schweiz (AHS) - «Get tested» ist eine Kampagne der Aids-Hilfe Schweiz. Sie soll Männer und Frauen ermutigen, den eigenen HIV-Status zu ... weitermore

Stigmatisierung isoliert und kann töten

Stigmatisierung isoliert  und kann töten

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz (AHS) - "Angelo Barrile ist engagierter Facharzt und Politiker und lebt in Zürich. Er stellt eine zunehmende Stigmatisierung und ... weitermore

«Für mich ist daher klar: Wir bleiben dran und lassen unsere Patienten nicht im Stich»

«Für mich ist daher klar: Wir bleiben dran  und lassen unsere Patienten nicht im Stich»

Der Murtenbieter, 25. September 2018 - "Politische Unruhen, Armut, Hunger, Cholera und Aids: Die Arbeitsbedingungen in der Newlands Clinic in ... weitermore

UNAIDS to work with uniformed forces in the Central African Republic to end sexual violence and abuse and stop new HIV infections

UNAIDS to work with uniformed forces in the Central African Republic to end sexual violence and abuse and stop new HIV infections

UNAIDS - "New initiative launched to engage the military and other uniformed personnel in HIV awareness, prevention and treatment and eliminate ... weitermore

Dreams Video

PEPFAR - "Six young Kenyan women tell their stories of how the PEPFAR-led public-private partnership, DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, ... weitermore

No prevention, no end

No prevention, no end

AVAC annual report 2018 - "In just about 24 months, the world will arrive at the deadline for the UNAIDS "Fast Track" goals for ending the epidemic. ... weitermore

Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

The Global Fund - "Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today committed to four strategic shifts to ... weitermore

READY to Lead: 5 questions for International Day of the Girl

READY to Lead: 5 questions for International Day of the Girl - "More than 90% of adolescent girls that enter the workforce in the next decade in developing countries will work in the ... weitermore

Power to participants: a call for person‐centred HIV prevention services and research

Power to participants: a call for person‐centred HIV prevention services and research

Journal of the International AIDS Society - "Person‐centred HIV prevention reorientates power dynamics so that individuals (rather than ... weitermore

PEPFAR - 2018 Progress Report

PEPFAR - 2018 Progress Report

UNAIDS - "On 27 September PEPFAR published its 2018 progress report, showing the progress made one year into its 2017–2020 strategy. PEPFAR supports ... weitermore

We see mothers die and children die': Uganda's teen pregnancy crisis

We see mothers die and children die': Uganda's teen pregnancy crisis

The Guardian - "In a country where one in four women have a child by 19, and health workers offering birth control have been met by men with ... weitermore

A first step has been done - World Leaders Commit To End Tuberculosis At Historic United Nations Meeting

A first step has been done - World Leaders Commit To End Tuberculosis At Historic United Nations Meeting

Intellecutal Property Watch (IP), NEW YORK - "World leaders and senior representatives came together today for the first-ever High-Level Meeting on ... weitermore

Learning lessons from the AIDS response to control NCDs

UNAIDS - "Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are by far the biggest killers of people worldwide, responsible for 71% of all deaths globally. Defined by ... weitermore

Vanquishing violence and vulnerability in humanitarian settings

Vanquishing violence and vulnerability in humanitarian settings

UNAIDS - "Towards intensified African Union–United Nations cooperation for the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence and protecting the ... weitermore

The need to scale up integrated TB/HIV care

The need to scale up integrated TB/HIV care

UNAIDS - "Global leaders met for the first United Nations High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis on 26 September. The meeting was a critical moment to ... weitermore

An opportunity to end two of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases: TB and HIV

An opportunity to end two of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases: TB and HIV

UNAIDS - "The World Health Organization recently released its Global tuberculosis report 2018. Although it shows encouraging pockets of progress in ... weitermore

Global Fund Partnership has Saved 27 Million Lives

Global Fund Partnership has Saved 27 Million Lives

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria released a new report demonstrating that 27 million lives have been saved ... weitermore

Video: Follow the pill. Fighting HIV and TB in DR Congo

Cordaid - "Since 2012 Cordaid has been the principal recipient of the Global Fund for HIV/AIDS in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In close ... weitermore

Ruedi Lüthy im SRF Interview: HIV noch nicht im Griff

Ruedi Lüthy im SRF Interview: HIV noch nicht im Griff

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - Ruedi Lüthy am Abend des 23. Juli 2018 in der SRF Tagesschau: «Wir haben bewiesen, dass es möglich ist!» Der Gründer der ... weitermore

Sir Elton John: Trump could be the President to stop AIDS

Sir Elton John: Trump could be the President to stop AIDS

“President Trump has the ability to say: 'I want to be the President that ended AIDS'.” Sir Elton John says President Trump - who has been to several ... weitermore

Supporting people who use drugs in Uganda - Gift's story

Supporting people who use drugs in Uganda - Gift's story - "HIV is a complex issue. Before I started working in harm reduction, I had no idea about people who use drugs. I only knew the ... weitermore

A public-health approach to policing

A public-health approach to policing - "It was Commissioner Pim Jansonious who set the tone when he stressed the importance of developing a “socially-minded” and ... weitermore

Inside Namibia's HIV success story

Inside Namibia's HIV success story - "AMSTERDAM — Facing one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world, Namibia has become the first country in Africa to have more ... weitermore

The woman who put gender-based violence data on the map

The woman who put gender-based violence data on the map - "Thirty years ago, Henriette Jansen wouldn’t have guessed she would become a global authority on measuring violence against women. ... weitermore

AIDS 2018 closes with call to action on TB and integrated care

AIDS 2018 closes with call to action on TB and integrated care

Global health advocacy partnership - "In a special session at the close of the 22nd International AIDS Conference, former U.S. President Bill Clinton ... weitermore

The HIV pandemic: time to recalibrate and target the weak spots

The HIV pandemic: time to recalibrate and target the weak spots

The Conversation - "HIV remains a global challenge. Between 36.7 million and 38.8 million people live with the disease worldwide. And more than 35 ... weitermore

A certain weariness is entering the war on AIDS. Wrongly so

A certain weariness is entering the war on AIDS. Wrongly so

The Economist - "“HOW much does the world want to eliminate AIDS?” That was the question hanging over the 22nd meeting of the International AIDS ... weitermore

New evidence shows far-reaching impact of expanded US “global gag rule”

New evidence shows far-reaching impact of expanded US “global gag rule”

AIDS2018, Official Press release - 27 July 2018 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) – "Researchers shared alarming evidence at the 22nd International AIDS ... weitermore

Three critical evidence gaps from AIDS 2018

Three critical evidence gaps from AIDS 2018 - "This week at the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam has no doubt been exciting. It is always inspiring to share ... weitermore

Advancing global health and strengthening the HIV response in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals - The International AIDS Society—Lancet Commission

Advancing global health and strengthening the HIV response in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals - The International AIDS Society—Lancet Commission

The Lancet - "The sustainable development goals (SDGs) have marked a new era in global development-to strive towards a healthier, fairer, and safer ... weitermore

A condom crisis at the centre of the HIV prevention crisis

A condom crisis at the centre of the HIV prevention crisis

UNAIDS - "HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies continue to pose a high health burden for millions of people, ... weitermore

Launch of $1.2B coalition to expand HIV services for men

Launch of $1.2B coalition to expand HIV services for men - "A group of major HIV/AIDS donors, NGOs, and pharmaceutical companies have joined forces to launch a $1.2 billion coalition to expand ... weitermore

Bad laws and discrimination undermining AIDS response

Bad laws and discrimination undermining AIDS response

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - AMSTERDAM, July 22 – "Discrimination against vulnerable and marginalized communities is seriously ... weitermore

New Agreements with HIV Drug Suppliers to Save $324 Million

New Agreements with HIV Drug Suppliers to Save $324 Million

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has signed multi-year framework agreements with suppliers of HIV ... weitermore

UNAIDS warns that progress is slowing and time is running out to reach the 2020 HIV targets

UNAIDS warns that progress is slowing and time is running out to reach the 2020 HIV targets

UNAIDS - "New HIV infections are rising in around 50 countries, AIDS-related deaths are not falling fast enough and flat resources are threatening ... weitermore

Time to realise our sexual and reproductive health and rights

Time to realise our sexual and reproductive health and rights

The Lancet - "As women living with HIV who were involved in a global values and preferences survey on the sexual and reproductive health and rights ... weitermore

"Männer sind von Gewalt gegen Frauen genauso betroffen"

"Männer sind von Gewalt gegen Frauen genauso betroffen"

terre des hommes schweiz - Wir haben vor einem Jahr drei Methodenverantwortliche eingestellt, die Officers for PSS and Youth Participation (OPY). ... weitermore

Will PEPFAR “Acceleration” Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is?

Will PEPFAR “Acceleration” Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is?

Center for Global Development - "In 2017, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) released a new Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS ... weitermore

Offline: Can the Global Fund survive?

Offline: Can the Global Fund survive?

The Lancet - "France will host the Sixth Replenishment Conference for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2019. The result may ... weitermore

UNAIDS Board reiterates its strong commitment to the mandate of UNAIDS towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030

UNAIDS Board reiterates its strong commitment to the mandate of UNAIDS towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030

UNAIDS - "At UNAIDS’ 42nd Programme Coordinating Board meeting, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 26–28 June, Board members expressed their ... weitermore

Accountability, Sexual Harassment Concerns - In Spotlight At UNAIDS Board Meeting

Accountability, Sexual Harassment Concerns - In Spotlight At UNAIDS Board Meeting

Health Policy Watch - "Accountability and prevention and response to harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying and abuse of power, are high ... weitermore

Selbsttests im Gesundheitszentrum

Selbsttests im Gesundheitszentrum

Solidarmed - "Die ambitionierten 90-90-90 -Ziele der UNAIDS zur Eindämmung der HIV-Epidemie sind in Moçambique noch ausser Reichweite. Entsprechend ... weitermore

Invest in youth, not another big institution, says Mark Dybul

Invest in youth, not another big institution, says Mark Dybul

www. - "Global health programs often have a common structure: Donors come in and deliver funding, then money trickles down to a global ... weitermore

In a crisis of accountability what is next for UNAIDS?

In a crisis of accountability what is next for UNAIDS? - "Like many others, I am horrified by UNAIDS’ inadequate response to multiple alleged human rights violations experienced by ... weitermore

Senate Signals Sustained Commitment for the Global Fund in the Coming Years

Senate Signals Sustained Commitment for the Global Fund in the Coming Years

Friends of the global fight - "This week the House and Senate Appropriations Committees reported out FY 2019 funding bills for the Department of ... weitermore

HIV-Selbsttests neu auch in der Schweiz erhältlich

HIV-Selbsttests neu auch in der Schweiz erhältlich

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - HIV-Selbsttests, dürfen ab dem 19. Juni 2018 in der Schweiz verkauft werden. Es wird empfohlen, die Tests bei Abgabestellen wie ... weitermore

UNAIDS Gender Action Plan 2018–2023 — A framework for accountability

UNAIDS Gender Action Plan 2018–2023 — A framework for accountability

UNAIDS - "Gender equality in the workplace is a human right and critical to the performance and effectiveness of UNAIDS. Organizations with more ... weitermore

HIV drug shortage puts hundreds of thousands of lives at risk in Uganda

HIV drug shortage puts hundreds of thousands of lives at risk in Uganda

The Guardian - "Scarcity of antibiotic Septrin drives fears of weakened immunity among patients, setting back efforts to end Aids by 2030. weitermore

HIV/AIDS community divided over allegations about UNAIDS

HIV/AIDS community divided over allegations about UNAIDS

The Lancet - "Although terms of reference were agreed for an Independent Expert Panel on harassment, the controversy continues to divide the HIV/AIDS ... weitermore

The impact of HIV and AIDS on the world of work: Global estimates

The impact of HIV and AIDS on the world of work: Global estimates

International Labour Organisation (ILO) - "Almost 27 million workers are living with HIV. ILO and UNAIDS released a new report about the impact of ... weitermore

Survive, Thrive, Transform - Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030)

Survive, Thrive, Transform - Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030)

UNAIDS - "The report sets out the status of women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, and on health systems and social and environmental ... weitermore

PEPFAR’s Impact on Global Health Is Fading

PEPFAR’s Impact on Global Health Is Fading

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - "During its fifteen years, PEPFAR has become one of the most important global health initiatives ever launched. ... weitermore

Wir müssen besonders auf die Jugendlichen achten

Wir müssen besonders auf die Jugendlichen achten

SolidarMed - Thabo Lejone arbeitet seit 2012 für SolidarMed und ist massgeblich an der Studie beteiligt, in der SolidarMed und das Swiss TPH die ... weitermore

«Bei unklaren Symptomen wird heute viel schneller ein HIV Test gemacht»

«Bei unklaren Symptomen  wird heute viel schneller  ein HIV Test gemacht»

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz (AHS) - "Auch nach Jahren als Infektiologe mit Schwerpunkt HIV ist er mit Leib und Seele und grossem Engagement unterwegs: ... weitermore

Schweizer HIV&STI-Forum 2018 hat stattgefunden

Schweizer HIV&STI-Forum 2018 hat stattgefunden

BAG - Das BAG hat am 8. März 2018 gemeinsam mit der Aids-Hilfe Schweiz (AHS) und SEXUELLE GESUNDHEIT Schweiz (SGCH) das achte Schweizer HIV&STI-Forum ... weitermore

Adolescent health troubles in South Africa’s rural areas should be a key priority

Adolescent health troubles in South Africa’s rural areas  should be a key priority

International Health Policies (IHP) newsletter - "Growing up in a rural area is different from growing up in the cities. I was born and raised in a ... weitermore

AIDS, Africa, and high ambition

AIDS, Africa, and high ambition

The Lancet Infection Diseases - "UNAIDS intends to end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat in Africa by 2030. There is cause for optimism, but a lack ... weitermore

Alliance denounces absence of community at WHA event on HIV prevention

Alliance denounces absence of community at WHA event on HIV prevention - "Today, at the World Health Assembly, a high-level ministerial event reviewed the global progress being made on HIV ... weitermore

