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aidsfocus.nouvelles20/12/2006 |
BULLETIN ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LA PLATE-FORME SUISSE «VIH/SIDA ET COOPÉRATION INTERNATIONALE» Décembre 2006 Chère lectrice, cher lecteur A lapproche de Noël et comme «mise en condition» pour les fêtes de fin dannée, jai souhaité rédiger un e-bulletin comportant des nouvelles qui soient positives et source dinspiration. Ce sera, ai-je pensé, un e-bulletin très court mais très chaleureux. Et, à ma grande joie, jai en effet trouvé plusieurs nouvelles réjouissantes. Parmi celles-ci, la remise du prix de Human Rights Watch à Beatrice Were, militante ougandaise contre le sida et fondatrice de la National Community of Women Living with AIDS (NACWOLA). Autre exemple: lattribution du Prix Ruban rouge, nouvellement créé, à Jonsen Habachimba, un jeune Kényan de 24 ans, pour son engagement novateur auprès des orphelins du sida, ainsi quà dautres personnes et groupes de base. Je trouve particulièrement motivant le fait que ce soient surtout des jeunes qui se mobilisent, par exemple dans le «Y-PEER», un réseau dynamique en pleine expansion regroupant des garçons et des filles qui utilisent les médias électroniques Internet aussi bien que télévision pour informer et échanger sur le VIH, le sida et la santé sexuelle. Je lis des comptes rendus en provenance du Népal, de Roumanie et du Zimbabwe sur des campagnes et des groupes de soutien de jeunes pour les jeunes, sengageant solidairement et résolument pour un avenir meilleur. Autant de signes despoir. Avec ce regard tourné vers lavenir, je vous souhaite de très belles fêtes. Helena Zweifel Coordinatrice aidsfocus.ch NOUVELLES POSITIVES 1. AIDS ACTIVIST BEATRICE WERE RECEIVES HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH AWARD 2. RED RIBBON AWARD 3. Y-PEER: CREATING A SOCIAL MOVEMENT OF YOUTH REACHING OUT TO THEIR PEERS 4. NEPAL: YOUNG PEOPLE BOOSTING THE NATIONAL HIV/AIDS PROGRAMME 5. YOUTH FOR YOUTH: INCREASING AWARENESS, CHANGING BEHAVIOUR IN ROMANIA 6. SUCCESS OF MOSCOW HIV AND AIDS PREVENTION PROJECT FOR TEENAGE GIRLS 7. CHINA: "I KNOW THAT ONLY I CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE 8. SPORT COMBATS STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION 9. HAS SWAZILAND TURNED THE CORNER IN THE FIGHT AGAINST AIDS? INFORMATIONS DE LA COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE SUISSE 1. AIDS & ENFANT: AUCH KINDER HABEN RECHTE! 2. FEPA: HOFFNUNG DURCH LIEBE, FÜRSORGE UND GEGENSEITIGE UNTERSTÜTZUNG 3. SRK: HIV/AIDS: DER KAMPF IST NOCH LANGE NICHT GEWONNEN 4. WORD VISION: EIN WEITER WEG.... 5. MISSION 21: "FRAUEN UND AIDS IN AFRIKA" 6. MISSION 21: PARTAGER LA FOI SURMONTER DES BARRIERES 7. FONDATION TERRE DES HOMMES: VIH INFO NO. 17 NOUVEAUX RESSOURCES ET RAPPORTS 1. LA SITUATION DES ENFANTS DANS LE MONDE 2007 : FEMMES ET ENFANTS 2. FHI/UNAIDS: BEST PRACTICES IN HIV/AIDS PREVENTION COLLECTION 3. ENGAGING COMMUNITIES IN YOUTH REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND HIV PROJECTS: A GUIDE TO PARTICIPATORY ASSESSMENTS MANIFESTATIONS 08.01.2007 | AIDSFOCUS.CH: PEER REVIEW GROUP MAINSTREAMING HIV 17.01.2007 | AIDSFOCUS.CH AM "COP DARE-TO-SHARE" AN DER DEZA 26.04.2007 | AIDSFOCUS.CH: POSITIVE MOTHERHOOD - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF HIV PREVENTION, TREATMENT AND CARE 30.04.2007 | CINFO : VIVRE ET TRAVAILLER DANS UN CONTEXTE MARQUÉ PAR LE SIDA 06.06.2007 | DEZA: MAINSTREAMING HIV/AIDS IN PRACTICE DES NOUVELLES POSITIFS AIDS ACTIVIST BEATRICE WERE RECEIVES HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH AWARD AIDS and human rights are inextricably linked as demonstrated by Beatrice Were, a leading advocate for the rights of people living with HIV in Uganda who recently received the Human Rights Watch Defender Award in recognition of her work. Mrs. Were is the co-founder of the National Community of Women Living with AIDS (NACWOLA), a grassroots organization