Plate-forme Annual Meeting 2010
Assemblée annuelle Annual Meeting 2010

26 October 2010 - As in earlier years, there will be a brief formal part with annual report and accounts. The focus, however, will be on sharing and discussion on issues that concerns us all and which also give you the opportunity to shape the current and future activities and direction of The topic this year is on advocacy.


Part 1: Formal part (13.45 – 15.00)

  1. Minutes of the annual meeting 2009 (attachment)
  2. Annual report  2009/10 (till End of July 2010)
  3. Accounts 2009
  4. Activities planned for 2011
  5. Theme of the conference in spring 2011
  6. Election/ confirmation of members of the Steering Committee
  7. Varia

Part 2: Promises are not enough – our expectations and demands (15.20 – 16.45) produced in cooperation with the German and the Austrian Action against AIDS (Aktionsbündnis gegen Aids) an alternative report on the financial promises of their respective governments and the realities of international cooperation in health and HIV: “Engagement gegen Aids. Versprechen sind nicht genug” (only available in German). The facts are quite appalling. All the governments are miles away from what they promised and should financially contribute to the global AIDS response. What are the demands of What shall do to remind the Swiss government of its commitment and make it act accordingly?

With an input by Joachim Rüppel (author of the study, Action against AIDS) and/or a representative of the German Aktionsbündnis gegen Aids. welcomes to the Annual Meeting all people interested in HIV, AIDS and international cooperation. But only partners of will be able to vote.

Please let me know by 19 October 2010 who will participate in the Annual Meeting (Mail to, or tel. 061 383 18 12, Helena Zweifel,

Time: 13.45 – 16.45
Venue: Swiss Red Cross, Rainmattstrasse 10, Bern

Further information:

Alternative Report by Civil Society: ODA Contributions of Germany, Switzerland and Austria for the International Response to the HIV Pandemic.
Main Findings for Switzerland including updated target volumes based on current exchange rates. Annual Meeting 2010.pdf — (100 kB)