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aidsfocus.flash03/04/2014 |
BULLETIN ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LA PLATE-FORME SUISSE «VIH/SIDA ET COOPÉRATION INTERNATIONALE» April 2014 FRIENDLY REMINDER: AIDSFOCUS.CH CONFERENCE 2014 ON ADDRESSING SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND HIV, 10 APRIL 2014, BERN Sexual violence is a fundamental violation of human rights and has a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of people, especially women. Research shows that violence is a major cause of HIV transmission, but also a consequence of HIV infection. The aidfocus.ch conference explores how sexual and gender based violence increases vulnerability to HIV, AIDS and other STIs. It highlights current interventions to address the consequences of sexual violence on the health of women, children and men. Based on experiences and best practice, the conference will explore programming and key actions addressing the consequences of sexual violence. The focus is on sharing of experiences and information and learning from each other. You are most welcome to participate in the conference. PLEASE REGISTER NOW: info@aidsfocus.ch, or
http://www.aidsfocus.ch I hope to see you in Bern, Best regards, Helena Zweifel Coordinator aidsfocus.ch Executive Director Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland aidsfocus.ch, la Plate-forme suisse «VIH/sida et coopération internationale» est un projet de Medicus Mundi Suisse. 25 organisations partenaires et la Direction de Développement et Coopération (DDC) participent avec une contribution financière. Les partenaires d'aidsfocus: Action de Carême, Aide Suisse contre le Sida, CO-OPERAID, Croix-Rouge suisse, Déclaration de Berne, FEPA, Fondation Terre des hommes, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, Gemeinschaft der St. Anna-Schwestern, IAMANEH Suisse, Kindernothilfe Schweiz, Kwa Wazee, Ligue suisse des femmes catholiques, mediCuba-Suisse, missio, mission 21, MIVA Suisse, Sida & l'enfant, SolidarMed, Swiss Aids Care International, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), TearFund, terre des hommes schweiz, World Vision Suisse. |
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