that provides services to more than 40,000 women in 20 districts of Uganda. She has served as Executive Coordinator of the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Uganda, and was formerly a member of the UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights. (November 2006) RED RIBBON AWARD "Red Ribbon Award: Celebrating Community Leadership and Action on AIDS" is a new joint initiative of the Community and Leadership Programmes of the International AIDS Conference and is being organized by UNDP in partnership with UNAIDS. The Red Ribbon Award aims to support creative and sustainable ways to provide care, treatment and support to people living with HIV/AIDS through the recognition of outstanding community leadership in addressing the epidemic. Jonsen Habachimba, a 24-year-old tailor from Choma in Kenya who started making school uniforms for AIDS orphans with a lone sewing machine, is a winner of the award. On World AIDS Day 2006, the organisation he founded received a cheque for USD $20,000. Y-PEER: CREATING A SOCIAL MOVEMENT OF YOUTH REACHING OUT TO THEIR PEERS Y-PEER stands for Youth Peer Education Network, a network of over 200 organizations and institutions, consisting of thousands of young people, working in the broad areas of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. The network, which is constantly expanding, consists of youth from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and both North and East Africa. As of the end of 2005, Y-PEER linked more than 3,000 members from 39 countries. The network is based on person-to-person meetings and electronic communications via an interactive web site, as well as providing access to national and international listservs. NEPAL: YOUNG PEOPLE BOOSTING THE NATIONAL HIV/AIDS PROGRAMME In Nepal, over 80,000 young people are injecting energy into the fight against AIDS. They are planning and running successful initiatives to prevent HIV within their families and communities. They are also influencing how the national AIDS budget is distributed by donors and used by national authorities. These young people have benefited from a Global Fund-supported programme run by the Nepal Red Cross Society that provides Life Skills to help them avoid contracting HIV. These leadership, problem solving, social and survival skills enable them to communicate assertively and avoid unwanted pregnancies, drug addiction, violence and other problems that could lead to HIV infection. http://www.investinginourfuture.com YOUTH FOR YOUTH: INCREASING AWARENESS, CHANGING BEHAVIOUR IN ROMANIA UNFPA partner, Youth for Youth Foundation, has reached over one million young people with sexuality education and information on preventing sexually transmitted infections and HIV through peer education. National awareness campaigns launched by Youth for Youth in partnership with other grassroots NGOs and the Ministry of Education have been credited with heading off an AIDS epidemic in the country. SUCCESS OF MOSCOW HIV AND AIDS PREVENTION PROJECT FOR TEENAGE GIRLS Russian Federation: World Visions first large HIV and AIDS prevention project aimed to reduce high risk sexual behaviour among teenage girls in Moscow has been extended for another year due to the positive impact on the young women. While trained school personnel will enhance school capacities to educate young people on HIV and AIDS, the outreach component of the project focused on reaching street girls, a group that is most vulnerable and closed for access. Peer-to-peer counselling and informal discussions right on the street were aimed to positively influence adolescent girls with high risk behaviour. CHINA: "I KNOW THAT ONLY I CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE "I know that only I can change the future for me and my family. I am the hope of my family and they have very high expectations for me, so I must work hard. Perhaps the only way is for me to enter university. I