
Financing for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advocacy Strategies for Effective Resource Mobilization

Financing for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advocacy Strategies for Effective Resource Mobilization

NGO Delegation, Global Fund - We had a very productive day discussing issues around resource mobilization, both domestic and external for the response to AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

The meeting sought to identify and develop a strategy around ways in which stakeholders in the region could work collaboratively to facilitate the Caribbean, particularly civil society, playing a greater role in the 5th Replenishment while at the same time encouraging their governments to demonstrate greater commitment to financing health across the region.

(...) We had some really good ideas coming from the groups, including a suggestion to target world renowned athlete, Usain Bolt to utilize the 2016 Olympics platform for TGF. Jomain wrapped up the meeting identifying the next steps that the Delegation and GFAN will take. (By Jaevion Nelson) Photo: The Global Fund)

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