
Rapports et Études


Advancing global health and strengthening the HIV response in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals - The International AIDS Society—Lancet Commission

The Lancet - "The sustainable development goals (SDGs) have marked a new era in global development-to strive towards a healthier, fairer, and safer world by 2030. Improving the health and well-being of the world’s people is at the core of the SDGs and attaining universal health coverage is central to those health-related goals.

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PEPFAR - 2018 Progress Report

UNAIDS - "On 27 September PEPFAR published its 2018 progress report, showing the progress made one year into its 2017–2020 strategy. PEPFAR supports the AIDS response in 53 countries—of those, 13 are already on track to control their HIV epidemics by 2020, while many more could still do so through scaling up resources and policies to ensure access to HIV prevention and treatment services.

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Vanquishing violence and vulnerability in humanitarian settings

UNAIDS - "Towards intensified African Union–United Nations cooperation for the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence and protecting the health and rights of women and children in humanitarian settings. Background paper for the joint African Union–UNAIDS high-level side event at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, 24 September 2018.

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An opportunity to end two of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases: TB and HIV

UNAIDS - "The World Health Organization recently released its Global tuberculosis report 2018. Although it shows encouraging pockets of progress in responding to tuberculosis (TB) and HIV in some areas, it paints a rather bleak picture on ending the dual epidemics by 2030.

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UNAIDS warns that progress is slowing and time is running out to reach the 2020 HIV targets

UNAIDS - "New HIV infections are rising in around 50 countries, AIDS-related deaths are not falling fast enough and flat resources are threatening success. Half of all new HIV infections are among key populations and their partners, who are still not getting the services they need.

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Global Fund Partnership has Saved 27 Million Lives

The Global Fund - "The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria released a new report demonstrating that 27 million lives have been saved by the Global Fund partnership. The report shows tremendous progress that has been achieved by efforts to end the epidemics, while highlighting new threats.

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Time to realise our sexual and reproductive health and rights

The Lancet - "As women living with HIV who were involved in a global values and preferences survey on the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) priorities of women living with HIV, we welcome the Comment by Manjulaa Narasimhan and colleagues.

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UNAIDS Gender Action Plan 2018–2023 — A framework for accountability

UNAIDS - "Gender equality in the workplace is a human right and critical to the performance and effectiveness of UNAIDS. Organizations with more equal representation of women at the senior management level considerably outperform their counterparts with a lower representation of women in senior positions. Gender-balanced teams have greater potential for creativity and innovation and contribute to better outcomes in decisionmaking.

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