Conference 2012: HIV, AIDS and Advocacy. Bringing about change in policies and practice
17.04.2012 | Berne
Support groups of people living with HIV turn more and more into advocacy groups to stand up for their interests and their rights. In Zimbabwe, young people living with HIV who were trained in leadership and advocacy by BHASO (FEPA partner) now dialogue with the government, and whenever necessary, also demonstrate in front of the respective offices in order to get the medication and what is due to them.
The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in South Africa has played a crucial role in the country’s AIDS response, and is well known beyond the South African borders as a model of successful advocacy and activism. Since 1998, TAC has held government accountable for health care service delivery, campaigned against official AIDS denialism, challenged the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies to make treatment more affordable and cultivated community leadership on HIV and AIDS.
Advocacy is a key component in the struggle towards an AIDS-free future and the fulfilment of the right to health for all. The aidsfocus.ch conference 2012 will focus on advocacy and open a space for sharing, discussion and joint learning on experiences, visions and strategies to end the epidemic.
Based on the experience of the partner organisations of aidsfocus.ch, and following up on discussions held at a global level, the conference will discuss challenges and strategies of advocacy on a local, national and international level. We will linking our common concerns, struggles and strategies on an international level.
Objectives of the conference:
- Sharing of experiences on best practice and challenges in the joint struggle toward a future without HIV and AIDS
- Promoting a shared position of Swiss NGOs
- Identifying steps to take
We invite all partners of aidsfocus.ch and representatives of organisations working in international cooperation, HIV and AIDS to attend, as well as of any other person interested in the discussion. The conference will be held in English.