

Mars 2018



Discutez avec nous le 2 mai 2018!

Chères lectrices et chers lecteurs d'aidsfocus

L'Afrique du Sud compte parmi les pays présentant le taux de viols le plus élevé au monde: une femme y est violée toutes les dix minutes. 40 pour cent des adolescentes âgées de moins de 18 ans rapportent avoir été violées au moins une fois déjà au cours de leur vie. Des chiffres inconcevables! Les victimes de viol justement issues des townships et des régions rurales manquent de soutien professionnel.

Un système de santé brisé signifie que les victimes de viol doivent supporter le fardeau du viol autant d'un point de vue physique que psychique. La peur qu'on ne les croie pas ou la crainte d'apprendre que ce qu'elles ont vécu n'était pas un viol signifie que beaucoup de survivantes ignorent qu'elles auraient accès à la justice et à des soins médicaux pour faire barrage à des grossesses non souhaitées, au VIH et à d'autres maladies sexuellement transmissibles.

En outre, des organisations d'aide sont devenues une partie du problème comme le montre le scandale OXFAM rendu récemment public! Les rapports sur l'exploitation sexuelle de femmes par des mainteneurs de la paix des NU et d'autres organisations dans des régions en conflit n'est cependant pas une nouveauté. Il convient désormais d'ouvrir enfin les yeux et de prendre ses responsabilités.

La conférence annuelle de MMS/aidsfocus "Gender Based Violence: Approaches and challenges at community and advocacy level" se tiendra le 2 mai 2018 et elle se consacrera exactement à ces sujets: d'excellents intervenants témoigneront directement de la manière dont ils contribuent à soulager la violence basée sur les genres. Nous avons invité un psychiatre congolais de Bukavu qui fera état des camps en Ouganda. Abubakar Mutoka Balbanga de Terres des Hommes Suisse racontera son travail avec des adolescentes en Tanzanie tandis que notre organisation membre IAMANEH parlera d'«engaging men and boys» et Médecin du Monde abordera l'importance de la coopération entre le secteur médical et juridique. Vivian Onano – UN Women Youth Leader du Kenya – présentera son travail en tant qu'activiste de la lutte pour l'égalité des sexes.

Nous saluerons Tina Tinde de la FICR en tant qu'invité spéciale. Elle nous donnera un aperçu des instruments pour l'opérationnalisation d'une «survivor centred approach» face au harcèlement et aux abus sexuels. Nous discuterons, lors de la table ronde qui s'ensuivra, des approches de solutions permettant d'empêcher, à l'avenir, l'abus de pouvoir sexuel par des collaborateurs et des collaboratrices.

Nous nous réjouissons de votre venue!

Pour vous inscrire, rendez-vous ici.

Carine Weiss

Coordinatrice d'

Directrice de projet Medicus Mundi Suisse

Thème du mois

Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS in South Africa - Violence against women and girls is a structural problem in South Africa. It is a central cause of the high rates of HIV infection. Medical and psychological treatments pose great challenges to health workers because physical injuries and traumatisation exacerbate existing illnesses that are particularly caused by poverty and infrastructure deficiencies. All these are consequences of the racist apartheid system and the slow-moving process of change since the introduction of democracy in 1994. A number of state agencies and, above all, innovative women’s and health organisations are working hard to overcome these complex problems. (By Rita Schäfer) Photo: A demonstration of female AIDS activists © Rita Schäfer.


Informations de la Communauté Suisse

Gender Based Violence: Approaches and challenges at community and advocacy level

MMS/ conference, 2 May 2018, Bern - Gender-based Violence (GBV), a generic term for “violence against women”, “sexual violence” or “intimate partner violence”, is a worldwide public health concern. GBV is monstrous, completely unacceptable, and must be stopped. Intimate partner violence - particularly sexual violence - is an underreported and hidden problem in many areas in Africa, South America and Asia, as well as in Europe.


HIV in sub-Sahara Africa: Testing and Treatment Start at Home Improves Therapy Outcome

SolidarMed/ Swiss TPH - Home-based HIV testing and prompt treatment with antiretroviral therapy increases the number of patients under treatment as well as treatment success. This is the key result of a clinical trial in Lesotho carried out by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, in collaboration with SolidarMed and the Government of Lesotho. The results published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) lead the way for future treatment strategies against HIV/AIDS in sub-Sahara Africa.


IWD2018: Ein «high five» auf die Frauen!

Ruedy Lüthy Foundation, International Women's Day 2018 - Heute ist Weltfrauentag! Was wünschen Sie sich für jede Frau? Schauen Sie, was die vier Newlands Mitarbeiterinnen Petronella Mudhokwani, Linda Chirimuta, Eleanor Kaziboni und Charity Hutete meinen!


IWD2018: was die Männer dazu meinen!

Ruedy Lüthy Foundation, International Women's Day 2018 - Morgen ist internationaler Frauentag! Unsere Mitarbeiter Tinashe Mudzviti, Stefan Zimmerli und Walker Takaendesa wissen genau, was sie sich für die Frauen wünschen. Hören Sie selbst (Video auf Englisch)!


Kuba wird die Behandlung von HIV und AIDS aus eigener Kraft finanzieren

mediCuba - Kuba wird in diesem Jahr einen beispiellosen Übergang in Lateinamerika einleiten, indem es die gesamten Ausgaben für den Kampf gegen das humane Immunschwäche-Virus (HIV), die Ursache von AIDS, mit dem etwa 23.500 der Einwohner Kubas leben, ausschliesslich aus eigenen Mitteln bezahlen wird.


Informations Internationals

Bold action’ needed to end tuberculosis, AIDS

UN News - "Claiming more than 4,500 lives daily, tuberculosis (TB) continues to be the top infectious killer worldwide as well as the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, the United Nations said Friday, ahead of World Tuberculosis Day.


