

Avril 2015



No one left behind!

Chères lectrices et chers lecteurs d'aidsfocus,

Les prisonniers et le VIH est un sujet négligé et peu connu. Même pendant ma recherche bibliographique, j'ai trouvé peu d'informations sur ce thème. Il est pourtant clair que le VIH et d'autres maladies sexuellement transmissibles constituent un problème capital en prison. De par le monde, on estime qu'environ 10 millions de personnes sont incarcérées tous les ans et que près de 30 millions des détenus passent de l'incarcération à la libération. La majorité des détenus se trouve dans les prisons de Russie, de Chine et des États-Unis. La prévalence du VIH en prison est évaluée comme étant 2 à 10 fois plus élevée qu'au sein de la population adulte générale.

Les principales voies de transmission sont connues : la consommation de drogue est élevée et des aiguilles propres sont un luxe, des relations sexuelles non protégées sont la règle étant donné qu'il n'y a guère de distribution de préservatifs et, en Russie notamment, les tatouages réalisés avec des aiguilles infectées sont monnaie courante chez les détenus.

Il n'existe aucun chiffre précis sur le taux de VIH et son traitement. Ce qui ne signifie pas que les efforts en matière de prévention, de dépistage volontaire et de traitement doivent être négligés ! Une tâche très ardue, notamment si l'on tient compte du fait que l'accès aux prisons est très souvent entravé et non souhaité.

Nous pouvons nous réjouir à l'avance de l'intervention du Dr. Laurant Gétaz de Genève sur le sujet «Syphilis, HIV and other STIs in a female prison in Bolivia» qu'il tiendra dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle d' «HIV/Aids and vulnerable groups – no one left behind»

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Conference 2015: HI/AIDS and vulnerable groups - No one left behind

Carine Weiss, MSc MIH

Coordinatrice d'

Directrice de projet Medicus Mundi Suisse

Topic of the Month

Le VIH/sida dans les prisons

Tant que les besoins des groupes vulnérables (appelés aussi «key populations») ne seront pas satisfaits, le VIH ne peut être enrayé durablement. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, la plupart des gouvernements ont négligé de se pencher sur le sujet du VIH dans les prisons.


Informations Internationals

WHO and the health of LGBT individuals

The Lancet, 21 march 2015 - In his Offline, Richard Horton recently emphasised WHO's “persisting weaknesses” ahead of their Executive Board session. With WHO reform in the air, Director-General Margaret Chan stated in her opening remarks that the “agenda covers some of the most pressing public health problems” and that there is “growing evidence that well-functioning and inclusive health systems contribute to social cohesion, equity, and stability.”


Ebola and HIV: how to change behaviour for the long term

Irin news, NAIROBI, 20 March 2015 - There have been no new Ebola infections in Liberia in the past three weeks, but it’s still far too early to say the virus has been defeated – Liberia’s borders are porous and its neighbours have been less successful in taming their outbreaks.


Empowering women is critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

UNAIDS, Geneva, 8 March 2015—As we celebrate International Women’s Day, world leaders and civil society are gathering in New York to take part in the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. There, they will review the progress made since the adoption 20 years ago of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which set ambitious targets designed to improve the lives of women around the world.


Special Edition for International Women’s Day

The Global Fund, 6 March 2015 - "Maurine Murenga’s story could begin on the morning she learned she was HIV positive. Or it could begin the afternoon when her boyfriend, who had also just tested HIV positive, left their shared apartment in Nairobi, Kenya, never to return, even though she was pregnant with their first baby.


Rapports et Études

UNAIDS Strategy: Virtual consultation on UNAIDS 2016-2021 strategy

UNAIDS wants to hear from you: As a global community, we have set our sights on ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. To reach this objective, the response must be urgently fast-tracked through a change agenda.


Seeking input into the development of three 2016-2021 Global Health Sector Strategies: HIV/AIDS; Viral Hepatitis; and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

World Health Organisation - The draft global health sector strategy on STIs for 2016– 2021 has been developed for discussion during a series of multi-stakeholder consultations from March to December 2015. The strategy builds on the Global strategy for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections 2006-2015, and will be closely aligned with the post-2015 health and development agenda and targets, and the drive towards universal health coverage.


Key Populations Action Plan 2014-2017

The Global Fund - This document provides outlines five strategic objectives to guide the inclusion of key populations and their needs in every step of the grant life cycle. It also provides an expanded definition of the term “key populations”.


HIV and adolescents: focus on young key populations

Journal of the International AIDS Society 2015 - Adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for HIV due to the many developmental, psychological, social, and structural transitions that converge in this period of the lifespan. In addition, adolescent deaths resulting from HIV continue to rise despite declines in other age groups.


To Protect and Serve

Open Society Foundations - Recent studies from Ukraine, for example - a country I visit often in my role as UN Special Envoy - have estimated that fear of police is the single greatest factor associated with needle sharing among people who inject drugs, and that the elimination of police violence could reduce new HIV infections among people who use drugs in Odessa by as much as 19 percent.



The Future of the Swiss Engagement against Malaria

Basel, 22 April 2015 | Swiss Malaria Group - Malaria remains an important public health challenge and a main cause of morbidity and mortality in many countries. Therefore it is the major goal of the Swiss Engagement to support research and effective and sustainable interventions and strategies to further reduce malaria prevalence and incidence.


Community participation in Public Health

Basel, 23 April 2015 | Swiss TPH - Since the early 1970s, participatory approaches involving community members have been used in the public health sector as a strategy to improve the quality of health services as well as their accessibility. The approaches and their underlying concepts, frameworks and methods have varied greatly in past and present.


Welt- Malaria- Tag 25. April 2015

Basel, 25 April 2015 | Swiss Malaria group - Malaria gehört nach wie vor zu den gefährlichsten Infektionskrankheiten der Erde und jede Minute stirbt ein Kind an der Erkrankung. Der 25. April ist dem Andenken an all jene gewidmet, denen dieses grosse Leid widerfuhr und deren Leben durch Malaria zerstört wurde.

continue... Conference 2015

Bern, 7 May 2015 | - This year’s annual aidsfocus conference will focus on vulnerable groups such as Sex workers, injecting drug users; migrants or prisoners.

continue..., la Plate-forme suisse «VIH/sida et coopération internationale» est un projet de Medicus Mundi Suisse. 22 organisations partenaires et la Direction de Développement et Coopération (DDC) participent avec une contribution financière.

Les partenaires d'aidsfocus: Action de Carême, Aide Suisse contre le Sida, CO-OPERAID, Croix-Rouge suisse, FEPA, Fondation Terre des hommes, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, Gemeinschaft der St. Anna-Schwestern, IAMANEH Suisse, Kindernothilfe Schweiz, Kwa Wazee, Ligue suisse des femmes catholiques, mediCuba-Suisse, mission 21, MIVA Suisse, Sida & l'enfant, SolidarMed, Swiss Aids Care International, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), TearFund, terre des hommes schweiz, World Vision Suisse.