Global HIV Prevention Coalition accelerates action to reduce new HIV infections

Global HIV Prevention Coalition accelerates action to reduce new HIV infections

UNAIDS - "The Global HIV Prevention Coalition has launched its first progress report: Taking stock of the progress made in strengthening political ... weitermore

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and HIV

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and HIV

STOPAIDS - "The Factsheet highlights the intersectional forms of discrimination, abuse and violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity, ... weitermore

France to Host Global Fund Replenishment Conference

France to Host Global Fund Replenishment Conference

The Global Fund, GENEVA – "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria expressed tremendous appreciation for President Emmanuel Macron’s ... weitermore

Global Fund Board Strengthens Sustainability and Domestic Financing

Global Fund Board Strengthens Sustainability and Domestic Financing

The Global Fund, SKOPJE, 10 May 2018 - "The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, at its 39th Board meeting, highlighted ... weitermore

An historic opportunity to end AIDS in Africa

An historic opportunity to end AIDS in Africa

UNAIDS - "A decade of progress has inspired the once unthinkable—that the AIDS epidemic can be ended as a public health threat. A decade of ... weitermore

Advocating for zero discrimination in health-care settings in Kenya

Advocating for zero discrimination in health-care settings in Kenya

UNAIDS - "Like many women in sub-Saharan Africa, women in Kenya are disproportionately affected by HIV. In 2016, 34 000 adult women became newly ... weitermore

Vaginal implant might stop HIV transmission

Vaginal implant might stop HIV transmission

New Atlas - "Scientists at the University of Waterloo have developed a promising new medical device that could help protect women from HIV. The ... weitermore

Social protection: a Fast-Track commitment to end AIDS — Guidance for policy-makers, and people living with, at risk of or affected by HIV

Social protection: a Fast-Track commitment to end AIDS — Guidance for policy-makers, and people living with, at risk of or affected by HIV

UNAIDS - "Although much has been written on HIV-sensitive social protection, there is insufficient guidance on how to bring to scale what works in ... weitermore

A united rallying cry: Time to make health care systems more flexible and innovative

A united rallying cry: Time to make health care systems more flexible and innovative

UNAIDS - "Seven months after launching the catch-up plan in western and central Africa, progress on increasing the numbers of people on ... weitermore

AIDS counseling for refugees in Germany: Let's talk about sex!

AIDS counseling for refugees in Germany: Let's talk about sex!

INFO MIGRANTS - "Without a dildo, but with a condom: This is sex education for refugees, conducted by refugees. InfoMigrants reports from Zirndorf on ... weitermore

Kuba wird die Behandlung von HIV und AIDS aus eigener Kraft finanzieren

Kuba wird die Behandlung von HIV und AIDS aus eigener Kraft finanzieren

mediCuba - Kuba wird in diesem Jahr einen beispiellosen Übergang in Lateinamerika einleiten, indem es die gesamten Ausgaben für den Kampf gegen das ... weitermore

AIDS is (still) political

AIDS is (still) political

International AIDS Society - "Like you and the more than 6,000 colleagues who attended the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris, we ... weitermore

Bold action’ needed to end tuberculosis, AIDS

Bold action’ needed to end tuberculosis, AIDS

UN News - "Claiming more than 4,500 lives daily, tuberculosis (TB) continues to be the top infectious killer worldwide as well as the leading cause ... weitermore

HIV prevention “key focus” of Global Fund’s new executive director

HIV prevention “key focus” of Global Fund’s new executive director - "The need to focus more on HIV prevention has been highlighted by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s ... weitermore

Peter Sands: charting a new course for The Global Fund

Peter Sands: charting a new course for The Global Fund

The Lancet - "Peter Sands had a stormy start before taking up his new position as Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis ... weitermore

Slowdown in HIV/AIDS Progress Puts Focus on Young Women

Slowdown in HIV/AIDS Progress Puts Focus on Young Women

The Wall Street Journal - "Experts say the booming population of young women in sub-Saharan Africa means global infections could start rising. ... weitermore

Women and girls and HIV

Women and girls and HIV

UNAIDS - "We cannot stand by and allow the quality of life of women and girls to be held back and their hopes and dreams for the future to slip away. ... weitermore

Paraguayan rape victim, 14, dies giving birth

Paraguayan rape victim, 14, dies giving birth

The Guardian - "Doctors say baby is stable but relying on breathing machine. Tragic case renews focus on Paraguay’s strict abortion laws. A ... weitermore

New Publication: Getting on Track in Agenda 2030

New Publication: Getting on Track in Agenda 2030

Global Forum on MSM and HIV - "A new report released today by the Global Forum on MSM and HIV (MSMGF) in collaboration with the Global Platform to ... weitermore

Meeting is first step towards ending Global Fund’s ill-advised Heineken partnership, though concerns remain

Meeting is first step towards ending Global Fund’s ill-advised Heineken partnership, though concerns remain

NCD-Alliance - "The inappropriate partnership between the Global Fund and Heineken was the topic of discussion between Marijke Wijnroks, Interim ... weitermore

Ending AIDS among people who use drugs - our theory of change

Ending AIDS among people who use drugs - our theory of change - "The Alliance’s theory of change to end AIDS among people who use drugs guides the development of our harm reduction ... weitermore

Guest Commentary: Beer and Health - A recipe for Africa?

Guest Commentary: Beer and Health - A recipe for Africa?

The Graduate Institute Geneva - "A strange new union between health and beer is now set to help Africa to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The ... weitermore

Alliance joins call to reverse unpopular AIDS2020 host city decision

Alliance joins call to reverse unpopular AIDS2020 host city decision - "This week, the International AIDS Society announced its decision to name San Francisco and Oakland as host cities to the ... weitermore

Die Therapie beginnt in der Hütte

Die Therapie beginnt in der Hütte

Neue Zürcher Zeitung - "Im südlichen Afrika ist die Verbreitung des Aids-Erregers hoch und der Anteil der behandelten Patienten tief. Das lässt sich ... weitermore

IWD2018: Ein «high five» auf die Frauen!

IWD2018: Ein «high five» auf die Frauen!

Ruedy Lüthy Foundation, International Women's Day 2018 - Heute ist Weltfrauentag! Was wünschen Sie sich für jede Frau? Schauen Sie, was die vier ... weitermore

IWD2018: was die Männer dazu meinen!

IWD2018: was die Männer dazu meinen!

Ruedy Lüthy Foundation, International Women's Day 2018 - Morgen ist internationaler Frauentag! Unsere Mitarbeiter Tinashe Mudzviti, Stefan Zimmerli ... weitermore

Novartis must end ‘bullying tactics’ over life-saving medicines

Novartis must end ‘bullying tactics’ over life-saving medicines

STOPAIDS - "Swiss multinational Novartis yesterday faced international calls from an alliance of health campaigners for an end to its ‘threats, lies ... weitermore

¡PrEP Ya! Latin America wants PrEP, and Brazil leads the way

¡PrEP Ya! Latin America wants PrEP, and Brazil leads the way

The Lancet - "Brazil has long been at the forefront of HIV treatment and prevention in Latin America. It was the first country in the region to make ... weitermore

Zero Discrimination Day 2018

Zero Discrimination Day 2018

UNAIDS - "No one should ever be discriminated against because of their age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, ... weitermore

Five-point plan to prevent and address all forms of harassment for greater accountability and transparency within UNAIDS

Five-point plan to prevent and address all forms of harassment for greater accountability and transparency within UNAIDS

UNAIDS - "The Executive Director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibé, has announced a five-point plan to prevent and address harassment, including sexual ... weitermore

Pili movie focuses on the universal aim for a better life

Pili movie focuses on the universal aim for a better life

UNAIDS - "Carrying a hoe over her shoulder as she ambles along a dirt road, Pili, a young Tanzanian woman, eyes an empty market stall. Talking to her ... weitermore

Poor stock management contributed to theft of medicines purchased with Global Fund grants to C.A.R., OIG says

Poor stock management contributed to theft of medicines purchased with Global Fund grants to C.A.R., OIG says - "There were ongoing leakages of ACTs over a 17-month period. Medicines worth $198,334, bought using funds from two grants for ... weitermore

Video: The sky is the limit

Video: The sky is the limit - "Ntsiki is a Community Adolescent Treatment Supporter (CATS) providing peer-to-peer information, counselling and support to ... weitermore

HIV and AIDS activism in Africa

HIV and AIDS activism in Africa

POSTERITY - "At the just-concluded 2018 Partners Forum that held from February 13 -15, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza, Johannesburg, South Africa, ... weitermore

Put the power in your hands

TEDx Talks - "Dr Nneka Nwokolo shared with the TEDxEuston community her wish to prevent African women from getting HIV needlessly. As a HIV ... weitermore

AIDS 2018: Programme Preview

AIDS 2018: Programme Preview

AIDS 2018 - Developed by an international committee of HIV scientists, global leaders, policy makers, researchers and advocates, the AIDS 2018 ... weitermore

Im Reservoir. Wo HI-Viren schlummern

Im Reservoir. Wo HI-Viren schlummern

Swiss Aids News - "Wir haben einen bunten Straus an interessanten Artikeln für Sie in den Swiss Aids News aufbereitet. Das Heftmotto «Im Reservoir – ... weitermore

Im Reservoir. Wo HI-Viren schlummern

Im Reservoir. Wo HI-Viren schlummern

Swiss Aids News - "Wir haben einen bunten Straus an interessanten Artikeln für Sie in den Swiss Aids News aufbereitet. Das Heftmotto «Im Reservoir – ... weitermore

Realizing the potential of routine viral load testing in sub-Saharan Africa

Realizing the potential of routine viral load testing in sub-Saharan Africa

Journal of the International AIDS Society - "The global HIV response has been remarkably successful. More than 19 million persons living with HIV ... weitermore

HIV, the Law and Human Rights in the African Human Rights System: Key Challenges and Opportunities for Rights-Based Responses — Report on the Study of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

HIV, the Law and Human Rights in the African Human Rights System: Key Challenges and Opportunities for Rights-Based Responses — Report on the Study of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

UNAIDS - "The present study is a significant contribution to efforts to advance rights-based responses to HIV in Africa and globally. UNAIDS is ... weitermore

Preventing and treating HIV in Saint Petersburg

Preventing and treating HIV in Saint Petersburg

UNAIDS - "According to the Centre for AIDS Prevention and Control in Saint Petersburg in the Russian Federation, fewer people are becoming infected ... weitermore

Making the World Safe from the Threats of Emerging Infectious Diseases

The Global Fund - "I am relatively new to the world of global health, having spent most of my career in business and finance. Yet starting in 2015, I ... weitermore

Are We Really Prepared To Stop HIV?

Are We Really Prepared To Stop HIV?

The Huffington Post - "Is it right to continue to limit or stagger access to PrEP to those at highest need in England when it is available freely on ... weitermore

Peter Sands calls on countries to reform taxes to free up funding for health

Peter Sands calls on countries to reform taxes to free up funding for health - DAVOS, Switzerland -"While new financial instruments can help address critical gaps in health care funding, the global health community ... weitermore

Not remotely refreshing: global health fund criticised over Heineken alliance

Not remotely refreshing: global health fund criticised over Heineken alliance

The Guardian - "Campaigners condemn decision of chief fundraiser for HIV, TB and malaria to enter partnership with Heineken. A global health fund has ... weitermore

Managing the conflicts between private interests and public responsibility

Managing the conflicts between private interests and public responsibility

The British Journal Opinion - "The Global Fund partnership is an important mechanism for transferring funds from national, multilateral, and private ... weitermore

Supporting children, adolescents and young people living with HIV to start and stay on HIV treatment

Supporting children, adolescents and young people living with HIV to start and stay on HIV treatment - "This case study is informed by the experiences of Africaid, a private voluntary organisation in Zimbabwe. Through its ... weitermore

ARV adherence support – there’s an app for that!