Peter Sands: charting a new course for The Global Fund

The Lancet - "Peter Sands had a stormy start before taking up his new position as Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria on March 5, 2018. He was plunged into controversy last month after the decision by The Global Fund's senior management team to partner with Heineken, among other multinationals, and the implications for global health.


Meeting is first step towards ending Global Fund’s ill-advised Heineken partnership, though concerns remain

NCD-Alliance - "The inappropriate partnership between the Global Fund and Heineken was the topic of discussion between Marijke Wijnroks, Interim Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and representatives of IOGT International, the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance, and NCD Alliance last Friday in Geneva.


Alliance joins call to reverse unpopular AIDS2020 host city decision - "This week, the International AIDS Society announced its decision to name San Francisco and Oakland as host cities to the International AIDS Conference in 2020 (AIDS2020). Sadly, this decision does not consider the ongoing concerns raised by civil society organisations and key population networks on the adverse implications of this decision.


Novartis must end ‘bullying tactics’ over life-saving medicines

STOPAIDS - "Swiss multinational Novartis yesterday faced international calls from an alliance of health campaigners for an end to its ‘threats, lies and bribes’ towards governments over access to life-saving medicines, on the eve of the company’s AGM in Basel, Switzerland which took place today.


¡PrEP Ya! Latin America wants PrEP, and Brazil leads the way

The Lancet - "Brazil has long been at the forefront of HIV treatment and prevention in Latin America. It was the first country in the region to make highly active antiretroviral therapy freely available and participated in the iPrEx study, which reported the efficacy of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with daily oral emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to prevent HIV acquisition in men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women.


Rapports et Études

AIDS is (still) political

International AIDS Society - "Like you and the more than 6,000 colleagues who attended the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris, we were in awe of the scientific data presented from Swaziland last July. Sitting in the plenary hall, we learned that new HIV infections there were cut almost in half in only six years. That – in the country with the highest HIV prevalence in the world – is incredible.


Slowdown in HIV/AIDS Progress Puts Focus on Young Women

The Wall Street Journal - "Experts say the booming population of young women in sub-Saharan Africa means global infections could start rising. Public-health leaders in the fight against HIV/AIDS have come to an ominous realization: Progress in cutting new infections has slowed, in part because of a persistent cycle of transmission among young women in sub-Saharan Africa.


Women and girls and HIV

UNAIDS - "We cannot stand by and allow the quality of life of women and girls to be held back and their hopes and dreams for the future to slip away. We must work collectively to close the gaps that continue to leave women and girls behind.


Ending AIDS among people who use drugs - our theory of change - "The Alliance’s theory of change to end AIDS among people who use drugs guides the development of our harm reduction programmes and advocacy.


New Publication: Getting on Track in Agenda 2030

Global Forum on MSM and HIV - "A new report released today by the Global Forum on MSM and HIV (MSMGF) in collaboration with the Global Platform to Fast Track the Human Rights and HIV Responses with Gay and Bisexual Men and the Free Space Process argues for consistent and robust reporting on HIV in the Voluntary National Reviews on Sustainable Development.



Digital health, eHealth, mHealth: Breakthrough for public health or creating new dependency? A critical look at the current hype

Medicus Mundi Schweiz/ Medicus Mundi International, Geneva, 11 April 2018, 18:15-20.00 hrs. In a satellite session to the Geneva Health Forum 2018 hosted by the Networks Medicus Mundi International and Medicus Mundi Switzerland, a panel of health systems and health technology experts looks behind the rhetoric of the Forum’s theme of “Precision Global Health in the Digital Age”.


Technology for Maternal, Newborn and Child Care: Can we rely on it for the future?

Enfants du Monde (EdM), Geneva, 11 April 2018 - Enfants du Monde and the Geneva University Hospitals: In a world in which internet access and possession of mobile technologies is rapidly becoming commonplace, the potential of mobile Health (mHealth) to increase equitable access to health services and improve MNCH is becoming more evident.


Parce que notre Engagement fait une différence

Swiss Malaria Group, 25 avril 2018 - La 10ème Journée mondiale de lutte contre le paludisme qui se tiendra le 25 avril 2018 à Genève est le point d'orgue d'une campagne d'une semaine avec des événements dans 7 villes dans toute la Suisse.


Gender Based Violence: Approaches and challenges at community and advocacy level

MMS/ conference, 2 May 2018, Bern - Gender Based Violence (GBV) is a main issue in international health cooperation. GBV is not only a human rights violation, it has also great social and economic impact and hampers health, education and poverty reduction programs.


Sexuelle Rechte in der Schweiz

Aids Hilfe Bern, 31. Mai 2018 - Über welche sexuellen Rechte verfügen Migrant_innen in der Schweiz? Und was hat das Wissen über sexuelle Rechte mit Chancengleichheit und der Förderung der sexuellen Gesundheit von Migrant_innen zu tun?


International Conference "Men move: policy debates and good practice on engaging men and boys in development cooperation"

IAMANEH Switzerland, 7- 8 June 2018, Basel - IAMANEH Switzerland in partnership with the Swiss Federal Council for Foreign Affairs and its Direction for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is organizing the first Swiss hosted international conference on "Engaging Men and Boys (EMB) for Gender Equality" to be held on 7 and 8 June 2018 in Basel.


AIDS 2018

The International AIDS Society, 23 July 2018, Amsterdam - The International AIDS Society (IAS) announced that Amsterdam, Netherlands will host the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018). AIDS 2018 is expected to bring together some 18,000 participants from around the world. “The Netherlands is a great example of what happens when a government supports outstanding science and embraces evidence-based HIV programmes in combination with a robust commitment to human rights,” said Chris Beyrer, President of the IAS.

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