Thèmes et resources


Pour les collaborateurs participant au programme et ceux qui exercent des fonctions de direction, les manuels servent d'instrument de mise en œuvre des dernières connaissances relatives au VIH et au sida dans la pratique du travail de projet, du plaidoyer et de l'orientation stratégique.

En matière de contenu, les manuels intègrent un large spectre de thèmes et d'approches qui passent de la prévention du VIH, au dépistage, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien pour terminer par la minoration des répercussions de l'épidémie. L'accent est mis sur la participation, l'inclusion des communautés locales, le mainstreaming du VIH et de la question de genre (gender) dans le contexte de la coopération internationale.

  • „My living positively handbook

    „My living positively handbook

    „My living positively handbook .pdf — (4182 kB)

    Das Children's Rights Centre in Durban hat ein Handbuch mit Vorbild-Charakter für HIV-positive Kinder entwickelt, das ihnen für die Einnahme ihrer Aids-Medikamente praktische Anweisungen gibt und auch ihre Rechte erläutert. Das „My living positively ... continuemore

  • Go International!

    Go International!

    "Go international!" ist das neue Vorbereitungshandbuch für Pflegende, Ärzte, Hebammen, Logistiker und andere Gesundheitsberufe, die einen Auslandseinsatz in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitären Hilfe anstreben. continuemore

  • A parrot on your shoulder. A guide for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children

    A parrot on your shoulder. A guide for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children

    By 2010, more than 25 million children are expected to have lost one or both parents to AIDS. Families and communities need support in caring for the rapidly growing numbers of orphans and vulnerable children. continuemore

  • Orphans and other vulnerable children support toolkit

    The orphans and vulnerable children support toolkit is an electronic library of resources about support to orphans and vulnerable children that have been collated by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Family Health International (FHI) from a ... continuemore

  • Good practice guide: Community-based TB/HIV integration

    TB afflicts almost nine million people a year and kills more than one million, sparing noone – young, old, rich, poor, male or female. The burden of this age-old killer falls disproportionately on the people who have the fewest resources to cope ... continuemore

  • Youth participation guide: Assessment, planning, and implementation

    Youth participation guide: Assessment, planning, and implementation

    Youth participation guide Assessment, planning, and implementation.pdf — (148 kB)

    The Youth Participation Guide seeks to increase the level of meaningful youth participation in reproductive health (RH) and HIV/AIDS programming at an institutional and programmatic level. The target audience of the training guides published by ... continuemore

  • Manual


    Manual.pdf — (431 kB)

    BHASOs Advocacy training manual - dedicated to all those who are involved in the fight towards Treatment for all in the battle against HIV/AIDS. continuemore

  • Restoring dignity. Handbook on peace building and development

    Restoring dignity. Handbook on peace building and development

    This handbook by Sinani (KwaZulu-Natal Programme for Survivors of Violence) is about peace building and development work in communities affected by violence, poverty, HIV and AIDS and it can be used by community practictioners. continuemore

  • A handbook for network support agents supporting HIV prevention, care, support and treatment

    This hand book has been produced by International HIV/AIDS Alliance Uganda to help network support agents and other community-based volunteers/providers to be more affective in disseminating standardised HIV and AIDS information at appropriate ... continuemore

  • Youth2Youth - Handbook for the work with the solution focused approach

    Youth2Youth - Handbook for the work with the solution focused approach

    Dieses Praxis-Handbuch entstand aus der Arbeit in den Youth2Youth-Kursen in Südafrika. Neben dem theoretischen Basiswissen werden auch praktische Handlungsanleitungen aufgezeigt. continuemore

  • "Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" Toolkit Revised

    "Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" Toolkit Revised

    "Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" Toolkit Revised.pdf — (4524 kB)

    The SDC Toolkit on "Mainstreaming HIV in Practice" was introduced in December 2011. The Toolkit translates the SDC’s long-lasting commitment to the fight against the global AIDS epidemic into practice. continuemore

  • Adolescent HIV care and treatment: A training curriculum for health workers (Trainer Manual)

    This training package was developed with health workers in mind and aims to support them in meeting the evolving needs of adolescents with HIV infection. The materials cover a broad range of subjects, including youth-friendly services, HIV clinical ... continuemore