
Audit of Grants in Uganda

Audit of Grants in Uganda

The Global Fund - "Uganda has achieved significant progress in fighting malaria and HIV. The number of new HIV cases fell by 44% between 2012 and 2017, with AIDS-related deaths falling by 38% over the same period. Improvement is required, however, in TB case detection and treatment: there are around 47% of TB missing cases, and treatment success rates are consistently below 80%. The quality of community case management varies widely across the country.

The audit noted continuous availability of anti-retroviral drugs and malaria commodities, but found significant stock-outs of HIV rapid tests and TB first-line drugs; the Ministry of Health’s internal controls and ability to track commodities require strengthening." (Photo: Slum Dwellers International/flickr, CC BY 2.0)

  • Global Fund Grants in the Republic of Uganda (GF-OIG-19-017 - 26 September 2019)
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