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aidsfocus.flash21/07/2012 |
Elektronic Bulletin of aidsfocus.ch Swiss platform on HIV/AIDS and international cooperation
Dear reader, On my way to Washington DC to the International AIDS Conference. Over 20000 participants are expected, activists, researchers and people living with HIV. For six long days they will attend x plenary sessions, workshops and discussion on recent scientific evidence and new strategies in the AIDS response. Just a huge circus that costs a lot? I do not think so. It is important to put a sign now, at a time when we experience AIDS fatigue (this is not a problem anymore, there is medication, other problems are much more burning issues .) and dwindling resources in the international AIDS commitments: AIDS still is among us. The number of people living with HIV has risen again up to 34,2 Million in 2011. Deaths from AIDS related causes dropped from 1.7 million last year, while new infections came down from 2.6 million to 2.5 million. The good news is the rise in the numbers of people with HIV who are getting treatment. Some 8 million people are on antiretroviral drugs virus, keeping them not only healthy but less likely to infect anyone else. But still, Millions are waiting for this chance. Have we crossed over the peak of the AIDS epidemic? We hope so. But this is not the time to rest on our achievements: to turn the tide not less but more political and financial commitment is needed. In Washington, I will meet many committed people, meet old friends and make new ones to develop strategies for joint advocacy, e.g. to strengthen the Global Fund or to support children and youth affected by HIV and AIDS. In Washington, I hope to find allies, to gain new knowledge and to fill in the tank with new energies in order to be fit and ready for our future commitment towards ending AIDS. If you stayed home, you will have the opportunity to follow the discussion over the net. Here are the most important links. Helena Zweifel Coordinator aidsfocus.ch Executive Director Medicus Mundi Switzerland 22.07.2012 | XIX INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE: TURNING THE TIDE TOGETHER Washington DC | AIDS 2012 will bring together leading scientists, public health experts, policy-makers and the HIV-affected community to translate recent momentous scientific advances into action that will address means to end the epidemic, within the current context of significant global economic challenges. The Conference will have a positive impact on the HIV and AIDS response globally, and in the United States and Washington, DC, in particular. Washington DC, 22-27 July 2012 THE WASHINGTON D.C DECLARATION: TURNING THE TIDE TOGETHER A DECLARATION TO END THE AIDS EPIDEMIC We stand at a unique time in the history of the AIDS epidemic. Three decades of tenacious community advocacy, research, and service provision have brought the world to the brink of a scenario unthinkable a few short years ago: the possibility of beginning to end the AIDS epidemic in our lifetimes. The losses have been incalculable; the gains extraordinary. But now, through new scientific advances, and societal, political and human rights gains, we have discovered that it is possible to assemble and deliver a package of proven strategies, which, if taken to scale, can turn the tide on AIDS. To turn this tide together we must:
Sign the Declaration ONLINE COVERAGE OF XIX INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE The International AIDS Society (IAS), custodian of the International AIDS Conference, and the Kaiser Family Foundation will provide free, worldwide online access to the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) taking place in Washington, D.C., USA. AIDS 2012 will feature presentations of important new scientific research and opportunities for dialogue on the major challenges facing the global response to AIDS. http://www.kff.org In addition to more than 50 online webcasts of conference sessions and press conferences, podcasts will be available for downloading in both English and Spanish. http://aids2012.org NAMS ONLINE SCIENTIFIC NEWS COVERAGE OF AIDS 2012 NAM will provide the official online scientific news coverage at AIDS 2012 through their website aidsmap.com. Each day NAMs reporters will be covering the key scientific presentations at the conference, publishing news stories to communicate the evidence of what works, what doesnt, and the views of the worlds leading researchers, activists and policy makers on where the HIV field is going next. They will also be tweeting if excited. You can start following them on Twitter by visiting our conference web page. You can read background articles on key themes at aidsmap.com before the conference starts; visit http://www.aidsmap.com UNAIDS REPORT: TOGETHER WE WILL END AIDS Entitled Together we will end AIDS, the new UNAIDS report contains the latest data on numbers of new HIV infections, numbers of people receiving antiretroviral treatment, AIDS-related deaths and HIV among children. It highlights new scientific opportunities and social progress which are bringing the world closer to UNAIDS vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. (July 2012) MORE THAN 80 COUNTRIES INCREASE THEIR DOMESTIC INVESTMENTS FOR AIDS BY OVER 50% BETWEEN 2006 AND 2011 Washington, DC/ Geneva, 18 July 2012 A new report by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) shows that domestic funding for HIV has exceeded international investments. The report, Together we will end AIDS, states that low- and middle- income countries invested US$ 8.6 billion for the response in 2011, an increase of 11% over 2010. International funding however remained flat at 2008 levels (US$ 8.2 billion). This is an era of global solidarity and mutual accountability, said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. Countries most affected by the epidemic are taking ownership and demonstrating leadership in responding to HIV. However, it is not enough for international assistance to remain stable it has to increase if we are to meet the 2015 goals. |
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