

Mai 2017



La poursuite de la politique actuelle ne freinera pas l'épidémie du VIH

Chères lectrices et chers lecteurs d'aidsfocus

La conférence de MMS/ a été un grand succès! Nous avons assisté à des exposés passionnants réalisés par des intervenants et des intervenantes très compétents  qui ont retracé très clairement la situation actuelle du VIH/sida. Cette dernière est loin d’être rose!

La stratégie 90-90-90 proposée par l'ONUSIDA pour les tests et le traitement constitue un objectif ambitieux lorsque l'on considère qu'actuellement on évalue à 37 millions le nombre de personnes positives au VIH et que seulement la moitié dispose d'un accès à un traitement médicamenteux. D'une part parce que les personnes ignorent leur statut séropositif et d’autre part parce que, dans de nombreux pays, l'accès à la thérapie n'est pas garanti ou l’est seulement partiellement. Le défi auquel nous sommes confrontés ici est double: seule la connaissance de son propre statut séropositif rend possible un traitement adéquat et l'accès à ce dernier doit être garanti.

L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) estime le nombre d'infections au VIH non dépistées à au moins 14 millions – une catastrophe! Selon l'OMS et l'ONUSIDA, 90 pour cent des personnes ayant contracté le VIH doivent être diagnostiquées d'ici à 2020 à l'échelle mondiale; parmi ces dernières, 90 pour cent doivent être traitées avec des médicaments antirétroviraux et chez 90 pour cent, la thérapie doit être si bien adaptée qu'aucun virus VIH ne soit plus décelable. Si l'on y parvient, l'objectif de mettre un terme à l'épidémie d'ici à 2030 est atteignable.

La peur de la stigmatisation et de la discrimination empêchent souvent la décision d'un dépistage du VIH, tant en Suisse qu'en Afrique australe.

La poursuite de la politique actuelle ne suffit pas!

Force est de constater que  si les efforts internationaux et nationaux ne s'intensifient pas, les objectifs 90-90-90 ne seront atteints ni en Suisse, ni en Afrique australe à l'horizon 2020. La volonté politique nationale et l'intérêt à vaincre le SIDA sont plus nécessaires que jamais!

Vous trouverez sur notre page Facebook MMS les enregistrements en direct des exposés des intervenants et la documentation de la conférence sous le lien suivant.

Le «topic of the month» se consacre également au sujet 90-90-90 – lisez-en davantage…

Carine Weiss

Coordinatrice d'

Directrice de projet Medicus Mundi Suisse

Thème du mois

Let’s talk about the 90-90-90 targets set for 2020 – are they still within reach?

MMS/ - Get Tested! Know your HIV Status! Frequently heard slogans connected to the “90-90-90” targets introduced by UNAIDS in 2014. These targets intend that, by 2020, 90% of people who are infected with HIV will be diagnosed, 90% of people who are diagnosed will receive antiretroviral treatment and the virus in 90% of those receiving this treatment will be suppressed. If we meet these targets, the goal of achieving the end of AIDS by 2030 is still within reach.


Informations de la Communauté Suisse

Governance in the focus

MMS/ at the Global Fund Board Meeting, Kigali, 3 – 4 May 2017 - At the beginning of May the board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) met in Kigali. Martin Leschhorn Strebel, civil society representative in the Swiss delegation reports.


DOCUMENTATION MMS/ conference 10 May 2017


High Prevalence and Incidence of Hypertension among Africans Living with HIV

Swiss TPH - About 12% of people living with HIV in rural Tanzania have hypertension at the moment of HIV diagnosis. An additional 10% will develop hypertension during the first months of antiretroviral therapy. This represents an incidence 1.5 times higher than that found in Europe or the United States. The findings, published today in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, come from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in collaboration with partner institutions in Tanzania, Switzerland and Spain. (by Sabina Beatrice-Matter)


Informations Internationals

Invest in Health

The Global Fund - "At a time of accelerating change, when the news cycle feels more like a cyclone, a historic meeting this weekend could be overlooked. It shouldn’t be. The health ministers of G20 countries are gathering for the first time – a clear indication of the role of health in global development agenda. (Blog by Marijke Wijnroks who will become Interim Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria on 1 June. )


#WeAreREADY at the World Health Assembly - "The Alliance is profiling READY, a portfolio of projects focusing on adolescents living with and most affected by HIV, at the 70th World Health Assembly in Geneva from 22 to 31 May.


