
Informations Internationals


The global state of AIDS: The good, the goodish and the not-so good

Humanosphere, 1 December 2014 - In this article published on World AIDS Day 2014 the author Tom Murphy gives an update of the global state of AIDS by reviewing three notable reports:

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World AIDS Day 2014: UNAIDS Shifts Its Emphasis toward Reducing New Infections

On World AIDS Day in 2003, WHO and UNAIDS launched a campaign called the “3 by 5 initiative,” with the objective to “treat three million people with HIV by 2005.” At that time, AIDS treatment was still prohibitively expensive for poor countries, where only a few thousand people had access to treatment.

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The final push for HIV in new global development agenda

Key Correspondents network, 15 January 2015 - "With the mega-issues of poverty, hunger, health, education and global warming challenging the global community, HIV activists often struggle to be heard. But 2015, is not the year to take a back seat.

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Ukrainian drug addicts dying due to treatment ban, says UN

The guardian, 21 January 2015 - "United Nations envoy says those on substitution therapy in annexed Crimea could face death after Russia made it illegal. As many as 100 drug users in Crimea may have died since the peninsula was annexed by Russia, according to a top UN official, due to fact that the “substitution therapy” they were receiving from Ukrainian authorities being illegal under Russian law.

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