Filmpremiere am Welt-Aids-Tag 2015 in Basel – Kampf gegen das Stigma
1. Dezember 2015 - Eine HIV-Diagnose bleibt auch im Jahr 2015 ein Stigma für Betroffene und die Angst vor Diskriminierung ist gross. Dass dies auch anders sein kann, dokumentiert ein tansanischer Film, der am 1. Dezember 2015, dem Welt-Aids-Tag, in Basel Premiere feiern wird: „Just Like You – Wie Du und Ich“. Der Film porträtiert eine infizierte Pfarrerin, die zusammen mit einer grossen Selbsthilfegruppe erfolgreich das kollektive Schweigen der Gesellschaft über HIV/Aids durchbrochen hat.
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Welt-Aids-Tag 2015
Aids-Hilfe Schweiz - Der 1. Dezember ist Welt-Aids-Tag! Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sind dazu aufgefordert, aktiv zu werden im Kampf gegen Aids und ihre Solidarität gegenüber Menschen mit HIV zu zeigen.
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UNAIDS Executive Director delivers his World AIDS Day 2015 message
UNAIDS, 1 December 2015 - "The world has committed to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. This ambitious yet wholly attainable objective represents an unparalleled opportunity to change the course of history for ever—something our generation must do for the generations to come.
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Schweiz präsidiert UNAIDS
UNAIDS - UNAIDS verabschiedet neue Strategie, um Aids bis 2030 zu beenden. Der Vorstand von UNAIDS hat die Schweiz mit dem Präsidium dieser zentralen Institution der Vereinten Nationen im Kampf gegen Aids betraut. Aus Sicht des Netzwerks Medicus Mundi Schweiz ist dies ein Erfolg des verstärkten Engagements der Schweiz für die globale Gesundheit. UNAIDS verabschiedete ausserdem die neue Strategie, die zum Ziel hat, Aids bis ins Jahr 2030 zu beenden.
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Osteuropa bekommt HIV nicht unter Kontrolle
Die Zeit - "Die Zahl der HIV-Infektionen in der Europäischen WHO-Region ist erneut gestiegen. Nach einem Bericht des Europäischen Zentrums für die Prävention und die Kontrolle von Krankheiten (ECDC) sind im vergangenem Jahr 142.197 neue Ansteckungen registriert worden, 2013 waren es 136.235.
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Campaign highlights patients’ right: “Be Healthy — Know your viral load”
Science Speaks - “On 30 October 2015 a new campaign calls on African governments to make viral load tests routinely available to all citizens living with HIV.
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Ending the epidemics is a greater challenge than achieving progress: Dybul
aidspan.org - "Executive Director Mark Dybul challenges the Global Fund to do better. He provided the Board with a report that celebrated the Global Fund’s achievements but also challenged the Fund to do better on a number of fronts.
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SDG Series: Are SDGs the Vehicle to End AIDS by 2030? Only if Driven by Human Rights
Health and Human Rights Journal - "SDG 3, the overarching goal on health issues, seeks to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. Target 3.3 is, “By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases”. There are several other goals and targets in the proposed SDGs that are relevant to ending AIDS by 2030; these include goals 1-5, 8, 10, 11, 16 and 17. It is therefore useful to look at the SDGs as whole to assess how they might impact issues of HIV. (by Allan Maleche)
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More research on the impact of starting treatment early
aidsmap.com - As HIV Update has previously reported, the results of a groundbreaking study which demonstrated the benefits of starting HIV treatment early were released in the summer. The headline findings are clear and have already led to changes in treatment guidelines. All international guidelines now recommend that treatment is started as soon as people are diagnosed with HIV.
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UNAIDS: On the Fast-Track to end AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population
Within the pages of this World AIDS Day report, Focus on location and population, are more than 50 examples of how countries are getting on the Fast-Track.
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UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2021: On the Fast-Track to end AIDS
UNAIDS - The UNAIDS 2016–2021 Strategy is a bold call to action to get on the Fast-Track and reach people being left behind. It is an urgent call to front-load investments.
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Sustaining the human rights response to HIV
UNAIDS - The human rights response to HIV, largely implemented by civil society, has been crucial to the HIV response, but it appears that the funding for this work is insufficient and may be threatened further.
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Global Fund Board Approves New Strategic Framework
Global Fund, Geneva - "The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria approved a new framework for its 2017-2022 strategy to maximize impact, strengthen systems for health, promote and protect human rights and gender equality, and mobilize additional resources.
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Resources for Action for HIV and health programming with and for MSM
aidsalliance.org - "The resource guide aims to provide a quick reference on a wide range of topics relevant to rights-based, effective, sustainable and integrated community-led and public health responses to men who have sex with men (MSM).
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Filmpremiere zum Weltaidstag am 1. Dezember 2015
mission 21 - Mit einer Filmpremiere und Diskussion am 1. Dezember, dem Welt-Aids-Tag, rückt Mission 21 das Thema HIV/Aids wieder stärker ins Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit.
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Swiss TPH Winter Symposium 2015
Swiss TPH, 10 December 2015 - Drug resistance is emerging globally as a major public health and economic problem. It is both urgent and highly complex, affecting key aspects of human and animal health as well as agriculture and the environment in many interconnected ways. Whether they target pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites or their vectors, few drugs exist today, for which resistance has not already been documented.
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Symposium: Sexual and Reproductive Health in fragile environments
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) - On December 10th a symposium about challenges and innovative approaches that have improved the sexual and reproductive health of people in fragile environments will be held at KIT. Lessons learned and good practices shall be shared.
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XIX International AIDS Conference
International AIDS Society, 17 July 2016 - The conference theme reflects a unique moment in time, emphasizing that the HIV epidemic has reached a defining moment. By acting decisively on recent scientific advances in HIV treatment and biomedical prevention, the momentum for a cure, and the continuing evidence of the ability to scale-up key interventions in the most-needed settings, we now have the potential to end the HIV epidemic.
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aidsfocus.ch, die schweizerische Fachplattform HIV/Aids und internationale Zusammenarbeit ist ein Projekt von Medicus Mundi Schweiz. Mit der Bereitstellung von Informationen und einer Plattform für den gegenseitigen Austausch und das gemeinsame Lernen unterstützt aidsfocus.ch die schweizerischen Akteure im Bereich HIV/Aids und Internationale Zusammenarbeit. aidsfocus.ch wird finanziell unterstützt von den 22 Partnerorganisationen und der Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (DEZA).
Partner von aidsfocus.ch: Aids-Hilfe Schweiz, Aids & Kind, CO-OPERAID, Fastenopfer, Fédération Genevoise de Coopération, FEPA, Gemeinschaft der St. Anna-Schwestern, IAMANEH Schweiz, Kindernothilfe Schweiz, Kwa Wazee, mediCuba-Suisse, mission 21, miva Schweiz, SolidarMed, Schweizerischer Katholischer Frauenbund, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Stiftung Terre des hommes, Swiss Aids Care International, SwissTPH, TearFund, terre des hommes schweiz und World Vision Schweiz.