ARV adherence support – there’s an app for that! - "As we write this, we’re on the long journey back from Mozambique to London after a fantastic trip running workshops with ... weitermore

The power of television to educate and entertain millions in western Africa

UNAIDS - "A baby abandoned at a health clinic, an abusive boyfriend, dating woes and fake medicines are all plot twists in C’est la Vie (That’s ... weitermore

WHO to develop app for HIV testing guidelines

WHO to develop app for HIV testing guidelines

World Health Organisation - "The Department of HIV is developing a new smartphone and tablet app for its guidelines on HIV testing services (HTS) and ... weitermore

Première Ligne in Geneva showcases safe injection centre to UNAIDS Board members

Première Ligne in Geneva showcases safe injection centre to UNAIDS Board members

UNAIDS - "Sitting across from the bustling main Geneva train station, the lime-green block structure called Quai 9 stands out. The building houses a ... weitermore

Global Fund and Partners Launch HER

Global Fund and Partners Launch HER

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and partners pledged support for HER – HIV Epidemic Response – an ... weitermore

In Women’s Eyes: Key Barriers to Women’s Access to HIV Treatment and a Rights-Based Approach to Their Sustained Well-Being

In Women’s Eyes: Key Barriers to Women’s Access to HIV Treatment and a Rights-Based Approach to Their Sustained Well-Being

Health and Human Rights Journal - "There is rightly a huge global effort to enable women living with HIV to have long productive lives, through ... weitermore

Harnessing human rights for the AIDS response

Harnessing human rights for the AIDS response

UNAIDS - "A special section on HIV and human rights has been published in the Health and Human Rights Journal. Eleven papers—covering issues such as ... weitermore

Usage remains low for pill that can prevent HIV infection

Usage remains low for pill that can prevent HIV infection

AP News - "From gritty neighborhoods in New York and Los Angeles to clinics in Kenya and Brazil, health workers are trying to popularize a pill that ... weitermore

Vigilance in Tackling Drug Resistance in the Global Battle Against HIV

Vigilance in Tackling Drug Resistance in the Global Battle Against HIV

The Global Fund - "Today, an estimated 20.9 million people living with HIV/AIDS are on antiretrovirals (ARVs), up from 7.7 million in 2010. Although ... weitermore

International technical guidance on sexuality education

International technical guidance on sexuality education

UNAIDS - "The International technical guidance on sexuality education (the Guidance) was developed to assist education, health and other relevant ... weitermore


Brazil Fights H.I.V. Spike in Youths With Free Preventive Drug

Brazil Fights H.I.V. Spike in Youths With Free Preventive Drug

The New York Times - "Seeking to stem a sharp rise in H.I.V. cases among young people, Brazil began offering a drug this month that can prevent ... weitermore

Focus on HIV in prisons vital to end AIDS

Focus on HIV in prisons vital to end AIDS

WHO - "Globally, more than 11 million people were incarcerated in prisons in 2016. Over-represented among this population are the people most ... weitermore

Progress on the 'Third 90' target is not a reliable guide to HIV transmission potential, South African study shows

Progress on the 'Third 90' target is not a reliable guide to HIV transmission potential, South African study shows

Aidsmap - "Measuring the proportion of people with an undetectable viral load may be lulling health policymakers into a false sense of security in ... weitermore

Europa's HIV Problem wächst in einem alarmierenden Tempo

Europa's HIV Problem wächst  in einem alarmierenden Tempo

Reuters/World Economic Forum - 2016 wurden in Europa so viele neue HIV Fälle wie noch nie diagnostiziert. 80% davon in Osteuropa. weitermore

'Every app is a dating app': technology blamed for rise in HIV rates in Pakistan

'Every app is a dating app': technology blamed for rise in HIV rates in Pakistan

The Guardian - "Experts claim use of apps and social media to find sexual partners, combined with ignorance about HIV born of social stigma, have ... weitermore

HIV drug resistance now high enough to trigger a change in first-line treatment in eastern and southern Africa

HIV drug resistance now high enough to trigger a change in first-line treatment in eastern and southern Africa

Aidsmap - "HIV drug resistance is increasing rapidly in southern and eastern Africa and Latin America and, as a result, it may soon be necessary to ... weitermore

PEPFAR’s new strategy on HIV uses stigmatising language

PEPFAR’s new strategy on HIV uses stigmatising language

International HIV/AIDS Alliance - "The ambitious new strategy of the US President’s Plan for AIDS Relief uses language that has no place in the ... weitermore

Take part in AIDS 2018 - Registration is open!

Take part in AIDS 2018 - Registration is open!

AIDS 2018, Amsterdam - Today, World AIDS Day, marks the opening of registration for the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018), taking place ... weitermore

Welt-Aids-Tag 2017

Welt-Aids-Tag 2017

Am 1. Dezember ist Welt-Aids-Tag. Weltweit sind Menschen aufgefordert, aktiv zu werden im Kampf gegen Aids und HIV und ihre Solidarität gegenüber ... weitermore

The expanding epidemic of HIV-1 in the Russian Federation

The expanding epidemic of HIV-1 in the Russian Federation

Plos Med - "In 2017, the Russian Federation (RF) is estimated to have the largest number of HIV-1 infected citizens of any country in Europe. ... weitermore

Europe's HIV epidemic growing at alarming rate, WHO warns

Europe's HIV epidemic growing at alarming rate, WHO warns

Reuters - "The number of people newly diagnosed with HIV in Europe reached its highest level in 2016 since records began, showing the region’s ... weitermore

On World AIDS Day, UNAIDS warns that men are less likely to access HIV treatment and more likely to die of AIDS-related illnesses

On World AIDS Day, UNAIDS warns that men are less likely to access HIV treatment and more likely to die of AIDS-related illnesses

UNAIDS, 1 December 2017 - "On World AIDS Day, UNAIDS has released a new report showing that men are less likely to take an HIV test, less likely to ... weitermore

Advancing the Right to Health in the AIDS Response: An Evolving Movement and an Uncertain Future

Advancing the Right to Health in the AIDS Response: An Evolving Movement and an Uncertain Future

Health and Human Rights Journal - "The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is focusing its 2017 World AIDS Day campaign on the right ... weitermore

Studie «TENART» bestätigt hohe Behand­lungs­quali­tät der New­lands Clinic

Studie «TENART» bestätigt hohe Behand­lungs­quali­tät der New­lands Clinic

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - Während 10 Jahren haben Ruedi Lüthy und sein Team den Erfolg der HIV-Behandlung bei über 600 Langzeit­patienten der Newlands ... weitermore

"Wir haben doch schon alles, um Aids zu besiegen!

"Wir haben doch schon alles, um Aids zu besiegen!

Die Zeit - "Die Medizin könnte HIV auslöschen. Schon heute. Doch Homophobie, kulturelle Unterschiede und politische Kampagnen verhindern das, sagt ... weitermore

The Right to Health Is Universal

The Right to Health Is Universal

Project Syndicate - "On this year's World AIDS Day, millions of people with HIV still do not have access to life-saving treatment, while millions ... weitermore

UNAIDS announces nearly 21 million people living with HIV now on treatment

UNAIDS announces nearly 21 million people living with HIV now on treatment

UNAIDS - CAPE TOWN/GENEVA, 20 November 2017: "Remarkable progress is being made on HIV treatment. Ahead of World AIDS Day, UNAIDS has launched a new ... weitermore

Right to health

Right to health

UNAIDS - "World AIDS Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the interdependence between progress in ending AIDS and progress towards universal ... weitermore

Achieving HIV Targets through Human Rights Instruments

Achieving HIV Targets through Human Rights Instruments

The Global Forum on MSM & HIV - "Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, stigma and discrimination have fueled human rights violations against ... weitermore

The WHO public health approach to HIV treatment and care: looking back and looking ahead

The WHO public health approach to HIV treatment and care: looking back and looking ahead

The Lancet - "In 2006, WHO set forth its vision for a public health approach to delivering antiretroviral therapy. This approach has been broadly ... weitermore

Time for a GIPA refresh

Time for a GIPA refresh

International AIDS Society - "Perhaps the single most important characteristic of the AIDS response – one that holds lessons about efforts to address ... weitermore

Alliance launches READY to Decide campaign

Alliance launches READY to Decide campaign - "Thousands of girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa are contracting HIV because they’re not able to choose what happens ... weitermore

Gender-based violence in Burundi: A survivor's testimony

Gender-based violence in Burundi: A survivor's testimony

www.aidsalliance.corg - "Audrey Inarukundo from the National Network of Young People Living with HIV (RNJ+) shares the testimony of a young rape ... weitermore

Closing the gaps in the HIV care continuum

Closing the gaps in the HIV care continuum

PLOS/Medicine - "July 2017, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) reported the effect of remarkable ongoing successes in the ... weitermore

Offline: Who is Peter Sands?

The Lancet - "The appointment of a new Executive Director to lead the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria was not a tidy process. ... weitermore

Repressive Drug Policies Fuel Overdoses in Estonia – An Interview with Mart Kalvet

Drug reporter - Estonia is a country hit hard by the opioid overdose epidemic. People struggling with overdoses in other countries can learn a lot ... weitermore

Exclusive: New Global Fund chief Sands eyes disease elimination as goal - "Peter Sands, the new executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, wants his organization to be more ... weitermore

New fund to be launched to support meaningful engagement of adolescent girls and young women in Global Fund and national processes

New fund to be launched to support meaningful engagement of adolescent girls and young women in Global Fund and national processes - "The HER Voice Fund will focus on 13 countries in Southern and Eastern Africa. The Global Fund will invest $500,000 over the next year ... weitermore

Global Fund Appoints Peter Sands as Executive Director

Global Fund Appoints Peter Sands as Executive Director

The Global Fund - "The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today appointed a new Executive Director: Peter Sands, a ... weitermore

UNAIDS launches 2017 World AIDS Day campaign—My Health, My Right

UNAIDS launches 2017 World AIDS Day campaign—My Health, My Right

UNAIDS - "In the lead-up to World AIDS Day on 1 December, UNAIDS has launched this year’s World AIDS Day campaign. The campaign, My Health, My Right, ... weitermore

Breakthrough as Uganda announces harm reduction pilot

Breakthrough as Uganda announces harm reduction pilot

www. - "The Ugandan Ministry of Health has made a breakthrough decision to pilot needle and syringe programmes (NSP), led by the ... weitermore

Burundi: Working with young key populations

Burundi: Working with young key populations - "The Link Up project in Burundi was coordinated by Alliance Linking Organisation Alliance Burundaise Contre le SIDA (ABS). ... weitermore

Tanzania illegally detains human rights lawyers for 'promoting homosexuality'

Tanzania illegally detains human rights lawyers for 'promoting homosexuality'

The Guardian - "Tanzanian activists also among group of 13 people held without charge after organising meeting to discuss legality of state clampdown ... weitermore

Reconsiderung Primary Prevention of HIV: New Steps Forward in the Global Response

Reconsiderung Primary Prevention of HIV: New Steps Forward in the Global Response

Global Forum on MSM and HIV - "Lead by MSMGF in conjunction with global key population networks GATE, IRGT, GNP+, NSWP, ICW, INPUD, and the Platform, ... weitermore

Jahresbericht 2016

Jahresbericht 2016

Rudi Lüthy Foundation - Wie dringend nötig unsere Arbeit in Simbabwe auch 14 Jahre nach der Gründung unserer Stiftung ist, hat gerade das Jahr 2016 ... weitermore

Stefan Zimmerli übernimmt Medizinische Leitung der Newlands Clinic

Stefan Zimmerli übernimmt Medizinische Leitung der Newlands Clinic

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - Wie bereits Ende 2016 angekündigt, übernimmt PD Dr. med. Stefan Zimmerli nach einer sorgfältigen Einarbeitung nun offiziell ... weitermore

Wichtige Fortschritte in der HIV-Arbeit in Tansania

Wichtige Fortschritte in der HIV-Arbeit in Tansania

mission 21 - Die mobile Klinik für die HIV-Arbeit in Rungwe, Tansania, konnte fertiggestellt werden. Sie kommt nun seit einigen Monaten bei Kampagnen ... weitermore

Jonathan und Pauline sind wieder optimistisch

Jonathan und Pauline sind wieder optimistisch

Das Ehepaar Jonathan und Pauline Mangochi ist HIV-positiv, ihre Tochter ebenfalls. Seit 3 Jahren wird die Familie von unserer Partnerorganisation EAM ... weitermore

LOVE LIFE: HIV-Diagnosen stabil, andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen nehmen zu

LOVE LIFE: HIV-Diagnosen stabil, andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen nehmen zu

Die sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen (STI) haben 2016 in der Schweiz weiterhin zugenommen. Die gemeldeten Fälle nahmen bei der Gonorrhoe gegenüber ... weitermore

SECURION – HIV-Testwochen 2017

SECURION – HIV-Testwochen 2017

Securion möchte alle Männer, die Sex mit Männern haben, ermuntern, im Oktober mindestens einen Monat lang kein Risiko einzugehen, um sich im November ... weitermore

Es lohnt sich Vertrauen in die Jugendlichen zu setzen

Es lohnt sich Vertrauen in die Jugendlichen zu setzen

Irene Bush leitet zusammen mit der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiaterin Dr. Therese Steiner seit acht Jahren das Youth2Youth-Ausbildungsprogramm (Y2Y), das ... weitermore

Who is on the shortlist for Global Fund's new executive director?

Who is on the shortlist for Global Fund's new executive director? - "MANILA: After a difficult start to its search for a new executive director early this year, the board of the Global Fund to Fight ... weitermore

"HIV in Osteuropa - die unbemerkte Epidemie?!" - 17.10.2017

"HIV in Osteuropa - die unbemerkte Epidemie?!" - 17.10.2017

Aktionsbündnig gegen AIDS - "Ein Rückblick auf unsere Konferenz: Rund 80 Fachleute aus Politik, Zivilgesellschaft und HIV-Selbsthilfe diskutierten ... weitermore

Evelyn, a powerful and brave woman

UNAIDS - "When Evelyn learned that she was HIV-positive she was told she only had 5 years to live. Thanks to antiretroviral medicine she leads a ... weitermore

The western and central Africa catch-up plan — Putting HIV treatment on the fast-track by 2018

The western and central Africa catch-up plan — Putting HIV treatment on the fast-track by 2018

UNAIDS - The western and central Africa catch-up plan is a political instrument and a compact between countries and the international community that ... weitermore

More than 4.1 million tested for HIV under VCT@WORK initiative

More than 4.1 million tested for HIV under VCT@WORK initiative

International Labour Organisation - "The Voluntary Counselling and Testing at work (VCT@WORK) initiative has reached over 6 million workers and ... weitermore

Russlands Aids-Epidemie ist ausser Kontrolle

 Russlands Aids-Epidemie ist ausser Kontrolle

Neue Zürcher Zeitung - "Jeden Tag sterben in Russland 80 Personen an Aids, weil das Gesundheitssystem versagt und der politische Wille zum Kampf ... weitermore

Media Fumbles HIV Decriminalization Bill

Media Fumbles HIV Decriminalization Bill - "When it comes to California’s new HIV decriminalization bill, even respected liberal news outlets are getting it wrong. On ... weitermore

UNAIDS and UNFPA launch road map to stop new HIV infections

UNAIDS and UNFPA launch road map to stop new HIV infections

UNAIDS - "As part of global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat, UNAIDS, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners have ... weitermore

UNAIDS warns that HIV-related stigma and discrimination is preventing people from accessing HIV services

UNAIDS warns that HIV-related stigma and discrimination is preventing people from accessing HIV services

UNAIDS - "UNAIDS has released a new report showing how stigma and discrimination is creating barriers to accessing HIV prevention, testing and ... weitermore

Human rights defenders play a key role in the HIV response

Human rights defenders play a key role in the HIV response

UNAIDS - "While running a legal clinic for refugees 10 years ago, Kene Esom, former Director of African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR), ... weitermore

