
Rapports et Études


Letter to the Global Fund from MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières)

Dear Mark Dybul, Dear Members of the Secretariat and Global Fund Board of Directors,

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Empowering women is critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

UNAIDS, Geneva, 8 March 2015—As we celebrate International Women’s Day, world leaders and civil society are gathering in New York to take part in the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. There, they will review the progress made since the adoption 20 years ago of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which set ambitious targets designed to improve the lives of women around the world.

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UNAIDS urges countries to adopt a people-, rights- and health-centred approach to reverse the HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs

UNAIDS - A new UNAIDS report says insufficient coverage of harm reduction programmes and policies that criminalize and marginalize people who inject drugs are failing to reduce new HIV infections.

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UN Panel Discussion on Human Rights and HIV/AIDS

United Nations, 11 Mar 2016 - Panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.

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