Young people as actors in sexual health
08.05.2019 | Hotel Kreuz, Bern
Love matters – We matter
MMS/aidsfocus.ch conference 8 May 2019 - We are still biting our teeth out at the realization of sexual rights! Actually it should be self-evident that you can choose your sexual partner freely, that your bodily integrity is respected, that you can enter into consensual sexual relationships and that you can decide for yourself if, when and whom you want to marry - just to mention a few of the sexual rights.
Sexual health matters in youth! Young people’s health has started to attract the attention it deserves, and is increasingly prominent in global health initiatives. Yet, young people are often neglected when it comes to programming and policy development. The world has more young people than ever before with an estimated 1.2 billion adolescents aged 10 to 19 globally, 89% of whom live in less developed regions.
Sexual health encompasses ‘sexual development and reproductive health, as well as the ability to develop and maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships; appreciate one's own body; interact with both genders in respectful and appropriate ways; express affection, love and intimacy in ways consistent with one's own values.
This year’s conference will explore how young people want to improve sexual health and what we “the adults” can learn from them. The conference aims to give young people the space to talk about sex and relationships in their way. What is needed to lift the taboo of sexuality, HIV and relationships and how to overcome the consequences of missed opportunities of comprehensive sexuality education?
Target audience: national and international Public Health professionals, project leaders, researchers and all those who are interested.
Date: 8 May 2019, 8.45 - 16.15
Venue: Hotel Kreuz, Zeughausgasse 41, Bern, www.hotelkreuz.ch
Conference fee: Members of MMS: 70CHF; Students: 45CHF Others: 150CHF
Registration: Please register here till 3 May 2019