Eine neue Bundesregierung und das Ende von Aids

Eine neue Bundesregierung und das Ende von Aids

Aktionsbündnis gegen Aids - "Die Bundestagswahl am 24. September hat für das Thema HIV und Aids eine wichtige Bedeutung. Kurz nach dem Urnengang ... weitermore

Investing in Global Health Security

Investing in Global Health Security

The Global Fund - "Investing in global health is a highly cost effective way to achieve greater security and stability, to protect communities ... weitermore

Alice Welbourn: WHO and the rights of women living with HIV

Alice Welbourn: WHO and the rights of women living with HIV

The British Medical Journal - Women’s rights to informed choices about what happens to their bodies are often contested—especially if they are ... weitermore

Kampagne 2017: Agents of Change

Mission - Agents of Change: Menschen verändern die Welt! Unter diesem Motto sammeln wir Statements unserer Partner im Süden. weitermore

Meeting the needs of women living with HIV

Meeting the needs of women living with HIV - "A new consolidated guideline on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV recently published by WHO ... weitermore

Failure to absorb Global Fund money: African constituencies sound the alarm

Failure to absorb Global Fund money: African constituencies sound the alarm - "Impediments at both the Secretariat and country level are leaving many Global Fund recipients unable to fully absorb their ... weitermore

Activists stunned by Global Fund decision to end funding for regional HIV programming in Africa - "The Global Fund recently announced a list of priorities for multi-country funding for the 2017-2019 cycle. Of the $260 million ... weitermore

From a global crisis to the ‘ end of AIDS ’ : New epidemics of signification

From a global crisis to the  ‘ end of AIDS ’ : New epidemics of signification - "In the past decade, discourses about AIDS have taken a remarkable, and largely unquestioned, turn. Whereas mobilisations for ... weitermore

Losing the fight against HIV in the Philippines

The Lancet - "The Philippines is facing an unprecedented HIV crisis. New infections have doubled in the past 6 years to more than 10 000 new cases ... weitermore

President of Zambia declares HIV testing mandatory

President of Zambia declares HIV testing mandatory

The Lancet - "The President of Zambia has announced HIV testing will now be mandatory in all government health facilities, causing concern among ... weitermore

Zambia charts a road map to achieve bold Fast-Track commitments

UNAIDS - "Zambia has launched its AIDS Response Fast-Track Strategy 2017–2021, which provides a road map to achieve the global Fast-Track prevention ... weitermore

Fighting HIV/AIDS: Human-Rights Focused Advocacy Is More Critical Than Ever

Fighting HIV/AIDS: Human-Rights Focused Advocacy Is More Critical Than Ever

HealthAffairsBlog - "We are at an interesting and uncertain time in global health. The political climate is, to put it mildly, dynamic. One need only ... weitermore

Defeating HIV/AIDS Means Listening To Young People

Defeating HIV/AIDS Means Listening To Young People

Huffingtonpost - "Young people with HIV in North America and Europe now have near-normal life expectancy. New diagnoses of HIV have fallen among men ... weitermore

Fast-Track Cities share 90-90-90 progress

Fast-Track Cities share 90-90-90 progress

UNAIDS - "Health department representatives from Amsterdam, Nairobi, Paris, San Francisco and São Paulo gathered during a Fast-Track Cities Symposium ... weitermore

Public health and HIV viral load

Public health and  HIV viral load

UNAIDS - "The primary purpose of antiretroviral therapy is to keep people living with HIV in good health. In the large majority of people living with ... weitermore

WHO urges action against HIV drug resistance threat

WHO urges action against HIV drug resistance threat

World Health Organization - "WHO alerts countries to the increasing trend of resistance to HIV drugs detailed in a report based on national surveys ... weitermore

Ending AIDS: progress towards the 90–90–90 targets

Ending AIDS: progress towards the 90–90–90 targets

UNAIDS - "Ending AIDS: progress towards the 90–90–90 targets, gives a detailed analysis of progress and challenges towards achieving the 90–90–90 ... weitermore

Community action essential to deliver the SDGs

Community action essential to deliver the SDGs - "Many of the 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs are interlinked and thus call for integrated solutions. Decades of ... weitermore

Speaking openly about sex and HIV

Speaking openly about sex and HIV

UNAIDS - "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development takes ​to scale ​what the AIDS response has been working towards for 30 years—a multisectoral, ... weitermore

The Global Fund: where next?

The Global Fund: where next?

The Lancet Global Health Blog - "The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is still searching for a permanent Executive Director to ... weitermore

Community action essential to deliver the SDGs

Community action essential to deliver the SDGs - "The Alliance, together with other partners, is organising a side event at the upcoming UN High Level Political Forum on ... weitermore

Kenya becomes first country to debut generic HIV drug

Kenya becomes first country to debut generic HIV drug - "A new generic version of a frontline antiretroviral drug launches in Kenya today, the first time that HIV patients will have access ... weitermore

Study identifies serious gaps in treatment and care of HIV-positive adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa

Study identifies serious gaps in treatment and care of HIV-positive adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa - "Healthcare providers in sub-Saharan Africa are struggling to provide services for HIV-positive adolescents, investigators report ... weitermore

African Union endorses major new initiatives to end AIDS

African Union endorses major new initiatives to end AIDS

UNAIDS, GENEVA, ADDIS ABABA, 3 July 2017 - "African heads of state have endorsed two major new initiatives to help end AIDS by 2030. The community ... weitermore

The gospel according to Mark Dybul, the man working to end three plagues

The gospel according to Mark Dybul, the man working to end three plagues - "For most of the two-hour flight from Geneva to Dublin — as soon as the seatbelt light blinks out — Mark Dybul does not sit. He ... weitermore

Harm reduction programmes: saving lives among people who inject drugs

Harm reduction programmes: saving lives among people who inject drugs

UNAIDS - "Harm reduction programmes are saving lives among people who inject drugs. Unfortunately, not everyone in need of such services has access ... weitermore

America’s Hidden H.I.V. Epidemic

America’s Hidden H.I.V. Epidemic

New York Times - "Why do America’s black gay and bisexual men have a higher H.I.V. rate than any country in the world? weitermore

INTERVIEW-Kenyan lawyer takes on president in battle for rights

INTERVIEW-Kenyan lawyer takes on president in battle for rights

The Thomson Reuters Foundation, Nairobi, Kenya - "When Allan Maleche was offered a position at one of Kenya's top law firms on graduation, he did not ... weitermore

Invest in Health

Invest in Health

The Global Fund - "At a time of accelerating change, when the news cycle feels more like a cyclone, a historic meeting this weekend could be ... weitermore

#WeAreREADY at the World Health Assembly

#WeAreREADY at the World Health Assembly - "The Alliance is profiling READY, a portfolio of projects focusing on adolescents living with and most affected by HIV, at the ... weitermore

Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming

Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming - "This guide is one of a series of good practice guides, and contains information, strategies and resources to help HIV ... weitermore

Berufs­ausbildungs­programm: 25 neue Teilnehmer

Berufs­ausbildungs­programm: 25 neue Teilnehmer

Rüdi Lüthy Foundation - Unser Berufs­aus­bildungs­programm ist in ein neues Jahr gestartet. 25 weitere Jugend­liche und junge Erwachsene, die in der ... weitermore

HIV life expectancy 'near normal' thanks to new drugs

BBC News - "Young people on the latest HIV drugs now have near-normal life expectancy because of improvements in treatments, a study in The Lancet ... weitermore

Wo bleibt das Interesse? - Medienmitteilung

Wo bleibt das Interesse? - Medienmitteilung

MMS/ / Aids-Hilfe Schweiz/ Aids-Hilfe Bern/ Bern, 10. Mai 2017 - Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) schätzt die Zahl der unerkannten ... weitermore

Interviews with the candidates for WHO Director-General

Interviews with the candidates for WHO Director-General

UNAIDS - "At the upcoming World Health Assembly, which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 22 to 31 May, the new Director-General of the ... weitermore

Survival of HIV-positive patients starting antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 2013: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies

Survival of HIV-positive patients starting antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 2013: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies

The Lancet HIV - "Health care for people living with HIV has improved substantially in the past two decades. Robust estimates of how these ... weitermore

Mit HIV muss niemand mehr jung sterben

Mit HIV muss niemand mehr jung sterben

Die Zeit - "HIV-Positive werden heute fast so alt wie der Durchschnitt. Eine Erfolgsgeschichte – mit Schattenseiten. Denn die Anzahl der neuen Fälle ... weitermore

The living legacy of the Global Plan

The living legacy of the Global Plan

UNAIDS - "The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) has released a special supplement on the incredible journey of the Global plan ... weitermore

Monitoring of progress towards 90-90-90 blighted by poor quality reporting

Monitoring of progress towards 90-90-90 blighted by poor quality reporting - Only six countries, representing just 2% of the global HIV burden, have high quality data reporting on the HIV care continuum and ... weitermore

UNAIDS Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee calls for HIV testing revolution

UNAIDS Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee calls for HIV testing revolution

UNAIDS - The participants of a meeting of the UNAIDS Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) have called on UNAIDS to lead global efforts ... weitermore

Can women who are at high risk of acquiring HIV, safely use hormonal contraception?

Can women who are at high risk of acquiring HIV, safely use hormonal contraception?

World Health Organisation (WHO) - "Since 1991, there has been mixed evidence as to whether using hormonal contraceptive methods increases a woman’s ... weitermore

Integrating fertility care and HIV treatment and prevention: how couples affected by HIV can achieve pregnancy safely

Integrating fertility care and HIV treatment and prevention: how couples affected by HIV can achieve pregnancy safely

World Health Organisation (WHO) - "By the end of 2015 there were approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV globally, up to half of whom have ... weitermore

White House Proposes Large Cuts to NIH Research This Year

White House Proposes Large Cuts to NIH Research This Year

Bloomberg Politics - "President Donald Trump’s administration has proposed cutting $1.23 billion this fiscal year from research funded by the ... weitermore

Investing in Community Responses

Investing in Community Responses

The Global Fund Advocates Network - "Greater investment in community responses is needed to end AIDS. UNAIDS suggests that investments in community ... weitermore

HIV/Aids drugs for developing world face threat of disruption

HIV/Aids drugs for developing world face threat of disruption

Financial Time - "Just four companies supply the bulk of antiretroviral medication to poorer countries. According to UNAids, the United Nations ... weitermore

When women lead, change happens.

When women lead, change happens.

UNAIDS - Indignation. Hope. These two words immediately come to my mind every time I address the issue of girls, women and HIV. Indignation that ... weitermore

On International Women’s Day UNAIDS is urging countries to stop 1 million women and girls from becoming infected with HIV every year

On International Women’s Day UNAIDS is urging countries to stop 1 million women and girls from becoming infected with HIV every year

UNAIDS, Press release - "Nearly 1 million women are becoming infected with HIV every year and only half of all women living with HIV have access to ... weitermore

Engaging Communities is Critical in Every Step of Global Fund Processes

Engaging Communities is Critical in Every Step of Global Fund Processes

The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) - "Published by MSMGF this new review synthesizes good practices and proposes a series of strategic actions for ... weitermore

To End HIV Epidemic, Listen to the Youth

To End HIV Epidemic, Listen to the Youth

The Global Fund - "I grew up in Africa in the ’90s, a period now often called the continent’s lost decade. It is a decade that many Africans ... weitermore

UNITAID and the Global Fund expert panel approves the first HIV self-testing product

UNITAID and the Global Fund expert panel approves the first HIV self-testing product

World Health Organisation (WHO) - "Today marks a significant development in responding to the HIV testing gap with the approval of the first product ... weitermore

Global Fund Names Marijke Wijnroks Interim Executive Director

Global Fund Names Marijke Wijnroks Interim Executive Director

The Global Fund - The Board of the Global Fund has appointed Marijke Wijnroks as Interim Executive Director, to serve from 1 June 2017 until a new ... weitermore

Board to “restart the process” of searching for a new executive director

Board to “restart the process” of searching for a new executive director - "Board members chose not to consider either of the two short-listed candidates. Citing concerns about the process, the Global Fund ... weitermore

UNAIDS urges everyone to make some noise for zero discrimination

UNAIDS urges everyone to make some noise for zero discrimination

UNAIDS - "Everyone will have experienced discrimination of some kind during their lives; however, non-discrimination is a human right. Equally, ... weitermore

Strong Science - Bold Activism

Strong Science - Bold Activism

The International AIDS Society (IAS) / Annual Letter 2017 - "As 2017 begins, our community is anxious and concerned. Political and societal changes ... weitermore

Global Fund Board to Continue Search for Executive Director

Global Fund Board to Continue Search for Executive Director

The Global Fund - "The Board of the Global Fund announced today that it will continue to search for a new Executive Director. weitermore

Evidence for scaling up HIV treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for incorporating health system constraints

Evidence for scaling up HIV treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for incorporating health system constraints

PLOS/Medicine - "The scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected people in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) over the past 15 years is one of ... weitermore

How should HIV self-testing services be provided?

