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Adressing HIV and AIDS in the workplace. Lessons learnt from Civil Society Organisations and donors
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Adressing HIV and AIDS in the workplace. Lessons learnt from Civil Society Organisations and donors

For a number of years, STOP AIDS NOW! and its partners have been investing in stimulating workplace responses among civil society organisations (CSOs) to HIV and AIDS. This report, published by STOP AIDS NOW!, summarises the lessons learnt, and draws on over 40 documents that have been produced detailing the work of STOP AIDS NOW! and its partners.

Specifically, the report documents lessons learnt for CSOs: • making a start with internal mainstreaming • developing a workplace policy • implementing a workplace policy • working with local capacity building providers to support others to do internal mainstreaming • measuring the impacts of internal mainstreaming.

The authors provide a tool for many people to learn from others’ experiences, and so to improve responses to HIV and AIDS in the workplace. (2009)

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Adressing HIV and AIDS in the workplace. Lessons learnt from Civil Society Organisations and donors.pdf — (1088 kB)