UNAIDS Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee calls for HIV testing revolution

UNAIDS - The participants of a meeting of the UNAIDS Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) have called on UNAIDS to lead global efforts to galvanize an HIV testing revolution. The target is to achieve 90% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status by 2020. In 2015, only 60% of people living with HIV knew their HIV status.


White House Proposes Large Cuts to NIH Research This Year

Bloomberg Politics - "President Donald Trump’s administration has proposed cutting $1.23 billion this fiscal year from research funded by the National Institutes of Health, according to a White House document sent to congressional appropriators.


Monitoring of progress towards 90-90-90 blighted by poor quality reporting - Only six countries, representing just 2% of the global HIV burden, have high quality data reporting on the HIV care continuum and progress towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 target, investigators report in PLOS Medicine.


Rapports et Études

Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming - "This guide is one of a series of good practice guides, and contains information, strategies and resources to help HIV programmers implement HIV programming for adolescents.


The living legacy of the Global Plan

UNAIDS - "The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) has released a special supplement on the incredible journey of the Global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive (Global Plan), which documents the history of the Global Plan and outlines what the future holds as efforts to end AIDS among women, children and adolescents accelerate.


When women lead, change happens.

UNAIDS - Indignation. Hope. These two words immediately come to my mind every time I address the issue of girls, women and HIV. Indignation that girls and women are still bearing the brunt of the AIDS epidemic. Women living with HIV face stigma and discrimination at the hands of family members, in communities, at the workplace and in health-care settings.


Investir dans les Résponses Communautaires

The Global Fund Advocates Network - "Un investissement accru dans les réponses communautaires est requis pour mettre fin au sida. À cette fin, l’ONUSIDA indique que les investissements dans la mobilisation communautaire devront tripler pour atteindre 3 % et que les catalyseurs sociaux devront représenter 8 % des dépenses totales d’ici 2020. Cependant, une enquête a récemment révélé que 40% des organisations mandatées de mettre en œuvre des activités communautaires déclarent une diminution de leur financement depuis 2013.


Engaging Communities is Critical in Every Step of Global Fund Processes

The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) - "Published by MSMGF this new review synthesizes good practices and proposes a series of strategic actions for the Global Fund in efforts to expand and enhance meaningful community engagement in all phases of its grants.



Mental Health - How to support staff affected by a trauma?

MMS Round Table, 6 June 2017 - The effect of traumas on the workforce in developing countries is far more serious than many people realize. A trauma can result from a war experience, natural disasters or from political tensions. Trauma impacts every aspect of a person’s effectiveness in the workplace. Traumatized workers are compromised in their ability to learn, think, manage change, and relate to others. They are more likely to have mental and physical health problems, including depression and substance abuse.


Education à la santé : besoin de renouveau ?

MMS Table Ronde, 8 Juin 2017 - Cette table ronde sera l’occasion d’échanger des réflexions sur l’éducation à la santé avec des experts tant en santé qu’en éducation. Cet espace de parole permettra aux intervenants de discuter de la nécessité d’innover les approches pédagogiques en matière d’éducation à la santé.


7th European Conference on African Studies

7th European Conference on African Studies, 29 June 2017 - The Centre for African Studies Basel and the Swiss Society for African Studies welcome you to the 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS 2017 with the theme: Urban Africa - Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban, which they organise on behalf of the Research Network of African Studies Centres in Europe AEGIS.


9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017)

The IAS Conference, 23 July 2017 - Bonjour! It is with great pleasure that we invite you to take part in the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) on 23-26 July 2017 at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France. This biennial gathering is the largest open scientific conference on HIV and AIDS related issues - bringing together a broad cross-section of more than 6,000 professionals from around the world to meet and examine the latest scientific developments in HIV-related research with a focus on moving science into practice and policy.

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