How should HIV self-testing services be provided? CROI2017 - "Chairing a session on HIV self-testing at the 2017 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in ... weitermore

Kulturplatz zum Thema "Stop Aids"

Kulturplatz zum Thema "Stop Aids"

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - Die Sendung Kulturplatz berichtete am 22. Februar über das Thema «Stop Aids» und hat ein persönliches Gespräch mit Sabine ... weitermore

CROI shows the importance of 90–90–90

CROI shows the importance of 90–90–90

UNAIDS - "A number of important updates were announced at the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) that have shown ... weitermore

Thank God for PrEP

Thank God for PrEP - "I take PrEP and fight for other women to take PrEP so that we can end the HIV epidemic". Scotchy* is a 24-year-old oral PrEP ... weitermore

A Contentious List of Finalists for Global Aid Fund Group’s Director

A Contentious List of Finalists for Global Aid Fund Group’s Director

New York Times (NYT) - "Three candidates to become the next director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria are likely to draw ... weitermore

Un groupe d'activistes parvient à faire chuter le taux d'infection par le VIH à Londres

Un groupe d'activistes parvient à faire chuter le taux d'infection par le VIH à Londres

RTS Radio - L'année dernière, les infections par le VIH ont chuté de manière spectaculaire dans la communauté gay masculine de Londres. weitermore

Dieser Kurzfilm zeigt, wie es ist, homosexuell zu sein - "Der Film „Golden“ zeigt, wie schwer das Aufwachsen für einen jungen, queeren Menschen ist. Die Botschaft ist aber eine andere. weitermore

Homosexuelle Männer dürfen ab Juli Blut spenden

Homosexuelle Männer dürfen ab Juli Blut spenden

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) - "Ab Juli dürfen schwule Männer Blut spenden. Allerdings dürfen sie in den letzten zwölf Monaten vor der Blutspende ... weitermore

Plan to increase CHWs endorsed

Plan to increase CHWs endorsed

UNAIDS - "Economic experts and representatives of national AIDS programmes, health ministries and health professional organizations endorsed the ... weitermore

South Africa's plan to tackle HIV among sex workers

South Africa's plan to tackle HIV among sex workers

Aljazeera - "South African activists call for the decriminalisation of sex work to protect human rights and reduce spread of HIV. weitermore

New Global Fund Results Show Further Progress Against HIV, TB and Malaria

New Global Fund Results Show Further Progress Against HIV, TB and Malaria

The Global Fund, News Realease - "Latest results show that programs supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have ... weitermore

Trump's Global Gag Rule May Have Terrible Impact On HIV/AIDS Patients

Trump's Global Gag Rule May Have Terrible Impact On HIV/AIDS Patients

SELF - "It can undo years of progress in the war on HIV/AIDS. You’ve probably heard at some point this week about the global gag rule that Donald ... weitermore

All Evidence Points to Trump Having Zero Plans to Battle HIV

All Evidence Points to Trump Having Zero Plans to Battle HIV

Advocate - "The future is uncertain for the Office of National AIDS Policy — as well as millions of lives. Donald Trump’s first week as president has ... weitermore

What are the key steps to effective delivery of PrEP care?

What are the key steps to effective delivery of PrEP care?

aidsmap - "Providing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to people who need it entails at least nine key steps, which can be conceived of as a PrEP ... weitermore

Trump team’s compassionate act will keep up the momentum on AIDS prevention

Trump team’s compassionate act will keep up the momentum on AIDS prevention

The Washington Post - "This Inauguration Day brings an act of compassion, outreach and bipartisanship by the Trump leadership team. The Trump ... weitermore

"Die Leute können sich das nicht leisten"

"Die Leute können sich das nicht leisten"

Spiegel Online - "Eine Pille pro Tag und die Angst vor einer Ansteckung sinkt: Seit September ist in Deutschland ein Medikament zum Schutz vor HIV ... weitermore

Young people, in all their diversity, are central to the HIV response

Young people, in all their diversity, are central to the HIV response - "This week, a Journal of Adolescent Health supplement “Integrating Rights into HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health: ... weitermore

Study Finds Anti-AIDS Vaginal Ring Partially Protects Women

Study Finds Anti-AIDS Vaginal Ring Partially Protects Women

EdgemediaNetwork - "In a new approach to HIV prevention, women modestly reduced their risk of infection by inserting a vaginal ring coated with an ... weitermore

Afrique: Déclaration finale du sommet Afrique-France de Bamako au Mali

 Afrique: Déclaration finale du sommet Afrique-France de Bamako au Mali

Cameroon-Info.Net - "C'est du 13 au 14 janvier 2017 que se sont déroulés les travaux du Sommet de Afrique-France de Bamako placé sous le socle du ... weitermore

Trump Team’s Queries About Africa Point to Skepticism About Aid

Trump Team’s Queries About Africa Point to Skepticism About Aid

The New York Times - "President-elect Donald J. Trump’s views of Africa have, until now, been a mystery. But a series of questions from the Trump ... weitermore

UNAIDS at the 2017 Africa–France Summit

 UNAIDS at the 2017 Africa–France Summit

UNAIDS- "The summit, co-organized by France and Mali and taking place on 13 and 14 January, will welcome around 2000 participants across the two ... weitermore

HIV-Tests für zu Hause

HIV-Tests für zu Hause

NZZ - "Schätzungsweise 14 Millionen Personen wissen nicht, dass sie HIV-positiv sind. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation will daher Selbsttests fördern. ... weitermore

HIV infections in Russia reach record-high and account for almost two-thirds of new cases in Europe

HIV infections in Russia reach record-high and account for almost two-thirds of new cases in Europe

Independent - "Two-thirds of all new HIV cases in Europe are being recorded in just one country – Russia. More than a million Russians now live ... weitermore

Viral load suppression among young people and adolescents falling behind in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Viral load suppression among young people and adolescents falling behind in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe

AVERT - "A number of southern African countries are making good progress towards the 90-90-90 Fast-Track Targets, but efforts to reach younger ... weitermore

Global health is good business — Trump should get in the prosperity

Global health is good business — Trump should get in the prosperity

The Hill - "As President-elect Trump considers submitting a fiscal year 2018 budget request to Congress, scores of government funding issues will be ... weitermore

The Global Fund and CRG Community Starter Kits

The Global Fund and CRG Community Starter Kits

The Global Fund - "Resources and tools to promote communities, rights & gender in Global Fund-supportes programmes. weitermore

UNAIDS announces new donor commitments from the Nordic countries for 2017

UNAIDS announces new donor commitments from the Nordic countries for 2017

UNAIDS - "As 2016 draws to a close, UNAIDS welcomes new funding commitments from our partners in the Nordic region for 2017. The renewed political ... weitermore

HIV Cases Surpass a Million in Russia, but Little Is Done

HIV Cases Surpass a Million in Russia, but Little Is Done

The New York Times - "Quietly, the number of Russians who have received a positive H.I.V. diagnosis passed the one million mark this year. There is, ... weitermore

Cure For HIV, AIDS Coming Soon? Bill Gates Invests $140M In Company Creating Infection-Prevention Implant

Cure For HIV, AIDS Coming Soon? Bill Gates Invests $140M In Company Creating Infection-Prevention Implant

International Business Times - "The Microsoft founder has been steadily backing medical research for years with his and his wife’s Bill and Melinda ... weitermore

New academy launched to improve HIV services to MSM in Africa - "A training initiative for clinicians and community workers who provide healthcare to men who have sex with men (MSM) in some ... weitermore


Helpful guide for the 2017-2019 Global Fund Funding Cycle

Helpful guide for the 2017-2019 Global Fund Funding Cycle

The Global Fund - "Country Coordinating Mechanisms apply for their allocated funding by completing and submitting funding applications. A country ... weitermore

UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB)

UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB)

UNAIDS - "6th-9th of December, the 39th UNAIDS Programme and Coordinating Board (PCB) took place under Swiss chairmanship in Geneva. weitermore

Press release: Global Fund Notifies Countries on 2017-2019 Allocations

Press release: Global Fund Notifies Countries on 2017-2019 Allocations

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is notifying eligible countries how much funding is available for each ... weitermore

Strengthening the gender-sensitivity of national HIV monitoring and evaluation systems

Strengthening the gender-sensitivity of national HIV monitoring and evaluation systems

UNAIDS - "The World Health Organization and UNAIDS have released a new publication to enhance the ability of counties to collect, analyse and ... weitermore

UNAIDS PCB session on ageing and HIV reaffirms that an ageing population of people living with HIV is a measure of success

UNAIDS PCB session on ageing and HIV reaffirms that an ageing population of people living with HIV is a measure of success

UNAIDS - "On 8 December, the thematic session of the 39th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) focused on ageing and HIV. Out of ... weitermore

Partners Launch Equitable Access Initiative Report

The Global Fund - "A group of leading organizations today launched the Equitable Access Initiative report, a new policy framework designed to better ... weitermore

The 2017-2019 Global Fund Funding Cycle: Highlights of the differentiated funding application process

The 2017-2019 Global Fund Funding Cycle: Highlights of the differentiated funding  application process

The Global Fund - "This alert provides an update to community groups who have been or are planning to be involved with the Global Fund to ... weitermore

The Success Of HIV Treatment Is Increasing The Risk Of Drug-Resistance

The Success Of HIV Treatment Is Increasing The Risk Of Drug-Resistance

Huffington Post - "Global health agencies are succeeding in getting more people with HIV on antiretroviral therapy, a combination of drugs that ... weitermore

Is global health industry too self-serving in the fight against AIDS?

Is global health industry too self-serving in the fight against AIDS?

Humanosphere - "Washington state’s global health community is a recognized leader in the fight against many diseases of poverty including HIV/AIDS. ... weitermore

World AIDS Day 2016: Lessons for reversing inequality by Mark Goldring, Oxfam UK Executive Director

Global Health Check - "Today is World AIDS Day, a day to celebrate the many lives saved and to remember the many lost to the HIV virus. Importantly ... weitermore

"Das hat mein Leben völlig verändert"

"Das hat mein Leben völlig verändert"

terre des hommes schweiz - "Hunderttausende Jugendliche haben in KwaZulu Natal, Südafrika, durch HIV/Aids einen oder beide Elternteile verloren. ... weitermore

"Das hat mein Leben völlig verändert"

"Das hat mein Leben völlig verändert"

terre des hommes schweiz - "Hunderttausende Jugendliche haben in KwaZulu Natal, Südafrika, durch HIV/Aids einen oder beide Elternteile verloren. ... weitermore

Investing in Adolescents: The Global Fund Information Note

Investing in Adolescents: The Global Fund Information Note

The Global Fund - "This Global Fund webinar has explored key issues elaborated upon within the Adolescent Information Note, available on Global Fund ... weitermore

Emission: Internationales reçoit Michel Sidibé

Emission: Internationales reçoit Michel Sidibé

TV5Monde: Emission du 4 Décembre 2016- " Internationales reçoit Michel Sidibé, directeur exécutif de l'ONUSIDA et Secrétaire général adjoint de ... weitermore

2016 Regional Concept Note: Development in The Global Fund's (new) funding model: Observations from the second window

2016 Regional Concept Note: Development in The Global Fund's (new) funding model: Observations from  the second window

The Global Fund - "In June 2015, ICASO and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance published a discussion paper which analyzed the development of ... weitermore

Von wegen Aids ist überwunden

Von wegen Aids ist überwunden

Der Tagesanzeiger, 1. Dezember 2016 - "Entgegen dem weltweiten Trend nehmen in Europa Neuansteckungen mit dem Aidsvirus zu – auch in der Schweiz. ... weitermore

World AIDS Day 2016: About 18 million people unable to access HIV treatment

World AIDS Day 2016: About 18 million people unable to access HIV treatment

Word Health Organization (WHO) - In advance of World AIDS Day, WHO has released new guidelines on HIV self-testing to improve access to and uptake of ... weitermore

Sex for Fish: Toward Gender Equality and Fewer HIV Infections

Sex for Fish: Toward Gender Equality and Fewer HIV Infections

The Global Fund - "With help from community health volunteers, a group of women have organized themselves to become economically less dependent on ... weitermore

Re-energizing HIV Prevention

Re-energizing HIV Prevention

The Global Fund - "An indispensable element of our efforts to end HIV as an epidemic – prevention – is lagging too far behind, and allowing too many ... weitermore

Newlands Clinic patient addresses Medicus Mundi conference

Newlands Clinic patient addresses Medicus Mundi conference

Ruedy Lüthy Foundation - "When Maximina Jokonya found out she was HIV-positive at the age of thirteen, it was as if her world had fallen apart. ... weitermore

Human Rights Handbook for Parliamentarians N° 26

Human Rights Handbook for Parliamentarians N° 26

Inter-Parliamentary Union / United Nations Human Rights - "Human rights are the bedrock principles which underpin all societies where there is rule ... weitermore

Broken systems breaking people

Broken systems breaking people - "Violence against women and HIV are inextricably linked, and for women of the populations most vulnerable to and affected by ... weitermore

HIV Fact Sheet

UNAIDS - The global HIV statistics have been published. weitermore

Get on the Fast-Track — The life-cycle approach to HIV

Get on the Fast-Track — The life-cycle approach to HIV

UNAIDS - "In this report, UNAIDS is announcing that 18.2 million people now have access to HIV treatment. The Fast-Track response is working. ... weitermore

Dringender UN Appell: Junge Frauen in Afrika müssen besser vor einer HIV-Infektion geschützt werden

Dringender UN Appell: Junge Frauen in Afrika müssen besser vor einer HIV-Infektion geschützt werden

The Guardian - Obwohl seit langem bekannt, sind die Zahlen noch immer dramatisch: Jede Woche infizieren sich Tausende junger Frauen zwischen 15-24 ... weitermore

LOVE LIFE-Kampagne: sexuell übertragbare Infektionen nehmen zu

LOVE LIFE-Kampagne: sexuell übertragbare Infektionen nehmen zu

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - Die sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen (STI) waren 2015 auf dem Vormarsch. Die Gonorrhoe nahm gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 23 Prozent ... weitermore

African nations attempt to suspend UN's LGBT rights monitor

African nations attempt to suspend UN's LGBT rights monitor

The Guardian - African nations are seeking to suspend the work of the first UN independent expert charged with investigating violence and ... weitermore

Luxembourg Secures Commitment to Global Fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria

The Global Fund - MONTREUX – Luxembourg today signed a multi-year contribution agreement with the Global Fund, becoming the first European donor to ... weitermore

The need to empower young women and adolescent girls

The need to empower young women and adolescent girls

UNAIDS - "Young women and adolescent girls are disproportionately affected by HIV—in 2015, 75% of new HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa among ... weitermore

Eastern European and central Asian countries unite to expand access to HIV and TB treatment

Eastern European and central Asian countries unite to expand access to HIV and TB treatment

UNAIDS - "Ministries of Health from eastern Europe and central Asia adopted on 3 November in Minsk, Belarus, a consensus statement on HIV and ... weitermore

Comprehensive sexuality education in Zambia

Comprehensive sexuality education in Zambia

UNAIDS - "It is estimated that worldwide only three in 10 adolescent girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 24 years have comprehensive and ... weitermore

Link Up experiences of reaching adolescents living with HIV

Link Up experiences of reaching adolescents living with HIV - "This brief highlights new understanding, gained through Link Up, around engaging and providing services for adolescents ... weitermore

Growing recognition of transgender health

WHO Bulletin - "Stigma, discrimination and lack of legal recognition remain major barriers for transgender people to access the health services they ... weitermore

HIV-Epidemie in viertgrösster Stadt Russlands

HIV-Epidemie in viertgrösster Stadt Russlands

NZZ - "In Russlands viertgrösster Stadt Jekaterinburg soll fast jeder 50. Einwohner das HI-Virus in sich tragen. weitermore

«Patient zero» ist nicht Patient zero

«Patient zero» ist nicht Patient zero

NZZ - "Ein schwuler Flight-Attendant soll die HIV-Epidemie in den USA in Gang gebracht haben. Obwohl diese These schon länger umstritten ist, kommt ... weitermore

Ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in low- and middle-income countries by 2030: is it possible?

F1000Research - The international community has committed to ending the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical ... weitermore

FAQ on the 2017-2019 Funding Cycle

FAQ on the 2017-2019 Funding Cycle

The Global Fund - "The allocation-based funding model remains largely unchanged for the 2017-2019 funding cycle. Eligible countries will receive a ... weitermore

HPV-Impfung für alle Mädchen

HPV-Impfung für alle Mädchen

Das neue Zentrum für Frauengesundheit läuft ein Jahr nach der Eröffnung auf Hochtouren: Jeden Monat nutzen etwa 350 unserer Patientinnen das Angebot. weitermore

Kontrolle der Virenlast bei HIV-Infizierten - ein wichtiges Instrument

Kontrolle der Virenlast bei HIV-Infizierten - ein wichtiges Instrument

Das Kernstück der vierten Projektphase ist die Kontrolle der Virenlast. Bisher erfolgte diese in Matanzas (Kuba) unregelmässig. Die Proben mussten ... weitermore

Voluntary medical male circumcision: a core campaign to reach the Fast-Track Targets

Voluntary medical male circumcision: a core campaign to reach the Fast-Track Targets

UNAIDS - "Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is a cost-effective, one-time intervention that provides lifelong partial protection against ... weitermore

Studies towards a"cure" for HIV

Imperial College London - Sarah Fidler, Professor of HIV and Communicable Diseases, talks about the current status of HIV treatment and the trial of ... weitermore

Cities ending the AIDS epidemic

Cities ending the AIDS epidemic

UNAIDS - "Cities have inherent advantages in responding to complex health problems such as HIV. They are dynamic centres of economic growth, ... weitermore

Condoms: The prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies

Condoms: The prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies

UNAIDS 2016 Meeting Report weitermore

China and Cambodia share successful experience in the AIDS response

China and Cambodia share successful experience in the AIDS response

UNAIDS - "A Chinese delegation visited Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 11 to 13 October to promote innovative partnerships between the government and ... weitermore

The HIV/AIDS situation in India, and how the new Bill will protect victims

The HIV/AIDS situation in India, and how the new Bill will protect victims

The Indian Express - "More than two years after it was introduced in Rajya Sabha, a revised draft of the HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Bill, ... weitermore

Women’s bodily integrity: linking criminalisation of abortion and criminalisation of HIV

The Lancet Global Health Blog - On Sept 28, was the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. This day was declared by the women’s ... weitermore

A new meta-analysis of PrEP use suggests that men who rely on PrEP have higher rates of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

A new meta-analysis of PrEP use suggests that men who rely on PrEP have higher rates of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

AIDS2016 - "The jury is still out whether taking PrEP, which drastically reduces the risk of becoming HIV positive during condomless sex, leads to ... weitermore

Russia faces HIV epidemic with 1 million positive cases; Kremlin blames moral lapses

Russia faces HIV epidemic with 1 million positive cases; Kremlin blames moral lapses

ABC- "Russia has reached a shocking milestone, with over 1 million people officially registered with HIV. weitermore

The Rapid Response Fund

The Rapid Response Fund

International HIV/AIDS Alliance- "In many countries lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and men who have sex with men (MSM) ... weitermore

Malawi villagers embrace HIV self-testing

Malawi villagers embrace HIV self-testing

WHO - "Malawi has one of the highest HIV rates, with an estimated 1 in 10 people living with HIV. Most of those people living with HIV remain unaware ... weitermore

Human rights—critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

Human rights—critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

UNAIDS - "At a meeting to discuss human rights and the 2016 Political declaration on Ending AIDS, panellists underscored the urgent need to protect ... weitermore

Fuzzy Math at the Global Fund Replenishment? Why $13 billion might not be $13 billion and why it’s insufficient even if it is

Fuzzy Math at the Global Fund Replenishment? Why $13 billion might not be $13 billion and why it’s insufficient even if it is

Health GAP - "The Global Fund’s 5th Replenishment period has just kicked off with pledges from most of the major wealthy countries of the world. ... weitermore

MSF response to the outcome of the replenishment meeting of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

MSF response to the outcome of the replenishment meeting of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

Médecins Sans Frontières - "The Global Fund closed its fifth Replenishment Conference with over USD 12.9 billion pledged, out of its funding target ... weitermore

$12 billion for the Global Fund – but we needed $15 billion

$12 billion for the Global Fund – but we needed $15 billion

STOPAIDS - "Just over $12bn was committed to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria by world leaders at a pledging conference in Washington DC ... weitermore

Donors Pledge Nearly $13 Billion

The Global Fund, Montreal - "At the launch of the Global Fund’s Fifth Replenishment, donors pledged over US$12.9 billion for the next three years, ... weitermore

Zwölf Milliarden Euro für eine gesündere Welt

Die Zeit - "Zika und Ebola beherrschen die Schlagzeilen, doch an Aids, Malaria und Tuberkulose erkranken viel mehr Menschen. Für ihre Bekämpfung gibt ... weitermore

Refocused Global Fund starts to hit key populations

Refocused Global Fund starts to hit key populations - "A successful community-driven India HIV/AIDS Alliance programme that provided critical services to nearly 500,000 members of ... weitermore

Finanzierung der globalen Aidsbekämpfung: Zusage der Bundesregierung bleibt hinter den Möglichkeiten zurück!

Finanzierung der globalen Aidsbekämpfung: Zusage der Bundesregierung bleibt hinter den Möglichkeiten zurück!

Aktionsbündnis gegen AIDS - Trotz eines Haushaltsüberschusses in Höhe von 18,5 Milliarden Euro erfährt der Beitrag Deutschlands zur ... weitermore

Germany Pledges €800 Million to Global Fund

Germany Pledges €800 Million to Global Fund

The Global Fund/ Munich – "The government of Germany announced today it will contribute €800 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis ... weitermore

The International AIDS Society Calls for Global Leadership Ahead of the 5th Global Fund Replenishment

The International AIDS Society Calls for Global Leadership Ahead of the 5th Global Fund Replenishment

International AIDS Society - On 16 September 2016, the 5th Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will ... weitermore

Failure to Replenish the Global Fund Will Result in Increased Infections, Lives Lost and Costs

Failure to Replenish the Global Fund Will Result in Increased Infections, Lives Lost and Costs

The Global Fund Advocacy Network - The GFAN report "Global Fund Replenishment 2016: The Cost of Inaction" demonstrates that inadequate investment in ... weitermore

Should we ask patients to contribute to the cost of their care?

BMC Public Health - "Across sub-Saharan Africa, up to 20 % of total spending on health is used for HIV services, and of this over 85 % is estimated ... weitermore

South Africa to give free HIV treatment to all infected

South Africa to give free HIV treatment to all infected

The Washington Post - "South Africa said Thursday it will now provide free treatment to all people infected with HIV, regardless of the condition of ... weitermore

Separating Myths from Facts: Donor funding for the HIV response

Separating Myths from Facts: Donor funding for the HIV response

Health Gap - "Over the past 15 years, wealthy countries have played a critical role in the global AIDS response through international development ... weitermore

Global Fund Report Shows 20 Million Lives Saved

Global Fund Report Shows 20 Million Lives Saved

The Global Fund - "Programs supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have saved 20 million lives, according to a report ... weitermore

Loyce Maturu on living with HIV

Loyce Maturu on living with HIV

Loyce Maturu, 23, of Zimbabwe tells a Global Fund forum how she was able to overcome TB and the psychological challenge of living with HIV. weitermore

Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on the United States' Global Fund Pledge

The White House, Office of the Press Secretary - "(...)the United States is committing up to $4.3 billion through 2019 to the Global Fund to Fight ... weitermore

Kenya Leads the Way in Africa with a Pledge of $5 million to the Global Fund

The Global Fund - "Kenya has pledged US$5 million to the Global Fund's Fifth Replenishment to be held in Montréal, Canada, on 16-17 September 2016. weitermore

WHO validates elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in Thailand, Armenia, Belarus and the Republic of Moldova

WHO validates elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in Thailand, Armenia, Belarus and the Republic of Moldova

WHO - "WHO congratulates Thailand and Belarus for their achievement of eliminating of mother-to-child transmission of both HIV and syphilis, and ... weitermore

Spendenmüdigkeit: Die Aids-Epidemie ist noch lange nicht vorbei

Spendenmüdigkeit: Die Aids-Epidemie ist noch lange nicht vorbei

Der Tagesspiegel - "Kampf gegen Aids? Für die Industrienationen gibt es offenbar wichtigere Themen. Doch Selbstzufriedenheit kann alle Erfolge ... weitermore

HIV/AIDS in 2016 and Beyond

HIV/AIDS in 2016 and Beyond

JAMA - "Overshadowed by the Zika epidemic, concerns about terrorism and security, and the US presidential election, the global HIV/AIDS pandemic ... weitermore

HIV effort let down by test shortages, says WHO

HIV effort let down by test shortages, says WHO

BBC - "A shortage of HIV testing could undermine global efforts to diagnose and treat people with the infection, warn experts from the World Health ... weitermore

Building from the HIV Response toward Universal Health Coverage

Building from the HIV Response toward Universal Health Coverage

PLOS Medicine - Gaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a major global health goal. Contemporary concepts are mainly inspired by the idea that ... weitermore

UN political declaration on HIV and AIDS: where to begin?

UN political declaration on HIV and AIDS: where to begin?

The Lancet - "In June, 2016, the UN General Assembly made a political commitment to end AIDS by 2030, endorsing the fast-track approach of the ... weitermore

A farewell to abstinence and fidelity?

The Lancet - "Sex has regularly proven to be a polarising issue for the UN Member States, and the 2016 High-Level Meeting on ... weitermore

The end of the end of AIDS

The end of the end of AIDS

The World Bank / Blog - "The recent Durban 2016 International AIDS Conference celebrates the success of AIDS treatment in reducing illness and death. ... weitermore

Transitioning to Country Ownership of HIV Programs in Rwanda

Transitioning to Country Ownership of HIV Programs in Rwanda

Plos Medicine - "An objective of development aid is to increase the capacity of recipient countries until they no longer require foreign assistance. ... weitermore

The People's Hope

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) - During the darkest days of the AIDS epidemic, People’s Hope Clinic - called iThembalabantu in Zulu - brought ... weitermore

Hope for 'end of Aids' is disappearing, experts warn

Hope for 'end of Aids' is disappearing, experts warn

The Guardian - "Those fighting epidemic say 2030 target is unrealistic as efforts to defeat it falter amid rising infection levels and drug ... weitermore

Key Populations Atlas

Key Populations Atlas

UNAIDS - The Key Populations Atlas brings together data from diverse sources into one visual tool. With the collaboration of the Global Fund to Fight ... weitermore

Investment in key and vulnerable populations is needed now more than ever

Investment in key and vulnerable populations is needed now more than ever

The Global Fund Advocacy Network - The report "Key Populations and the Global Fund: Delivering Key Results" explains why ending AIDS, TB and malaria ... weitermore

Swiss Aids Care International heisst ab dem 1. Juli Ruedi Lüthy Foundation

Swiss Aids Care International heisst ab dem 1. Juli Ruedi Lüthy Foundation

Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - Ab dem 1. Juli 2016 heisst Swiss Aids Care International neu Ruedi Lüthy Foundation. Die Stiftung würdigt mit dem ... weitermore

Die Polizei als Teil der Lösung des Problems - Neue Ansätze um Aids bis 2013 zu beenden

Die Polizei als Teil der Lösung des Problems - Neue Ansätze um Aids bis 2013 zu beenden

Journal of the International AIDS Society - Um Aids bis 2030 zu beenden, muss auch die Polizei endlich in die Präventionsarbeit gegen HIV/Aids ... weitermore

World Vision HIV and AIDS 2020 Strategy: Getting to Zero for Children

World Vision HIV and AIDS 2020 Strategy: Getting to Zero for Children

World Vision International - "In its 2015 strategy, UNAIDS shared the vision for getting to zero new infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero ... weitermore

21. Welt AIDS Konferenz endet hoffnungsvoll

Medienmitteilung, Aktionsbündnis gegen Aids, 21. Juli 2016 - "Es war das zweite Mal, dass die größte wissenschaftliche Konferenz zu HIV und Aids in ... weitermore

PrEP researchers now focusing on the best ways to get PrEP to people who need it

PrEP researchers now focusing on the best ways to get PrEP to people who need it - "Speaking to a meeting on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) yesterday, ahead of the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016), ... weitermore

Experimental HIV treatment models highlight success and pinpoint obstacles to expanding care in African countries

AIDS 2016, Durban, South Africa - "Researchers in developing countries with high burdens of HIV infection are developing promising new strategies to ... weitermore

Progress towards 90-90-90 targets is promising, but funding is the critical step, says UNAIDS leader

Progress towards 90-90-90 targets is promising, but funding is the critical step, says UNAIDS leader - "The 90-90-90 targets for testing, treatment and viral suppression are achievable by 2020 in many high-burden countries, but donor ... weitermore

AIDS 2016: International conference opens with one ubiquitous question

AIDS 2016: International conference opens with one ubiquitous question

Humanosphere - Durban, South Africa,The 21st International AIDS Conference began with the question: “What will it really take to achieve the end of ... weitermore

Das brutale Erbe der Aidsleugner

Das brutale Erbe der Aidsleugner

Der Tagesanzeiger - "Die Welt-Aids-Konferenz in Südafrika lässt Erinnerungen wach werden: Vor 16 Jahren setzte die Regierung auf Knoblauch und Randen ... weitermore

WATCH LIVE: International AIDS Conference opening ceremony in Durban

WATCH LIVE: International AIDS Conference opening ceremony in Durban

AIDS 2016 - The International AIDS Conference opening ceremony weitermore

Rachel's HIV Revolution

Al Jazeera Media Network - "In Burkina Faso, one women challenges stigma and educates mothers on how to prevent transmitting HIV to their children. ... weitermore

HIV/Aids resurgence in Africa feared as Durban hosts conference

HIV/Aids resurgence in Africa feared as Durban hosts conference

The Guardian - "Latest figures indicate increase in the virus in some countries, as international funding for research and treatment falls. Sixteen ... weitermore

ONE issues warning to African leaders attending IAC: Step up fight against HIV and AIDS or risk millions of lives

ONE - "Two-decades of progress towards defeating HIV and AIDS will be undone unless African Governments and the international community immediately ... weitermore

We neglect primary HIV prevention at our peril

We neglect primary HIV prevention at our peril

The Lancet - "Inspired by a steady decline in new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths, the sustainable development goals call for ending the AIDS ... weitermore

WHO flags key challenges to global HIV response at International AIDS Conference

World Health Organisation (WHO) - "WHO is flagging 4 key challenges as the international community meets at the International AIDS Conference in ... weitermore

Donor Government Funding for HIV Fell in 2015 for First Time in 5 Years

Donor Government Funding for HIV Fell in 2015 for First Time in 5 Years

Kaiser Family Foundation, UNAIDS - "Donor government funding to support HIV efforts in low- and middle-income countries fell for the first time in ... weitermore

Statements der Schweizer Delegation am High Level Meeting in New York

Statements der Schweizer Delegation am High Level Meeting in New York

MMS/ - WATCH THE VIDEOS weitermore

SIGN ON TODAY- The Second Durban Declaration

AIDS2016 - There has been remarkable progress in our response to AIDS since the global HIV community last convened in Durban in 2000. Curbing the ... weitermore

Thailand eliminates mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis

The Lancet - "On June 7, 2016, WHO certified that Thailand had eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, becoming only the second ... weitermore

Interview mit Carine Weiss zum High Level Meeting in New York

Interview mit Carine Weiss zum High Level Meeting in New York

radio Rabe - Bis 2030 will die UNO HIV/Aids im Griff haben – Eine Absichtserklärung mit ambitionierten Zielen und schwach formulierten Massnahmen. ... weitermore

Enttäuschte Zivilgesellschaft

Enttäuschte Zivilgesellschaft

MMS (MMS/ Aids-Hilfe Schweiz / New York, 10. Juni 2016) Die politische Absichtserklärung, um Aids bis 2030 zu beenden, wurde am Mittwoch von den ... weitermore

Der deprimierendste Moment meines Lebens", UN-Aids-Konferenz in New York - "Loyce Maturu erfuhr mit zwölf, dass sie mit HIV infiziert ist. Sie dachte, sie müsse sterben. ... weitermore

Bold new Political Declaration on Ending AIDS adopted in New York

Bold new Political Declaration on Ending AIDS adopted in New York

UNAIDS, New York, 8 Juni 2016 - "A progressive, new and actionable Political Declaration on Ending AIDS has today been adopted by Member States at ... weitermore

Internationale Gemeinschaft will AIDS bis 2030 aus der Welt schaffen

Internationale Gemeinschaft will AIDS bis 2030 aus der Welt schaffen

EDA, Bern, 08.06.2016 - "Bis 2030 soll HIV/AIDS keine Gefahr mehr für die öffentliche Gesundheit darstellen. Davon ist die Schweizer Delegation ... weitermore

UN pledges to end Aids epidemic but plan barely mentions those most at risk

UN pledges to end Aids epidemic but plan barely mentions those most at risk

UNAIDS, New York, 8 June 2016 - "UN member states have pledged to end the Aids epidemic by 2030, but campaigners say the strategy adopted by the ... weitermore

Medienmitteilung: Kein Ende der Aidsepidemie ohne Kampf gegen Ausgrenzung

Medienmitteilung: Kein Ende der Aidsepidemie ohne Kampf gegen Ausgrenzung

MMS/ / Aids-Hilfe Schweiz, New York 7. Juni 2016 - Ab morgen diskutieren Regierungsvertreter von 193 UN-Mitgliedstaaten und über 560 ... weitermore

AIDS 2016: Community Voices

AIDS 2016: Community Voices

AIDS 2016 - The 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) will offer a best-in-class programme of over 500 conference activities and sessions ... weitermore

UNAIDS announces 2 million more people living with HIV on treatment in 2015, bringing new total to 17 million

UNAIDS announces 2 million more people living with HIV on treatment in 2015, bringing new total to 17 million

UNAIDS - "An estimated 17 million people were accessing life-saving antiretroviral medicines at the end of 2015, with an additional 2 million people ... weitermore

Global AIDS Update 2016

Global AIDS Update 2016

UNAIDS - The world has committed to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. How to reach this bold target within the Sustainable Development Goals is the ... weitermore

WCC video calls for strong action to end AIDS epidemic

World Council of Churches - “Leave no one behind.” That’s the urgent message of the World Council of Churches’ general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse ... weitermore



Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - GET TESTED ist eine Kampagne der Aids-Hilfe Schweiz. Sie soll Männer und Frauen ermutigen, den eigenen HIV-Status zu kennen ... weitermore

Erfolgreich gegen Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung

Erfolgreich gegen Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung

FEPA - Peter Marimi, ehemaliger Direktor von BHASO in Zimbabwe ist überzeugt: "Ich würde sagen, dass die Selbsthilfegruppen die wichtigste Instanz ... weitermore

The need for routine viral load testing

The need for routine  viral load testing

UNAIDS - Greatly expanded access to routine viral load testing will be a game-changer in the global response to AIDS. Routine viral load tests ... weitermore

Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly closes

Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly closes

World Health Organisation, 28 May 2016, Geneva - The Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly closed today after approving new resolutions on WHO’s ... weitermore

69th World Health Assembly: speakers at high-level side event call for a Fast-Track response to end the AIDS epidemic among women and adolescent girls

69th World Health Assembly: speakers at high-level side event call for a Fast-Track response to end the AIDS epidemic among women and adolescent girls

World Health Assembly, Geneva 23 May 2016 - "At a high-level side event held during the 69th session of the World Health Assembly, taking place in ... weitermore

WhatsApp in Kenya: real time messaging about HIV

WhatsApp in Kenya: real time messaging about HIV

Key Correspondents - "What’s the best way for young people to talk about HIV in an urban slum in Kenya? For Maxfacta, an organisation working in an ... weitermore to Bring Better Access, Prices, Transparency to Global Health

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the Government of Canada announced a new online marketplace today that ... weitermore

Rare but severe liver side-effects reported among South African patients starting efavirenz-based ART - "Treatment with efavirenz has been associated with rare but severe liver complications among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy ... weitermore

Muslimische Staaten sprerren die Teilnahme von 11 LGBT Gruppen am UN High Level Meeting

Muslimische Staaten sprerren die Teilnahme von 11 LGBT Gruppen am UN High Level Meeting

The Guardian - 51 muslimische Staaten darunter Saudi Arabien, der Iran, Indonesien, der Sudan und Uganda haben 11 LGBT (Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, ... weitermore

Overcoming Challenges in Global Health

The Global Fund - "Partners in global health have made tremendous progress in the last decade in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. By ... weitermore

Universal health coverage: political courage to leave no one behind

The Lancet - "Thanks to the leadership of Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abe, universal health coverage (UHC) is on the agenda of the G7 Summit.1 The ... weitermore

Ending AIDS means…

Ending AIDS means…

UNAIDS - "One hundred reasons why ending the AIDS epidemic is important. Join the countdown to #HLM2016AIDS with Petra Schroeter, Executive Director ... weitermore

The Future of HIV/AIDS Is Decided Next Week - Is Anyone Listening?

The Future of HIV/AIDS Is Decided Next Week - Is Anyone Listening?

The Huffington Post - "The 69th World Health Assembly (WHA) next week will see all eyes on the WHO again after a turbulent couple of years. Condemned ... weitermore

Rapport Le Prix de l'oubli - Des millions de personnes en Afrique occidentale et centrale restent en marge de la lutte mondiale contre le VIH

Médecins sans Frontières - « Ce que nous voyons aujourd’hui dans nos projets d’Afrique occidentale et centrale me rappelle parfois l’Afrique du Sud ... weitermore

On the fast track to ending the AIDS epidemic - UN Report of the Secretary-General

On the fast track to ending the AIDS epidemic - UN Report of the Secretary-General

United Nations - "Even when confronted with the vast scale of the global AIDS epidemic, the response to HIV has never lost sight of the value and ... weitermore

Engaging the private sector and communities in HIV programmes with gay men and other men who have sex with men

Engaging the private sector and communities in HIV programmes  with gay men and other men who have sex with men

UNAIDS - "HIV incidence among gay men and other men who have sex with men appears to be rising around the world; despite this, HIV programme ... weitermore

Financing for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advocacy Strategies for Effective Resource Mobilization

Financing for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advocacy Strategies for Effective Resource Mobilization

NGO Delegation, Global Fund - We had a very productive day discussing issues around resource mobilization, both domestic and external for the ... weitermore

Ein Quiz zu HIV und sexueller Gesundheit

Aids Hilfe Bern - "Was ist HIV? Welches sind die 3 Safer Sex Regeln? Wie bringe ich tabuisierte Themen wie HIV und Sexualität ins Gespräch und (ver-) ... weitermore

Government Denies Liability in the Forced and Coerced Sterilization of a Woman Living with HIV

Government Denies Liability in the Forced and Coerced Sterilization of a Woman Living with HIV

KELIN, Kenya - "The National Government has denied that it played a role in the forced and coerced sterilization of a woman living with HIV. In his ... weitermore

Canada Announces Pledge & Commitment to Host Global Fund Replenishment Conference

Canada Announces Pledge & Commitment to Host Global Fund Replenishment Conference - "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today at an event on youth and global health that Canada will ... weitermore

HIV & TB Programmes in Eastern Europe & Central Asia: Challenges & effetive Solutions

HIV & TB Programmes in Eastern Europe & Central Asia: Challenges & effetive Solutions

TB Europe Coalition - "The TB and HIV epidemics represent a serious threat to public health in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) ... weitermore

Letter to the Global Fund from MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières)

Dear Mark Dybul, Dear Members of the Secretariat and Global Fund Board of Directors, weitermore

AIDS2016: What's new ?

AIDS 2016 - The 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) will be taking place on 18-22 July in Durban, South Africa. This webinar provides a ... weitermore

I wanted to raise my hand: HIV can be manageable in Zimbabwe

 I wanted to raise my hand: HIV can be manageable in Zimbabwe

Key Correspondence - "When I came to the UK in September 2015 to study at the University of Sussex, I was told that the HIV medication I was on, was ... weitermore

Empowering Women & Girls for Greater Global Health

Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria - We hosted a webinar with Dr. Daniela Ligiero and Heather Doyle to discuss recent ... weitermore

UNAIDS urges countries to adopt a people-, rights- and health-centred approach to reverse the HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs

UNAIDS urges countries to adopt a people-, rights- and health-centred approach to reverse the HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs

UNAIDS - A new UNAIDS report says insufficient coverage of harm reduction programmes and policies that criminalize and marginalize people who inject ... weitermore

Investing in community-led action will be critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

Investing in community-led action will be critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

UNAIDS - At the Informal Interactive Civil Society Hearing on HIV, civil society organizations have called on United Nations Member States and ... weitermore

Investing in community advocacy and services to end the AIDS epidemic

Investing in community advocacy and services to end the AIDS epidemic

UNAIDS - "Since the start of the AIDS epidemic civil society has been at the forefront of the response to HIV—demanding access to treatment and HIV ... weitermore

Hungerkrise in Simbabwe bedroht die Patienten der Newlands Clinic

Hungerkrise in Simbabwe bedroht die Patienten der Newlands Clinic

Swiss Aids Care International - In Simbabwe und weiten Teilen des südlichen Afrikas droht wegen einer ausserordentlichen Dürre eine Hungerkrise. 600 ... weitermore

Unfinished Business - HIV among gay, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men

Unfinished Business - HIV among gay, bisexual men and  other men who have sex with men

Global Forum on MSM & HIV - "Gay, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men are among the only groups for which HIV is uncontrolled or ... weitermore

Search is on for quick and accurate measures of HIV incidence to assess impacts of interventions

Search is on for quick and accurate measures of HIV incidence to assess impacts of interventions

Science Speaks - "How do you measure the impact of DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe women)? FIND (Foundation ... weitermore

Removing Human Rights Barriers to End the HIV Epidemic

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund made a strong appeal to address human rights issues as a key component of efforts to end epidemics such as AIDS, ... weitermore

UN Panel Discussion on Human Rights and HIV/AIDS

UN Panel Discussion on Human Rights and HIV/AIDS

United Nations, 11 Mar 2016 - Panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end ... weitermore

PopART trial shows feasibility of reaching 90-90-90 targets for testing and treatment coverage in Zambia and South Africa

PopART trial shows feasibility of reaching 90-90-90 targets for testing and treatment coverage in Zambia and South Africa

www. - "Early findings from the PopART study of the impact of a test-and-treat strategy on antiretroviral treatment coverage and HIV ... weitermore

