Leave no Youth behind
aidsfocus.ch - terre des hommes schweiz (tdhs) enables young people to get involved in preventing and dealing with HIV/AIDS. Experiences in the field have proved that HIV-positive young people need understanding and openness within their families, youth-orientated healthcare services and, if necessary, psychological support in order to exercise personal responsibility for their health. Using the example of their partner organisation, Million Memory Project Zimbabwe (MMPZ), tdhs demonstrates the components which are important for support aimed at young people. (Photo: Freiwillig engagierte Jugendliche von MMPZ spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Arbeit mit anderen Jugendlichen / © René Fietzek).
Young people as actors in sexual health
MMS/aidsfocus.ch conference 8 May 2019 - We are still biting our teeth out at the realization of sexual rights! Actually it should be self-evident that you can choose your sexual partner freely, that your bodily integrity is respected, that you can enter into consensual sexual relationships and that you can decide for yourself if, when and whom you want to marry - just to mention a few of the sexual rights.
MMS/tdhs - Kino Event am 6. Mai in Basel, im Vorfeld zu unserer MMS/aidsfocus.ch Fachtagung
Anschliessend: Podiumsdiskussion mit Vithika Yadav aus Indien, eine der Hauptdarstellerinnen des Films und Franziska Lauper, Geschäftsleiterin terre des hommes schweiz (Das Gespräch ist auf English).
MMS/tdhs - Kino Event am 7. Mai in Bern, im Vorfeld zu unserer MMS/aidsfocus.ch Fachtagung
Anschliessend: Podiumsdiskussion mit Vithika Yadav aus Indien, eine der Hauptdarstellerinnen des Films und Andrea Zellhuber, Fachstelle Gewaltprävention terre des hommes schweiz (Das Gespräch ist auf English).
Young people make their voices heard in the HIV/AIDS response
SDC - "Young people are especially at risk of contracting HIV or dying because of AIDS. Youth organisations around the world are actively engaged in changing this – demanding youth-friendly HIV/AIDS health services, supporting their peers and fighting against discrimination.
Filmporträt der Ruedi Lüthy Foundation
Ruedi Lüthy Foundation - "In Simbabwe leiden eineinhalb Millionen Menschen an HIV. Die meisten von ihnen leben in bitterer Armut. Jedes Jahr sterben hier etwa 30’000 Menschen an Aids, weil es keine medizinische Hilfe für sie gibt. Der Film zeigt, wie die Newlands Clinic mit ihrer Arbeit diesen Menschen ein zweites Leben schenkt. Ein Portrait von Simon Huber (2019).
Tansania: Zwei Frauen mit einer Mission
mission 21 - "Claudia Zeising arbeitete neun Jahre lang für Mission 21 in Tansania. Ende 2018 hat sie ihren Einsatz beendet. In ihrem Abschiedstext blickt sie auf ihre Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft mit der Pfarrerin und HIV-Aktivistin Melania Mrema Kyando zurück. Entstanden sind ein persönliches Porträt über eine äusserst engagierte Frau und das Zeugnis einer besonderen Freundschaft über kulturelle Grenzen hinweg.
«Eine wie mich haben sie nicht erwartet!»
Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - "Angela Lagler steht offen dazu, HIV-positiv zu sein. Bei ihren öffentlichen Auftritten stösst sie häufig auf Verblüffung – nie aber auf negative Reaktionen.
With Budget Cuts Looming Again, Can PEPFAR Keep the Gas on its Acceleration Strategy?
Center for Global Development (CGD) - "PEPFAR has long enjoyed bipartisan support on the Hill. It has a strong reputation as an initiative that pursues and achieves results, pushing the envelope among US government actors in using epidemiological program monitoring and costing data to inform its funding and programming decisions. Yet, it has not been spared from significant cuts in President Trump’s latest budget request for foreign aid.
Trump expands global gag rule that blocks US aid for abortion groups
The Guardian - "The Trump administration has expanded its ban on funding for groups that conduct abortions or advocate abortion rights, known as the global gag rule, and has also cut funding to the Organisation of American States for that reason.
Japan Makes Significant Contribution to Global Fund
The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria applauds Japan’s latest contribution of US$339.3 million to the Global Fund, signaling strong leadership in global health by Japan.
Government Donor Profiles
The Global Fund - "The Global Fund has published new profiles of donor governments and their critical contributions to the Global Fund partnership in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Each profile highlights a donor country’s pledges and contributions since the beginning of our partnership, priorities shared with the Global Fund, and related news and information.
Helping the forgotten generation
UNAIDS - "Towering over a throng of young people, Christine Kafando peppers the crowd with questions. “Do you feel pressure from other boys and girls?” “Do you feel abandoned because of poverty?” “Do you have all the information you need regarding your health and HIV? If not, ask me, ask your partners, ask! Okay!”
In Rural India, High-tech Vans Find "Missing" TB Patients
The Global Fund - "Every year, approximately 10 million people fall ill with tuberculosis, but only 6 million are identified. The rest are “missing”– undiagnosed, untreated or unreported to the health systems. Missing TB cases and drug-resistant TB are challenges in fighting the disease, and pose a threat to global health security.
Shattering the myths around ‘universal’ health coverage
FRONTLINE AIDS - "As many countries move towards universal health coverage, Frontline AIDS executive director Christine Stegling and Aidsfonds director Mark Vermeulen reflect on the opportunities and challenges this approach poses for people at the margins of societies
Georgetown researchers find link between Global Fund support and better governance
Friends of the Global Fight - "In a new working paper, researchers from Georgetown’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law analyzed the impact of Global Fund financing on governance and development in countries over the past decade and a half.
Tuberculosis and HIV — Progress towards the 2020 target
UNAIDS - "Most countries are not on track and too many people living with HIV are still dying from TB which is preventable and curable. The most vulnerable and the marginalized are still out of reach of HIV and TB services and in around 40 countries the number of TB deaths among people living with HIV is increasing. This is unacceptable
On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls
The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) - Geneva, 8 March 2019 - "Every day, 460 adolescent girls become infected with HIV and every week 350 adolescent girls die of AIDS-related illnesses. On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS is urging countries to step up and protect young women and adolescent girls from HIV.
99 per cent of intravenous drug users lack access to health, ‘social services with dignity’ says UNAIDS chief
UN News - "Despite a decline in new HIV infections globally, a UN report launched on Wednesday highlights that nearly all people who inject drugs live in countries that do not provide suitable harm-reduction service coverage, meaning they are denied adequate access to essential health services.
Young people as actors in sexual health
MMS/aidsfocus.ch conference 8 May 2019 - We are still biting our teeth out at the realization of sexual rights! Actually it should be self-evident that you can choose your sexual partner freely, that your bodily integrity is respected, that you can enter into consensual sexual relationships and that you can decide for yourself if, when and whom you want to marry - just to mention a few of the sexual rights.
Women Deliver 2019 Conference
Women Deliver Conference, 3-6 June 2019, Vancouver, Canada - The world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. The Women Deliver 2019 Conference will focus on power, and how it can drive – or hinder – progress and change.
The 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science
International AIDS Society Conference, July 2019, Mexico City - "The 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science – known as IAS 2019 – will take place on 21-24 July 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico.