
Preparation of our Women Deliver 2019 Panel - Please participate in our survey!

Preparation of our Women Deliver 2019 Panel - Please participate in our survey!

SDC - Swiss TPH - MMS: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in collaboration with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) and Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) is organizing a panel at the Women Deliver Conference 2019, entitled “Young people’s right to health: Mind the gap? Close the gap!” and relates to the 2030 Agenda of “Leaving no one behind”.

In preparation of the panel a short scoping survey was prepared with the aim of identifying good practices and challenges related to reaching the most vulnerable and marginalized young people and ensure their right to health. It’s a challenging topic, thus we set out on an endeavour to collect insights from the widest range of organisations working in this area. We would very much appreciate your participation in the survey and for your willingness to share it widely within your networks.

The survey in English can be accessed here:

French version:

Spanish version:

Thank you very much!

Susanne Amsler (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), Carolyn Blake (Consultant), Leah F. Bohle (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute) and Carine Weiss (Medicus Mundi Switzerland)

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