
Informationen aus aller Welt


Ensuring universal health coverage for key populations

UNAIDS, Geneva, 20 May 2015 - Without addressing HIV among marginalized populations and human rights, it will not be possible to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030, according to experts at a World Health Assembly side event. (...)

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Fighting HIV where no-one admits it's a problem

BBC News, 20 May 2015 - The phrase "Aids epidemic" awakens distant memories in most of Europe, Australia or the Americas, where infection rates have generally been in decline for years. But as former UK Health Secretary Lord Fowler explains, the phrase is not used in Russia either - despite failed policies that have allowed infection rates to soar.

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New platform for reports of human rights violations in Global Fund programs launched

aidspan, May 2015 - Interested parties will now be able to report alleged human rights violations or infringements occurring in programs or activities supported by the Global Fund using a new complaints mechanism launched by the Global Fund.

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Write Us In! campaign: three reasons to sign our petition

aidsalliance, 14 May 2015 - For months we’ve been campaigning to ensure that marginalised groups who are most at risk of HIV are not overlooked by the UN in the post 2015 health agenda.

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Die Schweiz engagiert sich weiter gegen Diskriminierung aufgrund von sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität

Bern, 29.04.2015 - Die Schweiz setzt sich weiter gegen Diskriminierung aufgrund von sexueller Orientierung oder Geschlechtsidentität und für die Achtung der Menschenrechte von Lesben, Schwulen, Bisexuellen, Transgender und Intersexuellen (LGBTI) ein.

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