Annual Meeting 2014
Bern |, the Swiss platform on HIV/AIDS and international cooperation, cordially invites its partners to the annual meeting. It is the first annual meeting for the new coordinator Carine Weiss. I look forward meeting you in person and to discuss with you our activities for 2015!
27 November 2014, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Bern
09:00 Coffee and Gipfeli
09:15 – 12:00 :
1. Looking back – moving forward
2. Minutes of the annual meeting 2013
3. Annual report 2013/14 and accounts 2013
4. Theme of the conference in spring 2015: Topics proposed:
- HIV and NCDs
- HIV und health systems: Thematic support for health systems strengthening
- HIV and Ebola: What can we learn from one for the other
- Research and science for an improved response to HIV
- HIV and intellectual property rights
- HIV and specific vulnerable groups (e.g. migrants; sex workers), maybe with focus on Eastern Europe
- 90-90-90 -> what does this mean for Swiss organizations
- HIV and advocacy -> how to turn up the heat..
- Stigma of people living with HIV/Aids (in Zimbabwe still a big issue)
- Adherence
- Financing HIVAids programs: In South Africa HIV/Aids is now included in the general health budget of the state. On one side this is a good development on the other side it’s tricky because the budgets are being cut down
Note: certain topics can also be discussed in a Meeting point; be used for “topic of the month” or “feature stories”.
Venue: Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Rainmattstrasse 10, 3001 Bern
Information: Carine Weiss, Coordinator,
061 383 18 12