have to study in the best university and let my family live a better life... (AIDS orphan in her memory book) The China Memory Book Network aims at giving long-term support to the children who have been orphaned or impacted by HIV/AIDS in the wake of a blood-selling disaster that devastated parts of rural central China barely two decades ago. The Network strives to nurture and guide the children by helping them establish mutual connections with their family members and their community. SPORT COMBATS STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION Breaking the silence surrounding HIV and promoting open discussion are key to addressing stigma and discrimination. Sport can play a significant role in identifying and changing harmful attitudes that promote HIV-related stigma. It can increase the confidence of children infected and affected by the disease, and in the process help to minimise the fear, silence and denial associated with HIV. Sport as a tool for development is increasingly gaining global recognition as an inexpensive, effective way to reach the most vulnerable populations. HAS SWAZILAND TURNED THE CORNER IN THE FIGHT AGAINST AIDS? Mbane, 5 December - The Swazi government expressed cautious optimism after a survey found that 39.2 percent of women visiting antenatal clinics tested positive for HIV, indicating that the infection rate was dropping. The decline in HIV infections was recorded in urban and rural areas in all four regions of Swaziland and in all age groups, with the sharpest reduction occurring among those aged 25 to 29 years, from 56 percent in 2004 to 48 percent in 2006. "We are cautiously optimistic that this decline demonstrates that our prevention strategies are beginning to take hold," NERCHA director Derek von Wissell said. "We need to step up our fight against this disease and push even harder to continue the prevalence rate decline." (PLUSNEWS) INFORMATIONS DE LA COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE SUISSE AIDS&KIND;:AUCH KINDER HABEN RECHTE! Das Children's Rights Centre in Durban hat ein Handbuch mit Vorbild-Charakter für HIV-positive Kinder entwickelt, das ihnen für die Einnahme ihrer Aids-Medikamente praktische Anweisungen gibt und auch ihre Rechte erläutert. Das My living positively hand-book richtet sich an Kinder bis zum 12. Altersjahr, die mit HIV leben und eine antiretrovirale Behandlung erhalten. Es ist vorerst auf Englisch, Zulu und Xhosa erschienen und wird über Kinderorganisationen und pädiatrische Kliniken verteilt. (2006) FEPA: HOFFNUNG DURCH LIEBE, FÜRSORGE UND GEGENSEITIGE UNTERSTÜTZUNG «Es ist schmerzhaft mit Aids zu leben», sagt Makaita Meja mit einem Lächeln, «aber jetzt habe ich gelernt, ein positives Leben zu führen.» Sie führt weiter aus: «Ich bin Auxillia Chimusoro sehr dankbar, dass sie die Batanai-Unterstützungsgruppe gründete, wo ich lernte, wie man mit Aids positiv leben kann. Batanai hat mir auch beigebracht, wie ich für mich sorgen kann; jetzt bin ich in der Lage für meine Mutter und mich selbst aufzukommen. Und ich zeige anderen, was ich bezüglich positives Leben gelernt habe.» (FEPA Mitteilungsblatt Oktober 2006) SRK: HIV/AIDS: DER KAMPF IST NOCH LANGE NICHT GEWONNEN Daniel Biedermann, Direktor des Schweizerischen Roten Kreuzes (SRK), hat Anfang November 2007 die SRK-Projekte in Swasiland besucht. Im Kleinstaat im südlichen Afrika sind rund 33% der Erwachsenen mit dem HI-Virus infiziert. Im Interview erklärt Biedermann: Es war eine kontrastreiche Reise: Einerseits empfinde ich angesichts des Elends tiefe Betroffenheit und Entmutigung, anderseits sind die Lebensfreude und der Überlebenswille der Menschen derart eindrücklich und ansteckend, dass auch Hoffnung aufkommt. Dass die Menschen trotz ihrer tragischen Lebensumstände noch die Kraft haben zu lachen, hat mich berührt und ermutigt. WORLD VISION: EIN WEITER WEG.... Eine Bestandesaufnahme der Situation von Kindern in Afrika, die durch HIV und