DOCUMENTATION MMS/ conference - Applying human rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health!
Video: conference 2016 highlights
Applying human rights to sexual and reproductive health - a reality for all? more
Medienmitteilung: Ohne Einhaltung der Menschenrechte keine Verbesserung der Sexuellen und Reproduktiven Gesundheit möglich
MMS/ Conference, Bern, 4. Mai 2016 - An der Fachtagung von MMS/ "Applying Human Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health - A Reality for All?" in Bern waren sich die Fachleute einig, dass ohne die Verwirklichung der ... more
Photo gallery
Pictures from the conference Photos by Daniel Rihs (Photos: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Schweiz) more
Erika Placella - SDC
Erika Placella - SDC .pdf — (1587 kB)
A rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health services for young people in Moldova: challenges and opportunities more
Jana Gerold - Swiss TPH Basel
Jana Gerold - Swiss TPH Basel .pdf — (1471 kB)
Results of the MMS survey on human rights-based approaches among its member organisations more
Stuart Halford - The Sexual Rights Initiative Geneva
Stuart Halford - The Sexual Rights Initiative Geneva .pdf — (157 kB)
The Geo-politics of sexual and reproductive rights at the United Nations – how to address the protection gaps more
Tabitha Griffith Saoyo - KELIN, Kenya
Tabitha Griffith Saoyo - KELIN, Kenya .pdf — (2276 kB)
Using a rights-based approach to advocate for sexual and reproductive health rights: The Kenyan experience more
Jasna Zecevic - Vive Zene, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jasna Zecevic - Vive Zene, Bosnia and Herzegovina .pdf — (1110 kB)
Service provider and civil society actor at the same time: Challenges of rehabilitation of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina more