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aidsfocus.flash17/12/2013 |
Dear partner of aidsfocus.ch Colleagues and friends, I am pleased to be able bring you very good news just before Christmas: Switzerland increases its contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to 60 million Swiss francs for the years 2014-2016. The Steering Committee and the coordinator of aidsfocus.ch are very happy about this success, to which the advocacy work of aidsfocus.ch contributed. You may remember: A year ago, on 12 December 2012 at the annual meeting of aidsfocus.ch on the Global Fund, the partners of aidsfocus.ch discussed with Michael O'Connor (Global Fund) and Marc de Santis (SDC) the need for a strengthened Global Fund. The partners of aidsfocus.ch decided to write a letter to Martin Dahinden, Director of SDC, to increase Switzerland's contribution to the Global Fund to 50 million Swiss Francs. In May, 2013, on the occasion of the visit of Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund, to Federal Councilor Didier Burkhalter, aidsfocus.ch was invited as representative of civil society organizations at a roundtable. In between, there have been calls and e-mails with the various stakeholders. To achieve the increase of the Swiss contribution, it was crucial that different actors worked together and within their sphere of influence towards a common goal: Strengthening the Global Fund to save lives. Jan Van Damme, Donor Relations Officer at the Global Fund in Geneva analyzed in an email to aidsfocus.ch the interplay of the various factors that have contributed to the success: The increase to CHF 60 million is indeed an extraordinary achievement. I think what did it in the end is that all parties were aligned:
Then there was the strategic timing and coordination for the many and regular meetings, calls and emails, and for the messaging. The general enthusiasm with donors, partners and implementers around the need for funding combined with the returned confidence in the Global Fund complete the picture. I would like to thank the partners and the Steering Committee of aidsfocus.ch for their commitment. With my best wishes for the holiday season Helena Zweifel Coordinator aidsfocus.ch Executive Director of the Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland LA SUISSE RENFORCE SON ENGAGEMENT DANS LA LUTTE CONTRE LE PALUDISME, LE VIH/SIDA ET LA TUBERCULOSE Berne, 13 décembre 2013 - Le Conseil fédéral approuve une contribution de 60 millions de francs au Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme (GFATM) pour la période 2014-2016. Cofondatrice en 2002 du fonds, qui a son siège à Genève, la Suisse en est un partenaire important depuis le début. Le paludisme, la tuberculose et le VIH/SIDA demeurent les principales causes de décès dans les pays situés au sud du Sahara. Ces trois maladies constituent un obstacle majeur au développement de ces pays. La lutte contre le paludisme, le VIH/SIDA et la tuberculose est une très haute priorité, tant pour la coopération internationale au développement que pour la Suisse. Les succès majeurs obtenus en la matière sont sans aucun doute également imputables au GFATM, qui est le plus important bailleur de fonds à léchelle mondiale dans la lutte contre ces trois maladies. UN AVENIR SANS SIDA ENGAGEMENT RENFORCÉ DE LA SUISSE POUR LE FONDS MONDIAL aidsfocus.ch / Berne, le 13 décembre 2013 La plate-forme suisse aidsfocus.ch salue la décision du Conseil fédéral de doubler la contribution de la Suisse au Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme. Le montant de la Suisse passera de 10 millions de francs suisses en 2013 à 20 millions annuellement. Elle accentue ainsi sa volonté politique et son engagement à ap-porter sa contribution significative afin que, dans le monde entier, les hommes puissent mener la vie la plus saine possible. La consolidation du Fonds mondial, par la Suisse également, constitue une étape importante sur la voie du dépassement de ces maladies. Les organisations réunies dans la plate-forme aidsfocus.ch vont continuer à s'engager dans la réalisation d'un monde sans sida. SWITZERLAND ESCALATES CONTRIBUTION TO THE GLOBAL FUND Geneva, 16 December 2013 Switzerland escalated its pledge to 60 million Swiss francs (US$68 million) over the next three years. Compared with its pledge of 21 million Swiss francs three years ago, the new commitment represents almost a tripling of Switzerlands contribution. Switzerland is very committed to the mandate of the Global Fund and to the fight against the three diseases, said Ambassador Martin Dahinden, Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Switzerland considers it a great privilege to host the Global Fund Secretariat in Geneva, where it has marked its place among other key-stakeholders in global health. On top of that, the Swiss pledge unlocks about US$34 million in additional contributions from the United States, and about US$10 million from the United Kingdom. Each country devised their pledges in a way that partially matches additional contributions by other donors. aidsfocus.ch, la Plate-forme suisse «VIH/sida et coopération internationale» est un projet de Medicus Mundi Suisse. 27 organisations partenaires et la Direction de Développement et Coopération (DDC) participent avec une contribution financière. Les partenaires d'aidsfocus: Action de Carême, Aide Suisse contre le Sida, Caritas suisse, CO-OPERAID, Croix-Rouge suisse, Déclaration de Berne, FEPA, Fondation Terre des hommes, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, Gemeinschaft der St. Anna-Schwestern, IAMANEH Suisse, Kindernothilfe Schweiz, Kwa Wazee, Ligue suisse des femmes catholiques, medico international suisse, mediCuba-Suisse, missio, mission 21, MIVA Suisse, Sida & l'enfant, SolidarMed, Swiss Aids Care International, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), TearFund, terre des hommes schweiz, World Vision Suisse. |
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