AIDS verwaist oder gefährdet sind - Eine Länderstudie zur Überprüfung der UN-Verpflichtungserklärung zu HIV/AIDS, herausgegeben von World Vision. Diese qualitative Studie untersucht, inwieweit die Rechte und Bedürfnisse von Waisen und gefährdeten Kindern in vier der am schwersten betroffenen Länder Subsahara-Afrikas gesichert bzw. erfüllt werden: Äthiopien, Mosambik, Uganda und Sambia. Die Studie hat herausgefunden, dass in allen vier Ländern durch AIDS verwaiste und gefährdete Kinder die ersten sind, die in den Bereichen Bildung, Gesundheit, Ernährung und bei anderen Grundbedürfnissen zu kurz kommen. (2006) MISSION 21: "FRAUEN UND AIDS IN AFRIKA" Afrika ist der von HIV/Aids am stärksten betroffene Kontinent. Von den Positiven sind 57% Frauen. Wir berichten unter anderem über das Schicksal von Monique Moulinga, einer Aids-Kranken in Kamerun. In einem Interview mit Gunda Stegen, Mitarbeiterin von mission 21, berichtet sie von den Schwierigkeiten der Aufklärung über HIV/Aids im Sudan und wir erzählen die Geschichte von Frauen, die ehrenamtlich Aids-Kranke auf ihrem schwierigen Weg begleiten und beraten. MISSION 21: PARTAGER LA FOI SURMONTER DES BARRIERES Cahier détudes bibliques oecoméniques accompagnant le thème annuel Mains dans la main contre le SIDA. « Dans un premier temps, nous aimerions que vous vous confrontiez vous-même et votre groupe de travail biblique aux textes proposés, et que vous puissiez poser vos propres questions, à partir du contexte dans lequel vous vivez. Puis mission 21 vous offre dans un deuxième temps, loccasion déchanger vos découvertes à la lecture des textes, vos questions et vos réflexions, avec un autre groupe de travail biblique, appartenant à une autre Eglise, dans un autre espace culturel. » (2006) FONDATION TERRE DES HOMMES: VIH INFO NO. 17 Bulletin informatif trimestriel de la Fondation Terre des hommes : Journée mondiale SIDA : pleins feux sur la RESPONSABILITÉ, avec un supplément médical. NOUVEAUX RESSOURCES ET RAPPORTS LA SITUATION DES ENFANTS DANS LE MONDE 2007 : FEMMES ET ENFANTS Le rapport « La Situation des enfants dans le monde 2007 », publié par UNICEF, examine discrimination et la marginalisation auxquelles se heurte les femmes tout au long de leur vie et définit mesures à prendre pour éliminer la discrimination et favoriser lautonomisation des femmes et des filles. (Décembre 2006) FHI/UNAIDS: BEST PRACTICES IN HIV/AIDS PREVENTION COLLECTION Recognizing the vital role of prevention, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and Family Health International (FHI) published the FHI/UNAIDS Best Practices in HIV/AIDS Prevention Collection. Encompassing a broad body of knowledge and expertise, this book is centered on HIV/AIDS prevention in the non-industrialized world. This collection offers a substantial number of models that may be replicated around the world. From this group of interventions, 20 initiatives have been chosen that are considered to be of global importance for dissemination through a case study approach. (2006) ENGAGING COMMUNITIES IN YOUTH REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND HIV PROJECTS: A GUIDE TO PARTICIPATORY ASSESSMENTS The involvement of young people and their families in the creation and implementation of targeted interventions is commonly held as a pivotal part of the success or failure of a programme. Recruiting such groups, however, remains a challenge. This toolkit provides an overview of various participatory assessment processes in the area of YRH and HIV/AIDS. Examples of good practice drawn from the work of Family Health International's youth programmes are presented. These give a clear idea of the standards, safeguards and benefits for involving young people.