HIV still poses uncomfortable questions for the churches — and all of us

HIV still poses uncomfortable questions for the churches — and all of us

World Council of Churches (WWC) - "Almost forty years after the advent of HIV and AIDS, people around the world living with HIV still endure assaults ... weitermore

AIDS is Sexist: Why continued investments in the Global Fund are more important than ever - "Despite the gains that have been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS over the past 15 years, progress for women and girls has faltered. ... weitermore

We will not end AIDS without drug decriminalisation

We will not end AIDS without drug decriminalisation - "Almost a third of all new HIV cases outside sub-Saharan Africa, are a result of sharing injecting equipment between people ... weitermore

First do no harm

First do no harm

Asia Catalyst - "Discrimination in health care settings is one of the foremost barriers preventing people living with HIV and key ... weitermore

Pferderennen gegen HIV

Pferderennen gegen HIV

SolidarMed - "Lesotho: Die Basuto-Ponys gelten als «äusserst trittsicher, konditionsstark und gesund». In den Bergen Lesothos sind sie Arbeitsgerät ... weitermore

Wir stoppen HIV in 30 Tagen

Wir stoppen HIV in 30 Tagen

Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - Bereits zum fünften Mal findet im Frühling 2016 die Kampagne BREAK THE CHAINS statt. Ziel der Kampagne ist es, die ... weitermore

Europäische Kommission stärkt den Globalen Fonds

Europäische Kommission stärkt den Globalen Fonds

Der Globale Fonds - Die Europäische Kommission wird den Globalen Fonds zur Bekämpfung von Aids, Tuberkulose und Malaria in den Jahren 2017 bis 2019 ... weitermore

UNAIDS & GHWA action plan for zero discrimination in health care settings

UNAIDS & GHWA action plan for zero discrimination in health care settings

UNAIDS - “UNAIDS and the World Health Organization’s Global Health Workforce Alliance are initiating an agenda for action towards the elimination of ... weitermore

Improving the care cascade in African countries

Improving the care cascade in African countries - "With advances in HIV testing, treatment and care, some countries are making great progress towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 target. weitermore

Life expectancy in HIV-positive people in the US still lags 13 years behind HIV-negative people

Life expectancy in HIV-positive people in the US still lags 13 years behind HIV-negative people - "A study presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2016) compared life expectancies of ... weitermore

CROI 2016: Boston

CROI 2016: Boston - "The annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) brought together top basic, translational, and ... weitermore

Botswana close to reaching the 90-90-90 testing and treatment targets

Botswana close to reaching the 90-90-90 testing and treatment targets - "Botswana is already close to reaching the 90-90-90 target for testing, treatment and viral suppression, and is ahead of the United ... weitermore

Wie lange kann Russland die HIV-Epidemie noch ignorieren?

Wie lange kann Russland die HIV-Epidemie noch ignorieren?

The Guardian - Weltweit ist HIV dank der antiretroviralen Therapien auf dem Rückzug, so dass mit einer zielgerichteten Politik bis 2030 sogar das ... weitermore

20 billion condoms by 2020 - a new UNAIDS target

20 billion condoms by 2020 - a new UNAIDS target - "Significant disparities in condom use between countries has led UNAIDS to establish a new global target to make 20 billion condoms ... weitermore

More investment needed in developing female-controlled HIV prevention options

UNAIDS - "Results from two large-scale studies of a vaginal ring that releases the antiretroviral medicine dapivirine to prevent HIV among women have ... weitermore

2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS

2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS

UNAIDS - "Ending AIDS by 2030 is an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were unanimously adopted by United Nations ... weitermore

Stop the persecution of people with HIV in the Czech Republic!

Stop the persecution of people with HIV in the Czech Republic! - The Prague Sanitary Office has filed a criminal complaint against 30 men who had unprotected sex though they knew they were ... weitermore

Young Nigerians with a passion for HIV prevention

UNAIDS - Isah Mohammed Takuma is married and has a one-year-old daughter. At 32, he is a university graduate and currently serves as the National ... weitermore

More access better quality

More access better quality

Stop AIDS Now - Reflections of a Regional Linking and Learning Expert meeting with a hundred people, from 18 different countries. With all kinds of ... weitermore

HIV and drug resistance

HIV and drug resistance

UNAIDS - "For the majority of people, antiretroviral therapy is extremely effective in treating HIV, allowing people living with HIV to live longer, ... weitermore

Advancing the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women living with HIV

Advancing the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women living with HIV

Journal of the International AIDS Society - "The contributions in this Supplement from researchers, clinicians, programme managers, policy makers, ... weitermore

Call to Action to Support Civil Society

Call to Action to Support Civil Society

AIDS 2016 - "The fight against HIV began with individual citizens around the world standing together to demand action against the greatest public ... weitermore

Hope and Change

Hope and Change

AIDS 2016 - "Ugandan youth speak of change and hope at the AIDS 2016 Youth Dialogue event. AIDS is the primary killer of adolescents in Africa and ... weitermore

CWGH's role at the 18th International Conference on Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa

CWGH's role at the 18th International Conference on Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa

Medicus Mundi International - "The Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) played a critical and pivotal role during the just ended 18th ... weitermore

Why young Kenyan men should be part of family planning

Why young Kenyan men should be part of family planning

Key Correspondents - "Young Kenyans are blaming a lack of male involvement in family planning for the rising number of unintended pregnancies and new ... weitermore

Let’s shift our thinking: Tailoring Global Fund support to country needs

Let’s shift our thinking: Tailoring Global Fund support to country needs - "The recently adopted Global Fund Strategic Framework 2017-2022 sets important parameters for the partnership to support countries in ... weitermore

AHF Blasts Global Fund for Lowering Fundraising Targets to Combat Epidemics

Business Wire, Los Angeles - "AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) the World’s largest AIDS organization calls on Global Fund to intensify efforts to ... weitermore

HIV treatment: time to lean forward

HIV treatment: time to lean forward

The Lancet - "The Lancet (Oct 10, p 1420) stated that the new WHO antiretroviral therapy (ART) guidelines are based on trials that “showed promising, ... weitermore

Thousands of people visit the European HIV Test Finder

Thousands of people visit the European HIV Test Finder - "Over the last week, (European HIV & Hepatitis Testing Week) we have seen a huge surge in traffic to the European HIV test finder. weitermore

HIV/Aids: Medikamente gelangen nicht zu den Patienten

HIV/Aids: Medikamente gelangen nicht zu den Patienten

Médecins Sans Frontières, Harare, Zürich - "Die internationale medizinische Hilfsorganisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warnt davor, dass ... weitermore

Ethiopia in “strong position” to end AIDS by 2030

Ethiopia in “strong position” to end AIDS by 2030

Key Correspondents - "Ethiopia plans to prevent more than half a million AIDS-related deaths and prevent up to 80,000 new HIV infections by 2020, ... weitermore


Global Fund Outlines Investment Case to End Epidemics

Global Fund Outlines Investment Case to End Epidemics

The Global Fund, Tokio - "The Global Fund presented its investment case for raising US$13 billion for its next three-year cycle of funding, outlining ... weitermore

Volles Stadtkino in Basel bei Filmpremiere zu HIV/Aids

Volles Stadtkino in Basel bei Filmpremiere zu HIV/Aids

mission 21/ - Der tansanische Film JUST LIKE YOU - WIE DU UND ICH über die Selbsthilfegruppe Lusubilo lockte am Welt-Aids-Tag viele ... weitermore

Barriers to progress – Treatment activists’ response to WHO HIV treatment guidelines 2015

Barriers to progress – Treatment activists’ response to WHO HIV treatment guidelines 2015

International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) - The new WHO consolidated treatment guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs are also ... weitermore

UNAIDS: On the Fast-Track to end AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population

UNAIDS: On the Fast-Track to end AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population

Within the pages of this World AIDS Day report, Focus on location and population, are more than 50 examples of how countries are getting on the ... weitermore

To Defeat HIV -- We Must Do More for Women and Girls

Huffingtonpost - "There is nothing wrong with having HIV. I tell people that I love myself and that I am not less because of HIV. And as an HIV ... weitermore

Save Our Young Women and Girls

Save Our Young Women and Girls

The Global Fund - "I love life. I love to visit new places and to make new friends. I love to dance. And oh, I love good food. Most of all, I adore ... weitermore

More people, more time, better data – what we need to ‘treat-all’ with HIV

More people, more time, better data – what we need to ‘treat-all’ with HIV

PLOS, Speaking of Medicine - "On World AIDS Day 2015 and as the 18th International Conferences on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) is in full swing, ... weitermore

Myanmar's HIV patients shunned despite progress in treatment

Myanmar's HIV patients shunned despite progress in treatment

Thomson Reuters Foundation, Yangon - "Shortly after Cho's husband passed away at his parent's home his family called to tell her he had died of AIDS ... weitermore

Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection: what’s new

World Health Organisation (WHO) - "The 2015 guidelines includes 10 new recommendations to improve the quality and efficiency of services to people ... weitermore

UNAIDS Executive Director delivers his World AIDS Day 2015 message

UNAIDS Executive Director delivers his World AIDS Day 2015 message

UNAIDS - "The world has committed to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. This ambitious yet wholly attainable ... weitermore

Situation analysis of sustainability and transition planning of HR programs in EECA

Situation analysis of sustainability and transition planning of HR programs in EECA

Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) - The report aims to assess the readiness of countries in the region for transition from GF funding for HIV ... weitermore

Towards HIV Treatment on Demand for All

Global Policy Analysis - Closing the gap between science and policy: Analysis of the current state of practice regarding the initiation of HIV ... weitermore

Leuchtende Red Ribbons am Welt-Aids-Tag

Leuchtende Red Ribbons am Welt-Aids-Tag

Live Science Communication, Medienmitteilung, Zürich, 30.11.15 – Dieses Jahr gibt es eine spezielle Aktion zum Welt-Aids-Tag am 1. Dezember in ... weitermore

Accelerate expansion of antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV: WHO

Accelerate expansion of antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV: WHO

World Health Organisation, 30 November 2015 - "On World AIDS Day WHO emphasizes that expanding antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV ... weitermore

Aidspionier als Retter in Afrika

Aidspionier als Retter in Afrika

Tagesanzeiger - Der Arzt Ruedi Lüthy betreibt in Harare, der Hauptstadt von Zimbabwe, ein Aidsambulatorium. Am Montag erhielt er dafür 130'000 ... weitermore

Osteuropa bekommt HIV nicht unter Kontrolle

Osteuropa bekommt HIV nicht unter Kontrolle

Die Zeit - "Die Zahl der HIV-Infektionen in der Europäischen WHO-Region ist erneut gestiegen. Nach einem Bericht des Europäischen Zentrums für die ... weitermore

Campaign highlights patients’ right: “Be Healthy — Know your viral load”

Campaign highlights patients’ right: “Be Healthy — Know your viral load”

Science Speaks - “On 30 October 2015 a new campaign calls on African governments to make viral load tests routinely available to all citizens living ... weitermore

Resources for Action for HIV and health programming with and for MSM

Resources for Action for HIV and health programming with and for MSM - "The resource guide aims to provide a quick reference on a wide range of topics relevant to rights-based, effective, sustainable ... weitermore

UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2021: On the Fast-Track to end AIDS

UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2021: On the Fast-Track to end AIDS

UNAIDS - The UNAIDS 2016–2021 Strategy is a bold call to action to get on the Fast-Track and reach people being left behind. It is an urgent call to ... weitermore

Ending the epidemics is a greater challenge than achieving progress: Dybul

Ending the epidemics is a greater challenge than achieving progress: Dybul - "Executive Director Mark Dybul challenges the Global Fund to do better. He provided the Board with a report that celebrated the Global ... weitermore

Global Fund Board Approves New Strategic Framework

Global Fund, Geneva - "The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria approved a new framework for its 2017-2022 strategy to ... weitermore

SDG Series: Are SDGs the Vehicle to End AIDS by 2030? Only if Driven by Human Rights

SDG Series: Are SDGs the Vehicle to End AIDS by 2030? Only if Driven by Human Rights

Health and Human Rights Journal - "SDG 3, the overarching goal on health issues, seeks to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ... weitermore

Schweiz präsidiert UNAIDS

Schweiz präsidiert UNAIDS

UNAIDS - UNAIDS verabschiedet neue Strategie, um Aids bis 2030 zu beenden. Der Vorstand von UNAIDS hat die Schweiz mit dem Präsidium dieser zentralen ... weitermore

Filmpremiere zum Weltaidstag am 1. Dezember 2015

Filmpremiere zum Weltaidstag am 1. Dezember 2015

mission 21 - Mit einer Filmpremiere und Diskussion am 1. Dezember, dem Welt-Aids-Tag, rückt Mission 21 das Thema HIV/Aids wieder stärker ins ... weitermore

Condom shortage hampers India's AIDS fight

Condom shortage hampers India's AIDS fight - "Sex worker Shaalu is using fewer condoms when she meets her clients in New Delhi -- not out of choice, but because a funding crunch ... weitermore

Partnership and collective solutions for a sustainable AIDS response

UNAIDS - "The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board called for stronger global solidarity and shared responsibility to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 ... weitermore

UNAIDS Board adopts bold and ambitious strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030

UNAIDS, Geneva, 30 October 2015 - "At its 37th meeting, the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board adopted a new strategy to end the AIDS epidemic as a ... weitermore

PrEPster: Launch of a new website

PrEPster: Launch of a new website - HIV prevention activists in London have launched a new website,, to educate and agitate for access to pre-exposure HIV ... weitermore

More research on the impact of starting treatment early

More research on the impact of starting treatment early - As HIV Update has previously reported, the results of a groundbreaking study which demonstrated the benefits of starting HIV treatment ... weitermore

How do we maximise global HIV treatment access? - "IAPAC, the International Association of Practitioners in AIDS Care, has issued a set of guidelines that aims to establish a common set ... weitermore

Towards a people-centered approach to the world drug problem

Towards a people-centered approach to the world drug problem

UNAIDS - "Ahead of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem that will take place in New York in April ... weitermore

Sustaining the human rights response to HIV

Sustaining the human rights response to HIV