HIV/AIDS-Prevention in Bangladesh
World Vision Bangladesh's Mymensingh HIV and AIDS prevention Project works in 4 areas including the municipality of Mymensingh and three other sub districts in the Mymensingh and Tangail district, which are both border areas to India.
The project is located in a densely populated area where many migrant workers are moving between the countries. Most of the target people are living in slum areas with people have high risk behaviors, are illiterate, economically insolvent and struggling for survival in addition to the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS transmission. These target populations include groups with high risk behaviour, such as brothel-based and floating sex workers, rickshaw pullers, transport workers, drug addicts, adolescent girls, day labourers, youth, college students and community women.
The project has a goal to prevent further spread of HIV & AIDS among the high-risk behavior population of Mymensingh area. Emphasis is given to STI treatment & control, condom promotion, safe blood donation campaign, reproductive health issues and stigma & discrimination.
Each of the four projects utilize a variety of awareness activities to achieve this. They include mass awareness campaigns, rallies, orientations and seminars on reproductive health issues especially for adolescents, quiz competition amongst the youth, video show orientations for target groups, workshops for support groups, and campaigns on safe and voluntary blood donation in addition to the promotion and running of STI (sexually transmitted infections) service center.
The distribution of communication and education materials on HIV, AIDS and STI prevention is also a big component.
Emphasis is as well given to referral of clients to voluntary testing centers of two like-minded organizations. These two organizations are providing counseling, testing and free condom distribution. Strong linkages and networking with local partners and stakeholders such as, the Civil Surgeons and Mymensingh Medical College amongst others who cooperate in positively influencing the prevention program. (November 2011)