
Universal health coverage: political courage to leave no one behind

The Lancet - "Thanks to the leadership of Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abe, universal health coverage (UHC) is on the agenda of the G7 Summit.1 The achievement of UHC will contribute to increased global health security by tackling much of the world's ill health and associated poverty. As the G7 Summit approaches, it is time to consider what it will take to get to UHC by 2030.

In our increasingly globalised world, the fabric of global health security rests on resilient communities. Everywhere, whether in remote villages or crowded cities, resilient communities are ultimately made up of people who enjoy their basic human rights: to live in dignity, free from fear and free from want. (...)

The backbone of our achievements in the AIDS response has been our commitment to maintain the focus on the rights of every individual." (I am Executive Director of UNAIDS. I declare no competing interests.)

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