(YouthNet, Family Health International (FHI) 2006) MANIFESTATIONS 08.01.2007 | AIDSFOCUS.CH: PEER REVIEW GROUP MAINSTREAMING HIV/AIDS Zürich | Sharing of experiences and learning from each other is an effective way in the process to mainstream HIV into ones own organisation. How do others do it? Where in the process are they? Which are the open questions, the challenges, the successes, the lessons learned? Have there been any results yet? The Terre des Hommes Foundation is inviting partners of aidsfocus.ch to the next meeting. If you are interested, please send in your registration to Claudia Kessler, claudia.kessler@unibas.ch 17.01.2007 | AIDSFOCUS.CH AM "COP-DARE TO SHARE" AN DER DEZA Ausserholligen | Auf Einladung der Fachstelle Wissen der DEZA an alle Communities of Practice (CoPs) wird aidsfocus.ch sich an einem Marktstand darzustellen und Interessierten im direkten Gespräch weiterführende Auskunft zu geben. In parallelen Workshops werden gemeinsame Herausforderungen der CoPs bearbeitet. 26.04.2007 | AIDSFOCUS.CH: POSITIVE MOTHERHOOD - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF HIV PREVENTION, TREATMENT AND CARE Bern | aidsfocus.ch conference 2007: Worldwide, around 1 per cent of pregnant women are HIV-positive; 95 per cent live in developing countries. If an HIV-positive woman becomes pregnant, there is a 35 per cent chance that she will transmit the virus to her child if no preventative action is taken. More than 700,000 children become HIV-positive via vertical HIV transmission. However, this is preventable. What are the challenges and opportunities of voluntary counselling and testing in antenatal care and of prevention of vertical HIV transfer? What are the criteria for breastfeeding by positive mothers and/or supplying infant formula? What is the impact of socio-cultural significance of motherhood? How to deal with the social stigma which positive women and their families are confronted with? These are some of the issues that will be explored at the conference, looking at the issues from a socio-cultural as well as a medical perpsective, reflecting on theory and practice. (Programme available End of January 2007) 30.04.2007 | CINFO : VIVRE ET TRAVAILLER DANS UN CONTEXTE MARQUÉ PAR LE SIDA Bienne | Le sida n'affecte non seulement chaque aspect de la vie des populations concernées, mais il a également un impact considérable sur la vie et le travail du personnel expatrié de la CI. Ce séminaire de cinfo a pour objectif daccompagner les participant-e-s afin qu'ils/elles puissent mieux gérer ce défi. Public-cible: Collaborateurs/trices des organisations de la CI et personnes accompagnantes. 06.06.2007 | DEZA: MAINSTREAMING HIV/AIDS IN PRACTICE Ausserholligen | The course offered by SDC aims to provide information on and skills in mainstreaming HIV/AIDS. It aims to strengthen participants motivation and competence to mainstream HIV/AIDS as relevant for their work. At the end of the day, participants should understand the concept of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS and its multisectoral dimension, know the most important elements of the SDC toolkit mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in practice and understand how to work with the toolkit. www.aidsfocus.ch aidsfocus.ch, la Plate-forme suisse «VIH/sida et coopération internationale» est un projet de Medicus Mundi Suisse. 30 organisations partenaires et la Direction de Développement et Coopération (DDC) participent avec une contribution financière. Les partenaires d'aidsfocus : Action de Carême, Aide Suisse contre le Sida, Bethlehem Mission Immensee, Caritas suisse, cinfo, CO-OPERAID, Croix-Rouge suisse, Déclaration de Berne, EPER, FEPA, Fondation Terre des hommes, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, Féderation Internationale du Croix-Bleue, Gemeinschaft der St. Anna-Schwestern, IAMANEH Suisse, INTERTEAM, Institut Tropical Suisse, Médecins Sans Frontières, medico international suisse, mediCuba-Suisse, missio, mission 21, MIVA Suisse, REPSSI, Sida & l'enfant, SolidarMed, Swiss Aids Care, Tear Fund, terre des hommes suisse, World Vision Suisse. |
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