20th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa

20th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa

Dec 07, 2019 | 2nd-7th December 2019, Convention Center, Kigali, Ruanda

The International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA) is a major bilingual international AIDS conference which takes place in Africa. Its current biennial hosting alternates between Anglophone and Francophone African countries. The 2019 ICASA will be held in Rwanda.

We are extremely pleased to partner with the Rwandan Government, and various scientific and community leaders from Rwanda, as well as from Africa and the world at large, with long and impressive histories of leadership on HIV. We look forward to a strong global partnership among science, leadership and community in building a conference programme that will speed up the end of the AIDS epidemic.

As ICASA 2019 Rwanda comes a year before the UNAIDS global 90-90-90 targets in 2020, the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa is offering the strategic first forum for Leaders, Activists, Scientists and Community. This Kigali forum will serve as a platform to take stock of the challenges of UNAIDS global 90-90-90 targets and pave the way for a new and efficient innovation towards a generation without AIDS in Africa.

ICASA 2019 Online Programme

Satellite Programme